Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (28)

The whole world itself seemed to come to a stand still as I thought of how on this earth she could know Devlin.

He’s my twin brother. Life was fine at the start when we were human. Until that night we got turned. I can never forget that night...

It was 1901 my brother and I were 18 years of age. My brother being the ‘pimp’ that he was wanted me to go with him to catch some girls. I however hated the fact that he would use a girl like she was a toy and move on to a new one the same night. His sick motto was ‘Hump and Dump’. He really was a pig. Believe it or not we did have alcohol then and he happened to get completely drunk that one night. We lived in a small house with our parents at the end of an alley way. As we were walking down that alley way 2 men pinned us up against the wall. There had been rumours going round about vampires being in the city and I just knew by the look of them that’s what they were. “Dad!” I held hoping he would hear us. The men then bit us almost completely draining us when we heard gun fire. They dropped my brother and I on a heap on the floor and went to attack my father and mother. I held for them to run but they got attacked as well. Luckily they weren’t killed because the vampires fled as the sun was rising in the sky. I tried my best to crawl over to my parents and we just lay there together. We knew what was going to come next and we had to stick together.

It was a month or so after the turning. We managed to live off of animal blood because we hated what we were and we were in no way going to kill humans. We were out walking in the forest one day and we happened to find some new born vampires so we took them into our home and we helped them. Our parents became the leaders and soon years past as more and more vampires decided to join us. It got to a stage where Devlin couldn’t heck it any more. I knew he sometimes killed humans for their blood but I never realised what he would do. Our whole family fought and pleaded with him to consider staying with us but he wouldn’t listen. He craved human blood far too much that he despised us for keeping him living like a vegetarian. He turned his back on us and became a leader to some new born vampires and again their groups multiplied. For century’s wars between the good and bad vampires occurred. It got to a stage where my family and I decided we needed a break so we moved around a lot. We couldn’t stay in the same place for too long or people would get suspicious. So this year we moved to where we are now. Not once over hundred’s of years have we mentioned his name or even thought about him.

Until now.

“How do you know him?” I whisper

Her face softened, “I don’t want to talk about it right now” She whispered, “Come here”

And she grabbed my face in her hands and kissed me.

“I love you” I mumbled against her lips and I heard her sigh “I love you too”.

*Eli’s P.O.V*

*3 months later*

Yep it’s been 3 months. I got out of hospital a few days after the whole Devlin incident.

Jasper has tried to get it out of me how I know him but I won’t tell him and speaking of the devil himself, he hasn’t showed up since the hospital.

And the good thing is I haven’t had a nightmare about him either.

Maybe he did leave me alone, though with my luck that will never happen.

And Jasper and I have been stronger and closer than ever and nope we have not yet slept together if that’s what you’re thinking. In fact he hasn’t even mentioned anything to do with sex at all which is great.

“Eli’s 18th tomorrow” Jasper kissed my forehead.

“OMG YEAH!” the guys said in unison as they sat round my bed playing cards.

“It’s gonna be really nice. You know just us guys. I wouldn’t want to celebrate it any other way” I said.

They all nodded in agreement.

We decided to have the party at the meadow I found a few weeks back and have it at night time so it would be dark enough to see the stars.

“You are not allowed to go to that area tomorrow Eli until the party” Jake said

“Don’t worry I won’t” I was pretty excited to see how it would turn out though.

“Well as it’s my last day as a .. human I think we should do something to celebrate”

And yes Ally knows about me, in fact they all know about Jasper too and they took it completely fine. Ally thinks it’s the coolest thing ever.

“Well Jake, Ally and I need to be somewhere but we’ll be back in about an hour” Bella said before grabbing them and dragging them out of the bedroom.

“Hmm ok? What should we do now?”

“I think I know” Jasper smirked before crashing his lips on to mine.

And no we aren’t doing what you think we are. We just spent about a good hour making joke. I had to literally be pulled off by Bella when she walked in.

“God guys get a room!” She sighed

“Technically we already are in a room” I laughed

“Yeah yeah whatever. Let’s go. We are going bowling!” Ally squealed.

“Yay” Jasper and I mumble in unison before being literally thrown out the front door.

*A few hours later-Back at home*

I was sitting on my bed with Jake. Everyone else had gone home.

“I can’t believe everything changes tomorrow”

“Nothing will change Lilz. Just because you’re gonna be a vampire doesn’t mean you aren’t gonna be my little sister anymore. We all love you for you. Not what you are. And we’re gonna help you get through this and it’s even better that Jasper is a vampire cos he will help you too.”

“I’m just scared. I don’t wanna be a blood crazed monster. It’s cruel killing humans and well I’m scared it’ll hurt” I whisper.

“Look hunni, you can be one of those vege vamps like Jasper. He’ll help you through it and from what I’ve heard the turning doesn’t actually hurt all that much. It’s more of a weird sensation really. You’ll be fine ok? We’ll always be here for you” Jake said as he kissed the top of my head “Now get to sleep”

He pulled the duvet over me before walking out and closing the door leaving me in darkness.

Tomorrow I’ll be 18. Tomorrow things will change.

Tomorrow I’ll be a vampire
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I'm sure some of you are wondering why Devlin, Jasper's brother as the same name as his surname because its Devlin. Well I couldn't think of a name for his brother so I just decided that Jasper's no first name brother would go by his surname lol So he is just known as Devlin and nothing else