Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (12)


“ugh shut up alarm!”

BEEP! BE- I reached over and smashed my hand against the alarm so it couldn’t finish that god damn beep!

I rolled over and stretched.

For some reason I was fully awake and seemed happy which is weird for me since I hate Monday mornings but then flashbacks of last night came to me and I smiled remembering I had slayed a bloodsucker.

I quickly hopped into the shower, washing my hair and quickly drying off. I put on my underwear, some blue skinny jeans, an escape the fate band tee and my black high top converse which I decorated nicely with multicoloured pens. I straightened my hair and done my makeup.

I reached the stairs, slid down the banister and walked into the kitchen to get some coco pops.

“Morning people!” I sang while going round the table giving everyone a kiss on the cheek.

“Ewww” Jake whined.

“Hey, you wouldn’t be complaining if that was Bella!”

“Shut up” he mumbled while pink tinted his cheeks

“You’re in a cheerful mood this morning Elizabeth. What did you do?” Smithy accused

I put on my innocent smile “Nothing .. bad” I laughed

Sarah then interrupted, “Eli, I know your birthday isn’t for another 3 months but what would you like?”

“Well I’ve saved up to buy myself a scooter”

“Don’t you worry. Keep your money and we will get you one. All of us” she smiled

“Aw thanks guys” I put my bowl in the sink ran upstairs to brush my teeth then met Jake at the door.

“Bye guys!”

Once we were a distance from the house Jake turned me to face him. “You went slaying last night didn’t you?”

I sighed, I couldn’t keep anything from Jake. “Yeah I did”

“Eli are you crazy? You should have told one of us!”

“What? It’s not like I’ve never been on my own before”

“That’s not the point Lilz. You shouldn’t be out there by yourself, after that dream of yours. What happens if it was real? Uh?”

“I can look after myself Jake” I snapped and walked on towards school.

When I reached the gate, I could see a figure from the corner of my eye standing at the other side of the road. I turned around and froze.

The guy from my dream was standing merely a few feet away from me and yet I was frozen to the spot.

A lorry drove past and when I looked back the guy wasn’t there.

“I think I’m going crazy” I mumbled to myself and made my way into school.

We are currently sitting in assembly listening to the principal drone on about some announcements or something.

I don’t really know. I’m drowning out his voice just gazing out the window while Bella rests her head on my shoulder, probably sleeping, Jake’s finding it very interesting to throw pieces of paper at people infront of us and Jasper – well – he is actually paying attention.

As I look out the window I see a girl with long blonde hair standing at a tree looking at me. I look away but when I look back she is still staring. I look closely at her.

Where have I seen this girl before?

Then out of nowhere that bad guy who that looks like Jasper from my dream came out from behind her with a sadistic smile on his face. He looks at me and says something that looks like ‘See you soon’ and something else that I can’t make out and then both of them just disappear.

I don’t realise I’m gasping for air and shaking until Jasper takes my face in his hands and forces me to look at him.

“Eli, what is it?” He whispers. “Uh um. Nothing” I lie and turn my head suddenly finding what the principal has to say very interesting.

After about 2 seconds I block out his voice until he says something that makes everyone suddenly very interested.

“Now as you know you will soon be off for summer and since you have behaved so well this year and have done so well with school competitions and grades the teachers and I have decided that at the end of June before you go off for your official summer holidays we will be holding a dance and to make it even more interesting we would like it if you would wear a mask!”

Already loads of girls were gossiping about what they would wear and I just laughed.

“Well that’s all for now, now go to class!”

*Mystery Person P.O.V*

“Hmm I think I will pay Elizabeth Van Helsink a little visit” I smile evilly to myself

“Are you sure that is wise master, I mean she IS a vampire slayer” Charles my butler says

“Ha Charles old chap, I can take care of myself. I’m going to have to confront her sooner or later anyways”

“As you wish sire” He sighs then puts on my coat for me.

I finally arrive at her house and I watch her from a distance climbing out of her window. I follow her to a club called the Deadly Bite. Ah my favourite club. I think I will go get myself a meal.

I go into the club and immediately a blonde girl comes running up to me with a very skimpy outfit asking me to dance.

Is will be easy.

I agree and I grind against her while still watching Elizabeth intently.

“Let’s go somewhere more quiet” I whisper to her.

I take her to a bathroom and push her up against the wall. She puts her legs around my waist and I hold her up keeping my hands on her thighs.

I gently suck and bite at her neck. “This won’t hurt much” I mumble in her neck.

“Wh-what do you mean?” She stutters and immediately my fangs extend and pierce her skin.

I drink her dry quickly and come out of the bathroom to find another vampire leading Eli outside.

I follow keeping my distance and watch as she kills him within a matter of seconds.

“Hmm feisty little one she is” I smirk “Definitely how I like my women”

I then follow her back home and when she gets in her room she looks straight at me.

“See you tomorrow princess”

*The next day*

I watch as she sits in the hall not paying attention to anything going on.

She gazes out the window and I trick her mind by showing her the girl from her nightmare.

Then I step out and she freezes when she sees me.

Damn! She is with Jasper! How dare he go near her?

She is mine!

I look at her and before disappearing I say “See you soon, my bride.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you guys think of my story so far :)