Postcards From The Underbelly

Bum Around

Me and Tunny were sitting on his porch listening to the Addicts. The calming tune of eyes in the back of your head lulling us into a comfterble silence.

"Tunny what the fuck was the door locked last night?"

"Cause it's to keep you varments out."
He chuckled pulling me into a head lock. I pushed him off reajusting myself. I smoothed out my skinnies. My heels bashed against the porch and Tunny flinched. He hated that. I smirked, doing it again.

"What the hell's wrong with you, you got brain damage or something?"
I laughed loudly at Tunny's accusation.

"Calm down I was just fucking with ya."
I inched closer to him pausing as I saw Jimmy walk up to us. I leaned back more, arching my back.

"What are you doing here Jimmy?"

"Came to get shitfaced."
He sat down between Tunny and myself. I looked at him as Tunny went inside to get some drinks.I bit my lip, twirling my hair inbetween my fingers. Jimmy's eyes wandered over to me and I giggled. Tunny came out with a beer.

"Here man."
He said as he handed it to him. Jimmy guzzled down a good quarter of it, sighing contently afterwards.

"Lets go down to the 711."
Tunny grinned looking at Jimmy.

"You just wanna kill my buzz don't you?"
He looked sarcastically back at him. Tunny just kept on grinning.

He clasped his hands on his knees standing up.

"I'm not going man."
Jimmy retorted standing up also. I sighed slumping down on the porch looking up at them upside down.

"You going with me or staying here?"
Tunny stood there looking at me.

"Fuck I don't wanna do either."
I laughed.

"You can come bum around with me."
Jimmy tossed his empty bottle in the lawn. I grinned.

"Lets go."
I spun around and let my heels click as I reached Jimmy. He held out his arm. I placed mine through he gap and we started walking down the sidewalk. I could hear Tunny mumbling some insults under his breath. But hell'd I care? I had a gorgous guy on my arm. What's wrong with that?

We walked down the street and wound up in an overhang of concrete walls. Scribbled with graffitti.

"Take a seat."
Jimmy smiled gestruing to an old and used lazy boy. I shrugged, harshly plopping myself down on it. Jimmy sat on the arm of the chair, looking down at me.

"So Whatsername, how come I haven't seen you around here before?"
He smirked down at me. I reajusted myself so I was looking up at him.

"Maybe your cocky ass wasn't looking hard enough."
I licked my pouty lips, smirking back at him.

If it was a challenge he wanted, it's a challenge he's gonna get.