Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (20)

Running. That’s what I do best. I run from my problems but the only thing is I can’t run from this problem because no matter how hard I try this is going to happen and there’s nothing no one can do about it.

At 18, I’m no longer going to be human. I’ll be a vampire.


Why couldn’t I just have a normal human life. I mean what did I ever do?

God can’t seriously hate me just because I broke one of his commandments.

Though shalt not kill.

I’ve definitely broken that rule thousands of times but it’s not like it was innocent people I’ve killed, it was vampires, murderers.

You know the saying ‘What goes around comes around’ or ‘An eye for an eye’? Well that’s kinda like what I do. A vampire kills, he gets what’s coming to him, I kill him. Simple as.

I suppose you’re wondering where I’m running to? Well a few years back when I realised I was bitten I needed to get away to just think. So while running I stumbled across the most beautiful meadow. Literally stumbled. I found a forest near the park around our area and while running fell down this hill and came across my hide out. I don’t think any one even knows the place exists.

There’s a willow tree just in front of a small river that I like to hide under and think about all my problems. This place seems to relax me, like nothing else in the world matters.

There’re lots of things I’m worrying about and I have no answers to any of them.

What will happen once I change? Will my family disown me? Will I loose self control and kill innocent humans? Who’s this guy that’s haunting my dreams? How come Ally is my friend but yet I see her dead? And why do I have this strange feeling that Jasper is hiding something big?

Realizing I still have my school bag with the vampire book inside, I take it out and start to read over all the different types of vampire.

One in particular catches my eye.

Vegetarian vampire – These vampires live in a human body and display human functions. However they do not drink from humans but from animals. These vampires are fast, cold skinned and very strong. Hypnotic eyes and husky, seductive male voices or tinkling belled female voices is a main feature of these vampires. These vampires are also at war with the non-vegetarian types.

So basically that will be me if I’m a vegetarian. At war? Great, just what I needed but the thing about the eyes and voices is so familiar. Who do I know has hypnotic eyes with a seductive husky voice?


Just thinking his name sends shivers of delight through my body but there is no way he could be a vampire. I mean, I would have noticed surely.. right?

But then again, he does have cool skin any time I’ve touched him, he seems to have extremely good hearing and he seems quite fast like the time I ran out of the cafeteria he caught up with me within 2 seconds and there was that time in art when I cut my hand I thought his eyes flashed red at the sight of my blood but maybe I’m just assuming things.

I haven’t exactly been myself recently.

Snap. The sound of a twig breaks me out of my train of thought.

I stay as quiet as I can trying to listen out for any more noises, thinking that I probably just imagined the noise.

Then I heard a growl followed by more snapping.

Running towards the noise, I find it leads deeper into the forest.

I don’t even know why I’m running towards the source of the noise I mean maybe it’s something I don’t want to see.

And boy was I right.

Hiding well behind a tree and peer around to have my breath caught in my throat. Frozen in total shock I see something I never thought I would.

Lying on the ground with the blood sucked out of it was a deer but that’s not what made me stop it was the fact that standing above it was a human figure looking down at his kill with blood dripping from his mouth.

And as I looked closer, I took in the person’s features to realise this was no stranger..

It was Jasper.