Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 2006

Chapter One

December 4, 2006; 9:02 AM
Bella sat in the PA meeting, hiding her face in blue streaked blond hair and doodling on the sheets in front of her that told her what she was to do for the day.

Ed stood up and began speaking to the gathering. "Now, Bella and Allison, if you'd stop drawing on the sheets and look at them you'd see that you're coordinating the Christmas Party this year. We're going to be inviting bands that are in the area around, too, so you'd better get on that right away."

Bella glanced at her fellow blond and smiled. "Score!"

Alli looked toward her and returned the smile. Then she stood up and shouted "IN YOUR FACE, JOSH!"

Another PA stood up. "DON'T I GET ANYONE YELLING AT ME??" he shouted at her.


Karl began sulking and ruffling his papers around on the desk in front of him. Bella ruffled his brown hair in a friendly manner. "Don't worry, dude, she'll be back to normal after Josh gets a new episode done..."

Karl nodded at her and smiled. "So, can I help coordinate this party?"

"Of course, you dingbat." She said, bopping him on the head.

"Allison, Josh, stop fighting!" Ed shouted. "We've got other things to do, and Josh, your job's on the line anyways."

"Why are you telling people that? That's supposed to be a personal matter!" Josh stated.

"Hey dude, you've got a TV series called 'The PA.' America knows that you'll be fired's not so secret." Bella stated before returning to drawing Jared Leto from memory. Josh sat down and crossed his arms.

"She got you good, Josh." A cameraman stated.

"Shut up, Dave."

Ed finished adressing everything, and finally the PAs were allowed to do their tasks. Most of which were meaningless little ones, but there was still the matter of FUSE's Annual Christmas Party.

"I can't believe it! We got the Christmas Party!" Bella began spinning around while waiting for the elevator.

"I know, it's awesome luck." Alli said as she waited for the elevator in front of her to clear out. "Hey wait, are you from Good Charlotte?"

Joel turned around and faced her. "Yeah. Uh...we don't really have time for this right now, we've got a show in an hour. Mind if we come back?"

"Go for it, you gonna be in New York around Christmas?" She asked.

"Uh, not sure...we'll check and get back to you. What's your name?" Joel asked again.

Billy rolled his eyes. "Hey Madden, we've got a gig to play."

"Alli. Bye, you can't keep your fans waiting." She said as Billy dragged Joel out the front door.

Karl walked in the elevator. "Well, we got to meet Good Charlotte. I'd rather it was MCR, but hey..."

"Why not invite MCR? The guys normally like gatherings." Bella said.

"Yeah, yeah. Just cause you've already met them..."

"Ah, I was Gerard's personal PA. He asks for me anytime they come in." Bella stated proudly.

"Shut up." Karl said while slapping at her arm. The elevator door opened and the three PAs stepped out.

"Hey London, we got it!" Bella walked up to a desk and began talking to its' resident. The girl looked almost like Bella's twin, the only differences being that Bella wore glasses and London had purple streaks rather than blue ones.

"You got what?" She answered back in a fake British accent.

"The Christmas Party, you loon!" Bella shrieked. The girls began to jump around while Alli and Karl stood and watched them.

"Uh, I'm gonna go get those tapes for Steven now." Karl said while edging away from the kangaroos beside him.

"Have fun. I'm gonna stay here and make sure they don't kill anyone." Alli stated.

"You better invite me, you little idiot!" London stated after they stopped jumping.

"Who wouldn't invite a fellow leprechaun?" Bella answered back. "We've gotta go, I'll see you later!"

"Bye Bell." London responded, turning back to the computer and typing HTML for the website.

"Where'd Karl go?"

"He got scared of you jumping and went to go work."

"Work is overrated." Bella stated as they walked into their cubicle.

December 4, 2006; 2:05 PM
Bella set down a box and sighed. "Okay, now to Party Coordinating. ALLI GET OVER HERE! WE'RE PLANNING!"

Alli sighed and waved to the PA she was talking to before walking away from him. "Okay, what do you want?"

"We're planning. Now. While I was on lunch I got a list of touring bands that will be around here on the days...." Bella said, pulling out a list. "...and it'd actually be better to make it a Christmas and New Years' Party."

Alli grabbed the list and looked it over. "I see what you mean. And I know why you're doing it, too....My Chemical Romance comes into town on the 27th then heads home, and Jersey isn't that far away."

"Shut up! I did it for Aiden and Good Charlotte, too....not to mention Avenged Sevenfold..."

"That's what they all say." Alli said sarcastically. "It looks like a good list, if we can get them all. We both calling?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

With a tentative band list decided, Alli and Bella began calling managers.