Status: sleeping

Did We All Fall Down, Well After All

Chapter 19

::Hannah's POV::

I had been playing Guitar Hero against Charlie for at least an hour now. Most everyone had left, except Frank, Jamia, Alicia, Matt, Adam, Mark, Jeph, Bert, and Quinn.

"Gah!!" I shouted in frustration as the bridge of the song came up, along with an intricate string of notes and chords, forcing me to move my fingers a mile a minute. Frank picked up a real guitar and started to play the chorus of 'To The End'. "Frank, that's not helping!" He stuck his tongue out at me and continued playing. After missing, yet again, another note, the song stopped and 'Song Failed' came up onto the screen. "Bastard," I muttered to myself before yawning. It was getting pretty late.

"Tired?" Alicia asked.

"I think that crash is coming from the sugar rush I had a few hours ago. Charlie, where are you sleeping?"

"Gerard had told me I was going to be with Matt, Adam, and Mark. If that's alright with you guys."

"Fine with us."

"Cool. I'm going to head up to the room. See you in the morning. Night!" I hugged him as I started to leave.

"Night." Alicia was the only one that followed me. The rest stayed in the room, probably to clean up a little. It wouldn't be right to make the maids clean up all of that mess. We reached the room I was sharing with Mikey, Dad, and Alicia. She knocked on it and Grandma answered.

"Hi sweetie. Did you have a good night?"

"Best of my life. But I'm dead tired." She smiled and let me into the room. Dad was in between the sheets of one of the beds and Uncle Mikey was lying on top of them, watching the news.

"Hey," he said monotonously. I stared at him peculiarly.

"You're in my spot," I stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh, sorry." He rolled off of the bed and went over to hug Alicia. I didn't change out of the clothes I had been wearing and pulled back the covers and wiggled into them. I was about to shut my eyes, but stopped. Dad's teeth ground audibly.

"What's up with him?" I asked. Mikey's eyes seemed to droop.

"He does that sometimes when he sleeps." I looked at him, one eyebrow raised. He squirmed.

"He looks sweaty," I stated. Mikey sighed.

"Gerard's probably having a nightmare. You can sleep in my bed if you want," he offered. I shook my head.

"It'll be fine."

::Gerard's POV::
:: 4:32AM ::

I shot up in my bed, a thin layer of moisture coating my skin, making me shiver as the cold air hit it. I looked around franticly, feeling confused, but settled down when I saw Mikey sitting in the chair in the corner messing with his computer.

"Mikey?" I called out.

"Hmmm," he replied, not looking up from the screen. I pulled the covers back and went over and sat on the ground next to his leg.

"What happened?" He looked over to me, slightly shocked.

"You mean, you don't remember?" I whispered a 'no'. "You were so messed up, Gee. You were shaking and I don't think you could hear very well and you had a massive headache and looked pretty paranoid."

"At the party?!"

"Hannah didn't see. She doesn't know, but Mom does. We had to tell her about the drugs." My eyes widened.

"Shit, what'd she say?"

"Nothing really. I think she's disappointed in you. I know I am." I shifted my gaze to Mikey's foot. Slowly, I got up and got dressed into real clothes. "Where are you going?"

"Out. I'll be back in an hour. I need to clear my head."

"Alright, but don't be late. We leave for Oklahoma City at seven o' clock sharp." I nodded and pulled a jacket around my shoulders. "You're taking a chance going out there without Worm," he said.

"Mikes, it's four in the morning on a Saturday. Every sane person is asleep right now."

::Frank's POV::
:: 5:03AM ::

I stared at the mound of clothes before me, trying to pick what to wear. It was one of those mornings where, for no reason at all, I felt like actually putting effort into how I looked.

"What about that shirt with those jeans?" Jamia said, pointing to a black skeleton shirt and a pair of almost-skinny-jeans.

"That's Mikey shirt."

"Why is it in your bag then? Did you sleep with him or something?"

"No, it just smells nice. Here," I said, tossing the garment to her. She caught it and took a sniff of the aroma.

"Mmm, it does smell nice. How's that possible?"

"We kept it away from Gerard's stuff." She laughed. Everyone knew that all of Gerard's clothes carried a foul odor and wherever they lie, they leave the scent. He's getting better and taking showers more often, but it's just this natural body thing he has that he can't get rid of. Oh well. Not my problem. "Hey Ray!" I called. He was laying upside down on the floor, texting someone on his phone. He grunted in response. Jamia sat down next to him and looked at the screen of the phone.

"Awwww, that's so cute!" she squealed.

"Oo! What is?" I said, suddenly becoming interested.

"He's texting Krista and as far as I saw, they're sooo flirting!"

"Shut up and mine your own business, will ya?" Jamia giggled and wrapped her arms around me.

"Do you remember when we used to flirt over the phone with eachother in high school?"

"How could I forget? My Mom got so pissed for the phone bills she got." Ray shut his phone.

"We should start loading up the buses. Come on."

::Hannah's POV::
:: 5:47AM ::

I was awoken abruptly by someone shaking me.

"Hannah, get up. We got to get ready to leave," Uncle Mikey said. I groaned.

"It's too early!! Give me four more hours, then we can leave," I replied, pulling the still crisp sheets over my head.

"We have to leave soon if we're going to make it to Oklahoma by 1:00. Alicia, has Gerard come back yet?"

"I just called him. He's on his way up." I attempted to sink down into the mattress so they would forget about me and I could continue sleeping. I probably only got three hours of rest. There was a knock at the door. I heard it open and voices began to speak.

"I brought donuts from Shipley's. I just saw Ray and Bob. They're helping the crew with all the stuff we brought up for Hannah's party," I heard Dad say.

"These are really good donuts," Adam's voice said.

"Your daughter won't get up," Mikey said. It sounded like he was in the bathroom.

"Hannah, get up!" I ignored him, beginning to doze off again. "Han-"

"I heard you guys got donuts," another voice said. I recognized it immediately and jumped out of bed.

"Charlie!!" I shouted, running over and attacking him. "Are you coming to Oklahoma with us?"

"Ya, but I'm going to steal one of these donuts first," he said, pulling one out of the box in Dad's hand.

"Oh, so you'll get up for him, but not your own father?" Dad said, in mock sadness.

"No, I got up because you have donuts."

"Suuuure," Alicia said behind us. I smiled and hugged Dad anyway.

Everything felt normal, like it was supposed to. Perfect.

For now.