Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (18)

The next day at school I try and stay clear of Jasper (which might I add is fairly difficult considering the fact that he shares ALL classes with me). I know, you’re probably thinking I’m a chicken but seriously can you honestly tell me you wouldn’t be freaked if you had a dream that you’re friend and his family were vampires? If you said yes, I’d call you a liar.

Many of you out there don’t believe in vampires and if I didn’t believe in vampires then I would simply pass the dream off as watching too many Dracula movies and letting my imagination flow but

I do believe, I’ve seen them and to top it all of in less than 3 months I’ll be one. Which makes the dream/nightmare even more petrifying because what if it was .. true?

The dance is exactly a week from now. The fact that I’m meant to be going with Jasper Devlin makes my plans of ignoring him harder.

Anytime he tries to talk I either reply with a simple mumble or pretend I never heard him.

Not only am I ignoring him but without realising I seem to have been ignoring everyone.

Anytime I see Jasper, flashes of him as a vampire cross my mind which for some odd reason makes me start pondering on what I would do if he was a vampire.

The lunch bell rings and robotically I make my way to the library in search of a book about vampires.

Although I slay them I don’t know everything about them.

Placing the book in my bag, which can I say was not on the shelves but in a special case in a room at the back of the library. I only got it because the old librarian was extremely fond of me so much so that she considered me a grandchild and granted me to keep the book as long as I pleased, I made my way to the cafeteria, grabbing a red apple which I thought was odd as it was the only one amongst a pile of green ones and sat down at my usual spot.

“Eli where the hell have you been? You’ve been ignoring all of us today?” Bella asks.

Ally, Jasper, Bella and Jake all look expectantly at me waiting for what excuse I give them.

“Oh um nothing sorry I uh have stuff on my mind I guess”

“You alright?”

“Never been better” I laugh nervously.

They shrug it off and continue on with their conversations but from my peripheral vision I see Jasper staring at me with concentration probably trying to figure out what is wrong with me.

Absentmindedly twisting my slayer necklace in my fingers I take a bite out of the apple. As soon as I swallow I get a vision. Loads of pictures flash through my mind.

Blood, screaming, my family and friends, Ally as a dead corpse, Jasper as a vampire, myself as one too and lastly a dark figure dressed in black with the same blood red eyes and dripping fangs, the same sadistic smile, the guy from my nightmares. “Little Elizabeth, we shall meet very soon, my bride” With one evil chuckle he disappears and I’m back to reality.

I never noticed I was shaking and breathing hard with my eyes closed as tight as I could until I felt a soft but firm grip on my shoulder.

Opening my eyes I look up at the worry etched into my friends faces before my eyes roll into the back of my head and I’m faced with darkness.