Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (2)

''Ahh!'' I jump from my bed. ''Wow! It was just a nightmare, that's all.''

I take a few deep breaths and look at the clock sitting on the table beside my bed.

7o'clock it reads. ''Ugh. School.'' I moan and make my way to the shower.

That nightmare I had was actually real. My imagination isn't that good. Trust me. It happened 2 years ago when i was 15. I've never had that nightmare much,, i try to forget about it but as my 18Th birthday creeps closer I keep having it more often. That was the first in about 8 months though. Having vampire venom run through my veins hasn't really affected me. Smithy says the vampire didn't bite me enough to have any real affect. It's just made my senses stronger, I could probably sense if a vampire is near, though I haven't went slaying in a while. I'm a bit faster and stronger than the normal human which is an advantage when fighting against immortal blood suckers. Ha. As I've got older I can smell blood more, and human blood sometimes seems quite attractive to me though I'll never take it. Smithy has lots of theories about this. One is that since the vampire that bit me was 18 years old, he thinks I'll be a bit like a vampire myself at 18.

I got out of the shower and put on my skinnie jeans, converse, favorite top, eyeliner and the finishing touches.. My lip/nose ring and my cross necklace. It's black with red diamonds and a small sapphire stone in the middle. A slayer necklace. We all have either a necklace,ring or bracelet that symbolizes we are slayers though any other human would just think it was a nice piece of jewelery.I chose to have a sapphire stone because I was born in September.
''Come on Jake! We'll be late for school..AGAIN!'' We walked to school and on the way met Jake's girlfriend and my B.F.F, Bella. She knows all about us, in fact I'm training her to be a vampire slayer though Jake isn't taking that too well. But the more the merrier..right?

''Hey honey,, where's my kiss?''

''Ugh. Please guys, I don't wana be sick thanks.'' I complained.

They laughed and walked ahead of me. After a few minutes I felt a bit weird.. y'know the feeling you get of someone watching you? I turned around but couldn't see anything and just before I walked through the school gate I heard my name being whispered. I froze. I thought it was just me.. but, it seemed so real!

''Um..Lily, you 'kay Darlin'?''

''Ugh..yeah. Sorry Bella, just thought i heard my name.

''Nope. I didn't hear it Lil. Comon to class.'' I nodded my head, took one more look behind me and dragged along side Bella and Jake to our first class.