Postcards From The Underbelly

Rough Time

I sat there boredly listening to the driver tell me all about how great it was being part of the union. I yawned, fanning my mouth. Boring... I slamned myself back in the seat. As much as a good looking guy he was, he sure wasn't one for conversation. I turned around looking at Jimmy, fiddling about with his necklace sitting in the back of the bus. He looked up at me turning away, looking at the window. I rolled my eyes, sticking a peice of gum in my mouth, smacking on it very unlady like.

"Hey how much fucking longer till we get there?"
I yelled over my head, faceless to the driver. I could hear him still talking to himself. I yelled, frustrated with this whole thing. This was not my plan. Jimmy was not gonna flake out on me now. I got up and started walking to the back of the bus.

"Hey your not suppose to be moving while the bus is in motion!"
The driver yelled at me, seemingly snapped out of his self converation.

"Yeah yeah, shut the hell up."
I waved at him, sitting next to Jimmy.

"We should have taken the train."
Jimmy glared at me as I stated my opnion.

"Jimmy would you fucking cut the crap out seriously, this is no time to panic."

"Fuck you, I just killed a man."
Jimmy snarled. A few people turned around in there seats. Jimmy leaned in.

"If you don't like it, you can fuck off. I really couldn't give a shit."
He whispered harshly. I raised an eyebrow. My pouty lips stretched upwards.

"Jimmy if I didn't care why would I be sitting on a bus, not even knowing where the hell I'm going. If you want me to be more sensitive then fine. I will. But just fucking know what I'm in this too. Your not the only one going through a rough time. I've been homeless for 3 years now. You think I'd know what it feels like to be going through a rough time don't you think so?"
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Imagine the bus driver to look like Tre' Cool. :)