Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (19)

What would you think if you saw yourself as a vampire?

Would you think it awesome to live forever, be one of the most beautiful looking yet deadly creatures on earth with fast reflexes and impressive strength?

Or would you wish you could die, not wanting to be a monster living forever while you watch others around you suffer during life and have it ended just like a snap of the fingers?

Seeing myself as a vampire, I just don’t know what to think.

It’s not as if I can forget the vision I had and just pretend I have such a creative imagination that I could easily write an award winning novel because it isn’t a figure of my imagination.

It was a premonition.

In other words, it is going to happen and the sad thing is, I can’t stop it. Because wither I like it or not it doesn’t matter. Vampire blood runs through my veins and in less than 3 months I’m going to be damned to eternal life as a blood sucker.

Of course I have a choice to be a good blood sucker. I mean come to think of it since I slay vampires/ soon-to-be my own kind, I could still stay a good one and kill off the baddies.

But what if I crave blood too much and what if I end up like the bloody leech that killed my Mum, like the sadistic one that felt the need to ruin my life and bite me.

But one thing that I can never understand at all is why did that vampire keep me alive? Why did he only insert some vampire venom in me?

If he really wanted me to become a vampire, living in eternal damnation then and there he would have fully injected me with the stuff but it has taken nearly 3 years for me to become one.

There’s a reason I’m still alive today, a reason I’ll be a creation of God’s earth that not many people think exist. I’ll be the scary monster from children’s Halloween books, the immortal being that drinks off the innocent (or if I’m a vegetarian vampire, then the innocent animals), I’ll be the living dead.

And how do I think of all that? I really don’t know.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Oww” I mumble. I slowly open my eyes, realising I’m lying flat on something not very comfortable. It takes me a while for my eyes to adjust and I finally realise I’m in the nurses office lying on the hard, yet very thin uncomfortable mattress.

Someone gasps “You’re awake! Oh we were so worried Elizabeth!” I recognise the voice as Ally and sure enough my new little blond friend is peering over me with her glistening blue eyes while the others are sitting around the room.

“Are you crying?!” I ask.

“W-what? Oh um no” She sniffles.

Damn, I never knew I was loved so much.

Conceited much?

Shut up.

“Oh Miss Van Helsink how you doin’ darlin?” The plump middle aged nurse, Susan, asks.

“I’m alright, what happened?”

“Oh you blacked out dear but luckily a nice looking strong boy caught you before you hit your head! You could have had a concussion!”

“Who was this boy?” Though I had a fair idea what name was going to come out of her mouth.

Looking over to the corner of the room behind me she says “I think it was a Mr. Jasper someone. You’re very lucky to have such a nice boyfriend like him”

A small blush forms on my cheeks “Oh but we’re-”

“Now now don’t tell me there isn’t something going on between you to Eli, I see the way he looks at you” She whispers so only I hear.

I stare dumb founded, “Wh-What?!”

“And I see the way you look at him” With a small smile tugging on her lips she says I’m free to go and leaves me in the room with my friends.

Not once looking at Jasper or anyone else for that matter a mumble them a thanks and bolt out of the room.

“Elizabeth! Wait up sis” Jasper jogs to catch up with me slightly out of breath. “Geez I never knew you could walk so fast, well I suppose you can since you’ll be a vam- uh never mind. So what is going on with you? You’re distant, freaking out all the time, spacing off like you’re having visions and seeing things. I’m worried about you hunni.”

“I just- I mean- I’m-” sigh “I’m scared” I whisper.

Never in my life have I admitted to being scared, to anyone about anything.

“But Lilly, why? What’s there to be scared of? We are here for you, you shouldn’t need to feel frightened. You know you can tell me anything right?”

“Right” I sigh. “But you can’t help me anymore, nobody can. Soon it will be too late. Soon you’ll not want me, you’ll hate me and then you’ll want to kill me.” I whisper the last sentence so low even I hardly heard it.

Thankful that Jake never heard the last sentence, he looks at me with so much worry. “What will be too late? I’ll try and help Eli, honestly. You can trust me! Just tell me what’s going on.”

“I can’t. This is something I have to do by myself and I’m not dragging you down with me.”

With that I leave a confused Jake, turning my back on the school, my friends and walk out the school gate heading in the opposite direction of home with no intensions of going back that way for at least tonight.

I just need time to think over things. In less than 3 months everything changes.

And little do I know just how much my life takes a drastic turn.