Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (10)

*Eli’s P.O.V*

I woke up screaming and gasping for air. I was covered in sweat and my hair was sticking to my face.

OMG, that dream can’t be real.. can it?

Then the door bust open and there standing drenched in blood was JASPER! :O

Haha, only kidding :)

(A:N don’t know why i did that lol)

However the door DID bust open and Smithy and Jake came running in. “Lily! Are you alright?”

Jake got on the bed and wiped away the tears dripping from my eyes “Come on lil sis tell me what’s wrong”

“I-I had a-a drr-dream bout – vampire – killed – mm-mum” Smithy came running over to me

“You had a dream about the vampire that killed your mum?! Oh dear..”

What does he mean by Oh Dear?

“Shh Eli” Jake cradled me in his arms and rocked me back and forth. “What do you mean ‘Oh dear’” he asked.

“We will explain at later, once everyone is up. Get some rest Elizabeth” Smithy patted my hand and left the room.

“I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you, Lilz. I know we aren’t related but you really are like a little sister to me even though we are the same age” Jake chuckled.

He tucked me into bed and kissed me on the forehead, whispered good night then closed the door. Soon the room was dark and if I’m honest it scared me a little so I got right under the duvet and fell back asleep.

It’s now 12:30 and the whole family is sitting round the table.

Smithy and Sarah at each end with me beside jake and across from me is Smithy’s bro Uncle Mike and beside him is Bella.

“Elizabeth can you tell us about your dream or what this vampire looked like?”

“Um well it was a stormy night, I was in my slaying outfit and I was walking around and then I stopped when I saw the vampire in the middle of the road sucking the life out of a girl and he had his back to me. He has long black hair and had these really bright red eyes but before I knew that he was very slowly turning around to face me and I had my hand in mid air ready to throw the dagger when I stopped..”

“Why did you stop?”

Suddenly my mouth felt very dry..what was I meant to say? Oh I stopped because the vampire right infront of me just so happened to be the guy I’m in love with!


Um well to sum it up.. you just said you were in love with a vampire

But Jasper’s not a vampire and I’m not in love with him!

You’re wrong.

About what? Jasper being a vampire or me being in love?

*Silence* Noo come back! Tell me!!

*More silence* Stupid inner voice..

Some one coughing made me snap out of my thoughts. “Oh um I stopped because um.. I thought I had seen him before and I was shocked”

Which isn’t a total lie.

“Elizabeth I think that because you are becoming a vampire some of these dreams you are having are because they will happen or they could be memories or messages from the vampire that bit you. I really don’t know yet but if you ever see this vampire again, in real life or your dreams you must tell me, ok?”

I just nodded. “Excuse me” I whispered and ran up to my room without waiting on a reply.

My mind was filling up with loads of questions.

Was this dream real? Did it happen before or will it happen? Was I looking through someone else’s eyes? But what really stuck to me was what Smithy said .. “they could be memories or messages from the vampire that bit you” If this was true, maybe was the vampire in my dream the one that bit me or is someone trying to warn me?

I didn’t know the answers to any of these questions which really frustrated me. I need to clear my head and the only way to do that is ..

Vampire slaying time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jasper : Image

Elizabeth: Image