Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (1)

Dear Diary, My name is Elizabeth Van Helsink. I'm 17 years old, a vampire slayer and believe it or believe it not, vampire blood runs through my veins...

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''No! What's going on?! It's humans, vampire slayers! Their killing our families, destroying our home!'' I hear vampires yell. One runs towards me, fangs bared, hissing. I get my gun and bang! A stake goes right through his heart. He yelps, falls to the ground and turns to ashes.

I kinda feel sorry for vampires. I mean they actually gotta risk their life by running to their attacker and trying to sink their teeth into the attackers neck without being shot. All I gotta do is well, stand there, aim for their head or heart, pull a trigger and bang! Bye bye leech. Though of course it is harder than it seems and I am risking my own life too.
In case your wondering my family and I are vampire slayers. Well when I say my family, I don't mean my biological family. I've no brothers or sisters, my mother was killed by a vampire when I was one and my dad was killed in a car crash after trying to chase the vampire that killed my mother. So my dads best friend/slaying partner Smithy took on the responsibility of looking after me. Bless him. Being a widowed man and bringing up a girl all by his lonesome must be quite difficult. I mean think about all those mood swings, hormones and girlie problems we all have which would be too embarrassing for a man to know about. So i have tried my best to make things easier for him. A few other slayers joined us..Jake his son who's 17, Michael his brother who's 30 and Sarah who's 25. It's always been in my blood to be a slayer. I am the last Van Helsink and I'll stop at nothing to kill that bloodsucker that took away my family!

''Lily, watch out!'' I hear Smithy shout. I turn around and whoosh! the breath is knocked out of me as a ton of bricks hit me in the stomach. Everything blurs past me as I crash into a wall.
''Oww! Wha...what the?!'' I'm dazed, what happened? My vision is blurred and I can feel the blood run from my head onto my lips. When i eventually come around, I know someones kneeling beside me.
Bloody hell they're freezing!
I look up at this dark figure and all I can see is piercing, rich gold, hypnotic eyes locking on mine.
Shit! Vampire.
I try to move my arms to find my weapon but the more I struggle, the tighter this vampire holds me. I can't see his face but he seems quite young, only a few years older than me. 17? 18? maybe. He very slowly tilts my head, leans in and kisses my lips - licking off the blood. Wow! I feel light headed. He brushes his lips against my jaw towards my neck and sinks in his sharp fangs. I gasp in pain and I can feel the pressure on my neck as he sucks my blood.
This is it, I think to myself, I'm going to die.
But suddenly the vampire stops and very gently kisses my wound. He puts his hand around my necklace and with a slight tug, pulls it from my neck. (It's a big heart shaped sapphire stone with tiny white diamonds around it. It belonged to my mother and it's really the only thing I have to remind me of her and now that leech has taken it! He moves his face up to my ear.
''Elizabeth'' he breathes and just like magic, he disappears and everything goes black...
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So I know this is really bad but I've already wrote this story and I'm still writing it. So far I have about 43 chapters but it does get better as it goes along.

The first few chapters may seem bad because this was the first story I had ever written.

So please be patient :)