Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (25)

From that moment I could quite literally say that if I were to die I would die a very very happy girl.

Jasper seemingly relaxing as he spotted the very large looking grin on my face and noticing my speechlessness took this as an advantage to ask, “Elizabeth, will you be my girlfriend?” His eyes were dancing with happiness.

Regaining my composure I replied, “I’d love to” and ever so slowly Jasper cupped my cheek in his hand and leaned in stopping just a cm away from my lips waiting for me to close the distance between us, and I did.

My first kiss, with my first boyfriend, at my first prom. It had to be the most sweetest and romantic thing yet.

The way his lips moved in sync with mine sent butterflies in frenzy in the pit of my stomach. I pressed my body closer to Jasper if that were even possible and he responded my wrapping his arms even tighter around my waist. My hands knotted in with his hair as he ran one hand through my own.

We pulled back soon after both breathing heavily with our foreheads pressed together with our eyes still closed.

The feeling of Jasper holding me close to his body made me feel like I was completely safe from the world, like we were in our own little bubble with nobody or nothing to interrupt it.

“I love you too” I whispered and looked to see Jasper with one of the biggest smiles you could possible see making its way onto his face.

“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that” He smiled his infamous crooked smile making me blush and melt all at the same time.

Just then Jake came running out from the balcony doors, “Jasper we need you out front. There’s been a car accident and we need help moving one of the cars!”

“Ok, I’ll be back soon Eli” He gave me a quick kiss and ran off with Jake and a few other boys to the scene.

For some odd reason I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know what made me think it but it was as if the whole car crash thing was a distraction to get Jasper away from me so something or someone else could get at me, and I was right.

I decided to stay out a bit longer but looking round at the darkness and seeing bushes move like something was in them it started to feel quite eerie being out here all alone. A gust of wind came from all around me but when I looked at the trees I noticed they weren’t moving.

That was weird.

Getting slightly freaked out I turned around only to bump right into a tall, broad figure. Stepping back I noticed it was a boy, well man, with long black hair tied back with a red mask covering his face.

“My apologies miss”

Why does he sound familiar?

“Oh it’s not your fault. I wasn’t looking where I was going” I smile sheepishly and try to make my way around him but he steps in front of me.

“My name is Devlin, and you are?”


Dance with me” He asked, well more demanded than asked.

“Oh I can’t I need to get back to my boyfriend” I successfully stepped around him only to have a tight grip around my wrist pull me backwards.

“I said dance with me!” He spat and pulled me into a death grip against him.

“Let go off me!” I scream as I struggle against him.

“That’s no way to talk to your future husband now is it Princess?”

I froze, not because of the future husband part but because of Princess.

There’s only one person who ever calls me that the way he did, the same person that sends chills down my spine just thinking about him.

The man in front of me is the man from my nightmares.

Staring wide-eyed I looked up and he took of his mask.

I gasped stumbling backwards and falling to the ground.

“It can’t be” I whispered.

In one long stride this Devlin man pulled me up by my hair and looked me up and down pushing me against the wall.

“You and I are going to have a lot of fun on our wedding night” He smirked and forced his lips onto mine. He forced his tongue into my mouth and I did the first thing that came to mind, I bit it.

“Oh you bitch!” He hissed and slapped me across the face with such force I flew back a good few feet.

He grabbed me by the neck and raised me off the ground cutting off my air supply.

“You do not belong to Jasper! You are mine! You will marry me and you will bare my children! I need a son to reign after me and you will provide him to me!”

“What if I don’t?” I chocked out but looked him straight in the eye to show him I wasn’t afraid, even though I was.

“You wouldn’t want anything happening to your family or your precious Jasper now, would you?” He smirked.

“You wouldn’t dare!” I spat “How do you know Jasper?” I asked angrily

He laughed, no, he evilly laughed and had this wicked smile across his face and said 4 simple words that made my heart skip a beat.

“I’m Jaspers twin brother”

Time itself seemed to come to a stand still. I couldn’t hear the blaring music from in doors or the laughter of all the teenagers enjoying their first prom together. I was quite literally frozen on the spot.

“I told you I would be coming for you soon, and here I am Elizabeth. I’m Jasper’s evil twin brother if you like. All I wanted was power and blood, the family kicked me out and so I decided to rule by myself. Hence why you have good and evil vampires. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that I’m King Devlin of the soulless vampires as you like to call them.” He laughed.

Luckily he let go off me and I took this as a chance to get away from him.

“You stay the hell away from me and my family and friends!” I scream before slapping him across the face and running towards the balcony doors.

“HOW DARE YOU!” He roared and I felt a great force on my back making me fly straight into the balcony glass doors sending glass flying everywhere as I landed in a heap in the middle of the dance floor. As the breath was knocked out of me everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and focus all their attention on me. I could hear someone walking towards me as their feet crunched against the broken glass. I looked to my right to see a sharp piece of broken glass sitting next to my hand and I discretely grabbed it just as Devlin pulled my up by the hair and threw me against a wall.

“You will regret this bitch!” He screamed while running towards me.

I had my back to him as I slowly got myself up and just as he was about to grab me I turned around swinging my arm and slashing him across the neck making blood squirt out all over me.

Of course that wouldn’t kill him because 1) He’s already dead 2) It wasn’t deep enough.

Grabbing my arm he sunk his teeth into it before pushing me away and fleeing from the crowding audience.

The last thing I felt was a sharp pain coursing through my body, the last thing I smelt was blood and lots of it, the last thing I saw was the horrified faces of Bella and Ally and the last thing I heard before falling into a black oblivion was Jaspers pained voice screaming, “Elizabeth!”