Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (24)

“Girls hurry up! Your dates will be here soon” Sarah squealed from downstairs.

God, she’s like a giddy teenager at times.

“Eli you heard her, lets go!” Bella said

I mumbled incoherently under my breath as I walked out of the walk in wardrobe.

Bella gasped. “What Bella?!”

“Eli! You look stunning! Jasper will be having troubles keeping himself off you once he sees you” She teased.

“Oh shut it” I said with a slight blush on my cheeks


“Eek, that’s the boys! Let’s go!” Grabbing her and my mask and my hand and pulling me out of the bedroom Bella lead me to the top of the stairs where she let go and ran down to meet Jake.

And I suppose you’re wondering why Jake wasn’t at home? Well he went out to get Jasper so they could both arrive to pick us up in a limo.

Yup a Limo!

While Jake and Bella were eh sucking face I suppose you could say, I slowly walked down the stairs making Jasper lift his head in my direction. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped a bit as I finally reached him.

“Elizabeth, you look so beautiful” He breathed. I once again found myself blushing ten shades darker in front of this beautiful creature.

“Thanks” I whispered as we made our way outside.

Jasper and Jake opened the doors for Bella and I before hopping in themselves and we were off to pick up Ally and her date. He was called Axel and he was on the football team. Yup a Jock but he wasn’t one of those who thought with his dick, he was actually a totally sweet guy and if he makes my best friend happy then I’m happy :)


We arrived about half an hour early but went on in to prom not before getting a group and prom date photo.

“Wow” Ally, Bella and I said in unison. The theme for the dance was ‘Under the stars’ and the roof was decorated with millions of fairy lights. The whole room had different shades of blues and purples to give it a midnight feel and you could even go outside onto a balcony where you could see the real stars shining with all their might in the now darkened sky.

“Let’s dance” Jasper said and pulled me into the middle of the dance floor under the massive disco ball that acted as the moon.

After dancing with Jake and Axel, I was currently in the middle of dancing with Ally and Bella when Jasper pulled me away from them and lead me onto the balcony.

“What are you doing?”

A slow song came one at this point, “Dance with me” he said as he slowly pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and we slowly swayed from side to side. Looking up at him the breath caught in my throat. He was quite literally the most handsome creature on God’s green earth. The way his hypnotic eyes burned into mine, the way his sharp cheek bones were the perfect shape, the way the moon shone down on him making him look even paler than he already was, his dark black hair sat not too messy but not too perfectly either and his red lips enchanting me, just waiting for mine to meet his..

“Elizabeth” Jasper whispered “From the moment I met you I felt something towards you. Every time I look into your eyes I get lost, every time I hear you laugh it’s like music to my ears, every little thing you do fascinates me. The way you back cheek to the teachers, the way you don’t care what others think about you, the way you bite your lip when you’re nervous, the way your eyebrows scrunch together when you’re thinking too hard, the way you absentmindedly bite the top of your pen or doodle all over your maths jotter instead of paying attention..all of this brightens up my days, makes going to school worth it in the end if I get to see you.”

Right now I probably had the look of shock etched into my face. “Wh-what are you saying?” I whispered, my breath coming out shaking as I was nervous to hear his next words. The words that probably turned my whole world around, the simple little words that I’ve longed to hear, that I’ve dreamed of hearing come out of his mouth, the words that mean quite literally everything to me...

He paused, letting out a deep breath, as if preparing himself for what comes next. Looking me straight in the eye and stroking my cheek with his finger he whispers,

“Elizabeth, I’m in love with you”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so I know I said that they were only going to a small dance.. that it actually wasn't prom but I've decided that it is prom because its before the summer before they get off school and they're all 18 which means they have finished school. However I haven't bothered with doing a graduation day or anything lol

And can I say thankyou to any one that has left me comments about the story. love you guys!