Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (14)

*Eli P.O.V*

So the past 2 days have been uneventful, well for me.

I haven’t had any weird dreams, seen people who aren’t actually there, drawn pictures of people I don’t know or went slaying either.

However the whole school is going crazy because of the dance which is so stupid considering it isn’t even a proper prom or anything but whatever makes them happy.

So today is Wednesday and I’m sitting with Jasper (on my left which leaves a free sit to my right) and Bella and Jake (at the table infront) in art.

I have this class a lot during the week which I’m thankful for because it’s my favourite subject and my favourite teacher takes it.

So I thought my life was starting to get back to normality until ..

“Good morning class. We have a new student and her name is Alley. So make her feel welcome.”

I didn’t even look up to see the new girl ‘cos I was too busy filling a glass with water for my paint brush until I heard the teacher say for her to sit next to me for today since she didn’t know anyone.

When I looked up, I froze.

As she was making her way over I was trying to find out why she looked so familiar until it clicked..

It was the girl from the tree .. the girl from the picture...

She was the blonde haired girl from my nightmare.

As soon as I realised this the glass slipped from my hand and smashed into thousands of pieces causing everyone to look my way.

I hadn’t realised my hands were shaking until I bent down to pick up the broken pieces.

“Here let me help” The new girl offered.

“Uh um uh...s-s-sure” I avoided eye contact but I could hear Jasper ask Bella and Jake what was up with me.

“Um are you ok? Your hands are shaking and you look like you’ve seen a ghost” she asked.

What was I supposed to say? “Well see technically I think I am seeing a ghost since I saw you dead in my nightmare” Yeah I can’t really use that now can I?

“Uh yeah uh excuse me”

I got up and ran out of the room and headed straight for the toilets.

I splashed some water on my face to calm me down and when I looked up into the mirror I screamed.

Right behind me was that guy from my nightmare again but when I turned around he wasn’t there.

“I’m going crazy!” I was so frustrated.

What was going on with me? Is it because I’m changing into a vampire? Am I just insane?

Question after question ran through my head and I couldn’t get one single answer instead I was left feeling really dizzy.

I sighed in frustration and brought my hand back and smashed it into the mirror causing the skin on my knuckles to rip open.

“What is wrong with me?” I whispered to myself and fell to the floor against the wall.

I stayed there until the bell rang signalling that first period was up though I still had another period of art to go.

Sighing I got up and left the bathroom.

When I entered the class I kept my head down and made my way to my seat.

I didn’t once look at Jasper or Alley but I knew they were staring.

“What happened your hand?” Jasper whispered while lifting my hand in his.

When he was looking at the blood I swear I thought I saw his eyes flash red but I’m guessing it was my imagination since I seem to be imagining things a lot lately.

“Uh nothing” I lied pulling my hand from his.

“I don’t believe you now come on and get it cleaned up”

Reluctantly I followed as he excused us from class and led me to the nurse’s room where I could get a bandage.

“What’s going on with you Eli?”

“What do you mean?”

He sighed. “You’ve been acting strange lately. Like as if you keep seeing things, then you start shaking and gasping for air then today you nearly collapsed just by looking at that new girl and you decided to punch your hand into a mirror” He gave me a stern look.

Wait how did he know I did that?

“How did – never mind. Look I’m fine ok? Just please leave it.”

“I can’t, I’m worried about you ok? I care for you.”

“Ha. Why do you care Jasper? No one does except my family and Bella yet she is like a sister to me. I don’t have friends Jasper, nobody wants to be seen with me and yet you come along and I’m the first person you look at as soon as you walk into the class room. I mean what do you see in me? You could have a whole group of friends, go out with Tanya and be popular and yet u stick with little old emo here. A nobody.”

A tear escapes from my eye and travels down my cheek.

Jasper wiped it away with his thumb and while putting a bandage around my hand he says “Eli, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you upset but I want you to know that I don’t want to have loads of friends and be popular. When I saw you I just.. I really wanted to get to know you. What do I see in you? Well for starters you’re not a nobody, you’re natural not like all those preppy sluts, you are a genuine person, you speak your mind, you make me laugh which hardly anyone ever does, you’re kind and thoughtful and I love the attitude of yours. It’s like you’re bubbly and up for a laugh and you take on any challenge that comes your way but yet if some one messes with some one else you stick up for that person no matter who they are. You’re too kind for your own good missy. Listen how about I take you to my place tonight. I want you to meet my family and like I said the other day I think my little brother will adore you.”

“Thanks Jasper and yeah I’d love to see this mini version of you” I smiled.

“That’s my girl” And he kisses me on the forehead leaving little tingles.

I know it was only a friendly gesture but it sure did leave butterflies in my stomach.

I think I’m falling for him...
*Lunch time*

“I wana apologise for earlier Alley. I don’t know what was up with me but welcome to our school and I’m sure we will get along great”

She laughs “Hey don’t worry and thanks”

“So what you doin after school Lilly?” Bella asks while she steals one of my fries.

“Ugh don’t call me Lilly and I’m going to Jaspers house after school”

“Ooooh well have fun” She says while winking

Jake’s eyes narrow at Jasper “No funny business with my lil sis. You got that?”

“Yes sir” Jasper replies

“Jake cut it out dweeb, so overprotective”

“Hey what are big brothers for?” He smirks

I just roll my eyes “Technically you’re not my brother”

“Yeah well still my dad adopted you so you’re my adopted little sister”

“Jake you’re only a few months older than me. I AM NOT LITTLE” I whine

“Sure” Bella, Jasper and Jake say in unison

Alley just laughs.

“You guys are meanies” I pout.

“That’s what friends are for” They say in unison again

Alley and I look at each other “Freaky” we both say and we all burst out laughing at our stupidness..