Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (21)

What do you do in a situation like this? You’re probably saying ‘Um well if I were you I would slowly back away and then run, screaming bloody murder’ but I’m in a state of shock I can’t even move.

Merely a few feet away from me is my friend sucking the life out of a poor defenceless animal and I’m standing watching without him even noticing.

I could stand here and call him a disgusting cruel inhuman thing but really that would be hypocritical of me since that will probably be me in a few months.

Slowly making my way backwards trying to be unseen I think to myself.

Right now I’m confused. Why would he be eating an animal like that? There’s only one answer to that question but I don’t want to believe it.

There’s no way Jasper could be a vamp-


The minute I stand on a twig and it snaps Jasper’s head snaps up and immediately his eyes land on mine.

“Elizabeth” He whispers, standing up and wiping his mouth, slowly making his way towards me.

His eyes which were bright red are slowly turning back into that beautiful rich gold I always seem to get lost in.

The words hypnotic eyes from the book flashed into my mind and I took a large step back away from Jasper.

I knew what he was doing, he was going to hypnotise me and probably eat me too!

“Eli, let me explain”

“No! Just leave me alone!” I shout and run back in the direction I came from.

Stupid idea of course because there’s no way in hell I could out run a vampire and I’m right because all of a sudden Jasper appeared in front of me.

“Listen to me Elizabeth!”

“W-why should I?” I stutter suddenly feeling extremely sick.

“Because I need to explain to you what you saw back there. What I am!”

I laugh an unhumorous laugh, “I know what I saw Jasper and you can’t worm your way out of this one” I spat “You were sucking the life out of a poor animal! You sick human!”

“That’s how I survive Elizabeth, just like you survive on food, I survive on blood. I was going to tell you sooner or later but I guess now is a good time to explain to you what I really am.”

“I know what you are!” I growl “You’re what I hate! I hate your kind because of what they did to me! I can’t have a normal life anymore. As soon as I’m 18 everything fucking changes and I don’t want it to! I kill your kind because you’re kind kill innocent people like my parents!” I scream suddenly feeling an outrageous amount of anger towards him.

“What, I thought your parents die-”

I interrupted him, “I lied. I couldn’t tell you the truth; you would have thought I was insane! And stop trying to change the subject!”

“Fine then tell me what I am Elizabeth because I’m not human” He said slowly walking towards me.

“Oh where’s your cape captain obvious?! I know you’re not human! I’ve seen your kind before. You’re extremely fast and strong, you’ve pale, cold skin, your eyes change colour .. you drink blood”

The massive space that between Jasper and I was now closed as he put his hands on my shoulders. “Say it. Look me in the eyes and tell me what I am!”

Letting out a sigh I look at Jasper with an expressionless face and with my voice strong I say one simple word that could change everything between us.
