Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (26)

Sorry for the wait. School is kinda busy and I have the flu :( Banners please?

Beep Beep Beep

What the hell is that annoying noise? I thought. Slowly opening my eyes I take in my surroundings. White walls, white floor, well white everything and when I look to my right I find the source of the beeping noise. I’m plugged up to some machine showing my heart beat.

Ah, the hospital. Doesn’t really take a genius to work out where I am.

“Elizabeth?” Looking to my left I see Jasper sitting up in his chair with a smile on his face. “You’re awake!” He jumped up and engulfed me in a very tight hug making me wince in pain.

“Oops sorry” He said sheepishly. Just looking at him brought back all the memories of last night at prom. Devlin, this evil vampire who was apparently my boyfriend’s evil twin brother came to claim me last night and threatened my loved ones.

I can’t believe he actually came, I mean I thought I was going crazy! And what worries me the most is that now I know he keeps to his word; if I don’t marry him he will hurt those close to me. The thought of him touching Jasper makes me sick!

I became that panicked that I started hyperventilating and the beep on the heart monitor was going wild.

“Eli what’s wrong?!”

Tears started filling my eyes making my eye sight blurry and suddenly I felt the pain of last night’s events slowly creeping its way through my body.

“” I started choking, I couldn’t even say a sentence properly.

“NURSE!” Jasper shouted as he ran to the door.

I started freaking out thinking that Devlin was somewhere lurking in the shadows waiting for the perfect moment to pounce when I was alone. “No! Don’t leave me!” I screamed at Jasper “Please don’t leave me alone” I sobbed.

What the hell was wrong with me? I am never weak like this. NEVER!

A pained expression washed over Jasper’s face. He came and lay down in the bed beside me, cradling me in his arms. “I’ll never leave you” he cooed as he kissed the top of my head and wiped away my tears.

“What on earth happened last night Eli? Jake and I heard a loud crash coming from the prom so we ran in and found this guy leaving and you lying in a pool of blood” He choked out.

Should I tell him it was his twin brother or not? I don’t like lying...

“It was a vampire” Jasper stiffened then growled “Did he bite you?!”

Looking down at my arm I noticed that there was no teeth marks but I was certain I saw hime bite me. “Um no he didn’t”

Jasper sighed, “So what did he want? I swear to God once I find him I’m going to rip him to shreds” He threatened.

Again the thought of Jasper and Devlin fighting sent my heart in a frenzy “No! You will not go after him and that is that!”

Before Jasper could ask why the door opened and a nurse walked in with my family, Bella and Ally.

After they asked how I was Smithy cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind Bella, Jasper and Ally I would like you to leave the room for a moment while we have a family meeting. We will meet you in the canteen” The way he said it was more of a demand and he didn’t care weather they minded leaving or not.

“Sure” They said and Jasper kissed me before leaving the room closing the door behind him.

What have I done now? I wondered.

“Elizabeth”-Shoot he uses that tone, the very business like one-“We believe that the cause of last night’s against was a vampire? Am I correct?”

“How did-” I sigh. No point in asking how he knew because Smithy seemed to find the answers to everything “Yeah it was”

“Hm yes well from now on you are not to be left by yourself until the..change” (Also known as me being turned into a blood sucker on my 18th)

“What?! Oh come on! Look it was this one time I doubt I will ever see this vampire again” I lied.

“I don’t care Lily! I adopted you and took you in and made a promise to do everything in my power to keep you safe. I love you, you’re my daughter and there is no way and I mean no way that I will ever, EVER let you get hurt like this again! I don’t care that you’ll be a vampire in about 3 month’s time. I will never disown you.”

Oh god here comes the water works.

Smithy came over to me silently crying and took me in his arms while Jake came down and sat beside me on the other side and we just lay their hugging each other closely.

This was probably my first time ever having a family moment with them and this is something I wanted to treasure forever.

I realised then just how much Smithy loved me and I knew I loved him too like my father so I said 4 little words that I knew he always wanted to hear.

“I love you to...Dad” I whispered