Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (29)

“Aww look at her. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps” Some one cooed

“Should we wake her?” I heard a male ask

“I don't know, I mean I’ve never seen her when she wakes up. I guess it’s your funeral” Was that Jasper?

Ok am I dreaming or what?

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” A chorus of voices yelled as someone jumped on top of me.

“Grrr get off!” I mumbled pushing the heavy object who I know found out was Jake onto the floor.

“Haha you got owned dude!” I heard Ally laugh.

“Ah, why did you guys wake me up?” I sighed pulling the duvet over my head so they couldn’t see my hair a mess. I mean when your boyfriend’s in the room you kind of feel self conscious when you’ve only just woken up – or should I say rudely woken up?

Yanking the covers off of me, Jasper lay down on the bed beside me “Happy birthday babe” He whispered and handed me a present and card. “I still have to give you something tonight at the party” He added.

I rolled my eyes “Guys you know I told you not to be getting me anything”

“Well we wanted to. So deal with it.” Smithy laughed.

After opening the presents, I got a silver sword with a red design and with my name engraved on it from Sarah and Smithy (A:N for her slaying), a new iPod from Jake and Bella because they thought my old one was ‘out of date’, a silver charm bracelet from Ally and a cute blue dress from Jasper to wear tonight along with a promise ring that had ‘Forever and Always’ engraved on it.

“Omg guys thank you so much!”

Jasper slid the promise ring onto my finger. “I mean what I say on this ring. I love you. Always have, always will” And he kissed me.

One of the sweetest moments between us but somebody had to ‘clear’ their throat and ruin the moment.

“Go away Jake” We all said.

*F.F to the party*

“Wow” I breathed. Jasper had just driven me to the meadow where we were having the small get together. There was a canopy with fairy lights all over it and a few balloons and a small table for us all to sit at. There were a few blankets on the floor for anyone to lie down to look at the stars in the sky and someone had managed to light a small fire in the middle of the area. I could see all different kinds of food from sandwiches, marshmallows, food to cook on the small barbeque that I just noticed and a huge and I mean, a huge cake in the shape of an E with 18 Candles placed round it. The scene was perfect.

After hours of friendly banter and taking lots of pictures and eating the food – well Jake devouring the food Jasper took me aside and we walked through the forest a good distance from everyone else. We sat down together on a log as we looked up into the sky.

“Not long now” I sighed

“What do you mean?”

“I mean at midnight I’m gonna well you know.. turn”

“I’ll be here for you every step of the way. I won’t leave your side. I didn’t give you that promise ring for no reason.”

I smiled at him, “I love you, y’know that?”

“I love you more” He whispered and gently kissed my lips.

“Close you’re eyes” He whispered.

I did as I was told and I felt him clasp something around my neck. It must be that other gift he was talking about. The way his hands brushed against the bare skin on my neck made my skin tingly. “Open them” He whispered against my neck making me shudder in delight.

Slowly I opened my eyes and looked down not expecting to see what lay around my neck.

My heart literally stopped beating as I glanced down at this beautiful necklace. White diamonds with a massive blue diamond in the shape of a heart.

Where have I seen this before?

And then it hit me. Hit me like a bus going at 100 mph. Hit me is underestimated. Crushed is more what I’m looking for.

“My mother’s necklace” I barely whispered. I looked back up at Jasper, “How did you get this?”

He sighed taking my hands in his. “I think it’s time you knew before you change. I think it’s time you knew who exactly done this to you. Who bit you.”

That night seemed like years ago when really it was only 3. I was 15 years of age when that vampire bit me.

“It was about 16 years ago when you’re mother and father were in Italy for a holiday. It was the last day of their small get a way if you like before they had to come back home to look after you. You were staying at Smithy’s at the time. I happened to be walking down the exact street as they were. I walked past them and said a kind hello and watched as they turned into an ally way. Vampire alerts had been on the rise that week and I thought it was dangerous for them to be walking there unprotected, so I followed them staying in the shadows. Out of nowhere my brother who I hadn’t seen in about half a century grabbed your mother and well, she had no chance of escaping. He was done with her in a matter of seconds and he was going after your father when I stepped in the way, grabbed your father and ran. My brother recognised me, I was sure so that’s why he never came after us. Your father screamed for me to help your mother but when I got to her it was too late.” He looked down and paused for a few minutes letting this sink in. A new story for me to digest and an old painful memory for him to revive.

“I had never seen a man so heart broken, so livid. The hatred in his eyes as he looked into the night sky was well terrifying. He told me, and I quote ‘I swear now on my life, my wife and my daughter that I will stop at nothing until I see that son of a bitch dead!’ We talked for a while as he held his wife in his arms. He told me a lot about you. I told him a few things about me. He said he would have wanted someone like me for you, after saving his life, he wanted somebody like me to protect yours.” At this point Jasper was looking into the distance, his eyes hazy as he relived that terrible night. “Your father knew it was a vampire that killed your mother and some how, I don’t know but he just knew I was a vampire and yet he didn’t care. Suddenly I heard a small breath, to faint for your father’s ears. Your mum was holding on with as much strength as she could. Your father told her how much he loved her and your mother did the same and she said she loved you with everything she had. She looked at me with wide eyes, pleading for me to do as she wanted, ‘Thank you for saving my husband, saving my daughter. She’s a fighter but she still needs her daddy. Look after her with everything you have in you. I know what you are and I don’t care as long as my baby is safe. Protect her with your life. Both of you.’ It was your mother’s dying wish and I vowed on that night that I would always look out for you. After that your father went looking for Devlin but as you know he got in a car crash. I searched and searched for you but I couldn’t find you. I had lost hope. Then just 3 years ago I found you. You couldn’t possibly know how it felt. I had waited 13 years for that day. You and your new family were slaying in a bad area at the time. A vampire had heard that you were coming and it got round pretty fast, that’s why there were so many of them there that night. Devlin heard as well. I heard also because I happened to be near that area at the time. I was hiding in the shadows as I watched you slay away at the soulless vampires like they were nothing. Your 15 year old self was so skilled at what you were doing, the glint in your eyes told me you were enjoying yourself. But the more I looked at you the more I felt it. We had a connection. You were something so magnificent in my eyes. You were nothing I had ever seen or smelt before. I thought you were an angel. You looked just like your mother so I knew it was you. Right then I knew I had to have you. I needed you. I saw Devlin from the shadows head towards you but none of your family saw. So I ran at you and I pushed you out of the way. I took this as my chance to threaten off my brother. He couldn’t and wouldn’t have you. You’re family started to fire at him so he fled. I quickly went over to you and held you in my arms. I wouldn’t let you go no matter how much you struggled. The moment you looked into my eyes, I knew it. You were my soul mate. I loved you and I had to protect you. It was selfish of me to have you, to mark you but I had to do it. I bit you. You probably thought you were dying but I only put in a small amount of venom. It was your mother’s wish to keep you alive so I did along with my selfishness I suppose. I noticed the necklace you wore and I wanted it so that I would always be able to find you and that I could give you to you face to face some day. 3 years later I knew I had to find you and when I walked into that classroom I felt like the luckiest man on this earth. And as I saw you all grown up into a mature young woman I just fell more madly in love with you. And the best thing is you’re going to be one of me now. We will have an ever stronger connection because it’s my venom. But I want you to know that I do love you with everything in me. I always have.”

After he finished speaking that night all came back to me.

''Lily, watch out!'' I hear Smithy shout. I turn around and whoosh! the breath is knocked out of me as a ton of bricks hit me in the stomach. Everything blurs past me as I crash into a wall.
''Oww! Wha...what the?!'' I'm dazed, what happened? My vision is blurred and I can feel the blood run from my head onto my lips. When I eventually come around, I know someone’s kneeling beside me.
Bloody hell they're freezing!
I look up at this dark figure and all I can see is piercing, rich gold, hypnotic eyes locking on mine.
Shit! Vampire.
I try to move my arms to find my weapon but the more I struggle, the tighter this vampire holds me. I can't see his face but he seems quite young, only a few years older than me. 17? 18? maybe. He very slowly tilts my head, leans in and kisses my lips - licking off the blood. Woaw! I feel light headed. He brushes his lips against my jaw towards my neck and sinks in his sharp fangs. I gasp in pain and I can feel the pressure on my neck as he sucks my blood.
This is it, I think to myself, I'm going to die.
But suddenly the vampire stops and very gently kisses my wound. He puts his hand around my necklace and with a slight tug, pulls it from my neck. He moves his face up to my ear.
''Elizabeth'' he breathes and just like magic, he disappears and everything goes black...

I realized then and it became clearer. I remembered seeing Jasper’s face. I just knew all along I recognized him from somewhere.

I was speechless. I couldn’t believe this. Jasper the person who I thought I could trust and love had ended my human life to be a bloodsucker. Does he know how much this hurts? To know that it was him who put me through all this? And worst is, his god damn brother is to blame for the death of my parents. This was just too much.

I was angry, livid in fact.

“HOW COULD YOU?!” I screamed. I didn’t even want to wait for an answer.

I ran, as hard and as fast as I could.

Tears of angry blurred my vision and I fall just at the edge of a large river.

The full moon was shining down on me and I looked at my reflection in the water.

I was a mess, makeup stained face, wild hair, dirty dress and eyes filled with pure hate.

Suddenly I felt different, I felt a weird sensation.

Then I felt pain.

This was it. I was turning. I was no longer a human being. In about a minute I would be a vampire. Blood crazed, immortal beast.

Closing my eyes I screamed in pain.

Flashes of what Jasper said played through my mind. Everything that happened in my life played in front of me. And I even thought I saw flashes of the future. But right now I didn’t care. I couldn’t understand why I felt so much pain. It wasn’t meant to hurt.

It wasn’t meant to be this way.

The last thing I heard were voices screaming my name before the pain took me and I fell into an ocean of cold, lonely darkness.