Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (22)


The word echoed all around us as it escaped my lips.

For some odd reason, I didn’t feel scared like I should that a vampire was literally 2 cm in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.

Strangely I felt some sort of comfort.

I felt safe.

Jasper lightly pushed me backwards until I hit a tree putting his arms on either side of my head.

“Are you afraid?”


“Good. I’m not like normal vampires Elizabeth. I’m a vegetarian vampire meaning I only survive on the blood of animals. I hate the thought of killing innocent humans. I don’t want to be a monster” He whispered.

The look in his eyes pained me. They were full of sorrow and it looked like he was scared.

I hesitantly reached up and put my hand on his cheek. “You’re not a monster” I whisper.

Jasper was a vampire and that thought alone is even to send me running like a headless chicken screaming at the top of my lungs but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me well because he’s a “vegetarian”.

“I want you to know I’d never hurt you Elizabeth. You mean a lot to me”

Oh and I know because he just told me.. wait did he say I mean a lot to him?!

“I know and I trust you”

He smiled, “Walk with me”

“What are you doing here anyway, you should be at school”

“I could ask you the same thing!”

He laughed, “Well I needed to uh you know um feed”

“Yeah, I just needed time to myself to think about things. Life hasn’t exactly been normal recently” I sigh “I still can’t believe you’re vegetarian. I mean I didn’t think many existed”

He chuckled, “Yeah we do exist though there aren’t many of us. You’re a vampire slayer aren’t you?”

“Yeah” I say sheepishly “But I’m not going to kill you because unlike the rest, you have a soul. You deserve a chance at a life just like the rest of us”

“You know, the things you said Elizabeth, your theories about vampires that you mentioned in History were correct. I don’t exactly believe if I have a soul or if there’s heaven for us but my father likes to believe there is.”

“You’ve as much right as getting to heaven as I do though I really doubt I’ve a place saved for me up there”

“What makes you think that?”

I laugh, “I lie, I’ve stolen, I’ve broke the law once or twice and I kill. Not exactly heaven worth material.”

“You could always have those things forgiven” He suggests raising his eyebrows.

I shake my head, “It really doesn’t matter. It’s not like I’m gonna die anyway”

I think I should tell him the truth. Tell him what I really am also.

“What do you mean?”

“Sit down and I’ll start from the beginning.”

Jasper and I must have been sitting in the meadow for a few hours talking about our lives. I told him about my mother being killed by a vampire who I’m still looking for, how my father died trying to find the vampire, me being bitten and when I would turn into a vampire. I told him I was scared and that I didn’t want to be a blood crazed murder; that I wanted to be a vegetarian like him and he told me he would help me. He also told me that his father and mother happen to be King and Queen of the good vampires, making him a Prince and next in line to the throne but some how there was something in the back of my mind telling me that he had a big secret he was keeping from me.

*Jasper P.O.V*

It felt good that Elizabeth finally knew what I was and the thing that meant the most to me was that she didn’t care and that she trusted me even more. We bonded better than before now and I knew from then on that we would stick together no matter what.

It felt like a massive weight had been lifted from my shoulders but when she mentioned that some “mother f*ckin blood sucking leech” as she put it had bitten her and completely ruined her life the sudden guilt crept up inside of me and I had the urge to tell her the whole truth.

To tell her who really killed her mother, who really bit her and left her to turn into something she hates, and to tell her why he did it.

For his own selfish reasons.
*Eli P.O.V*

“I better go Jasper. I won’t tell anyone anything in case you’re worried you would be exposed or something.”

“Yeah I’m sure your family are worried and I know, I trust you. Want me to walk you home?”

“Um no, it might be a little suspicious if Jake saw us together. He might think we ran off together or something. You know what he’s like.” I laugh.

Hesitantly I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. I felt him wrap his arms around me and put his head on mine.

I liked this, maybe more than I should.

“Cya at school” He whispered, kissing the top of my head and I walked off making my way home.

I realised there and then, after everything we talked about and after everything that happened, that my feelings towards Jasper were no longer just a little crush.

It was something bigger.

It was love.