Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (30)

Pain, hurt, heart ache and more pain.

That’s all I felt in this black oblivion that I was in.

It was just .. empty.

Apart from the very noticeable sensation of 1000 knives being stabbed into my heart.

I tried opening my eyes, to get out of this horrible place but there was no escape.

I could hear the cries of pain coming from my lips, I could feel how my body was thrashing around with the excruciating pain, I could feel coldness hit all over my body, like someone was stabbing me with shards of ice over and over again and I could feel the heart ache. My heart was just breaking in 2 as everything Jasper told me played over and over in my head.

I didn’t know where I was but it felt like I was lying on something soft. A bed perhaps?

I could feel something warm holding my hand while something else was trying to hold me down to stop me from moving about so much. I felt a hand brush away the hair that stuck to my sticky face.

I could faintly hear some voices that must belong to my family.

Why was this hurting so much? It wasn’t meant to be sore at all. At least not like this.

How long will this end?

Why can’t death just take me now?

Suddenly I could hear someone talking as if they were in my mind.


“Hello Princess. I’ve waited a long time for this night. Once you turn, I’ll be coming to get you to claim you as my wife. You won’t have to worry about Jasper or your family or Ally for that matter. I could find some use for her” I could just see the smirk on his face. “I’m coming for you. When you least expect it.”

What the hell? I think I am going delusional now.

Great. Ha, note sarcasm?

I had this opportunity to think. Should I be mad at Jasper who lied to me, who put vampire venom in me, who made me grow through all of this pain?

Or should I forgive him because no matter what I love him and it was my mother’s dying wish for him to keep me alive.

One last time I heard Devlin say “I’m coming for you” before my heart sped up like it was going to rip out from my rib cage.

It kept getting faster and faster and my breathing was turning into a hyperventilation when suddenly the most excruciating pain stabbed me in the hurt.

This was the kind of pain you would die from.

“AHHHH!” I screamed out and I once again blacked out but not before noticing that my heart was no longer beating yet I was still breathing.

I was still alive.

I was now a vampire.

*Jasper P.O.V*

Did I do the right thing by telling her? Telling her the truth?

Yes I did.

But it was probably stupid of me to tell her especially on a night like this.

When I found her by the river writhing in pain, it broke my heart.

Why was she in so much pain? A turning never hurts like that.

I was sitting beside her in a chair as I held her hand and brushed the hair out of her face.

Every now and then she would thrash about and grab something so tightly like the bed sheets that she would tear them.

She must be in agony.

How much longer should she have to be going through this? It just isn’t fair, it’s not right.

I can’t underst-

“AHHHH!” Eli screamed in pain as her back arched up words and hit the bed with a thump and I listened carefully as her heart stopped.

It stopped beating but she was still alive.

She was now one of me.

*3rd Person*

News had gotten round all the vampires from both good and bad sides that the slayer girl was now one of them.

What side she chose was entirely up to her though they had a fair idea which she would choose considering it was the Prince of goodness that bit her.

One man who was not best pleased with that was his twin brother, King of darkness.

He wanted that girl for himself and he is going to get her.

*Eli P.O.V*

A few hours later

Finally the pain was gone but.. Omg no heart beat!

Slowly I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings.

I wasn’t in a room that I recognised and I noticed that someone had changed me into a purple silk night dress but that’s not what freaked me out.

What freaked me out was the fact that not only was my heart not beating, but I could see and hear everything so clearly.

I could see all the tiny specks of dust floating around in the air and believe it or not I could hear a tiny spider walking along the corner of a wall. I mean you don’t hear spiders walk! And as I looked at it, I could see every single detail on it.

I had a phobia of spiders but the more I looked at this little thing the more I was mesmerized.

Then I felt something squeeze my hand, “Elizabeth?”

As vampire instinct not knowing who this was I jumped out of bed with a growl until I noticed who it was.


I straightened up and stared at him with an amazed xpression.

He looked absolutely handsome, hot, drool worthy etc..

I mean it’s not like he wasn’t before but now that I looked at him with these new eyes and took in every detail, that’s when I REALLY saw him.

I was one hell of a lucky woman.

And I also realised that I couldn’t and wouldn’t stay mad at him.

So I leaped over the bed and in to his arms causing us to go tumbling to the ground as I nuzzled my head into his neck and breathing in his scent.

“I’m sorry. I love you”

“No I’m the one who is sorry. You don’t know how much it hurt me to see you in pain like that. I love you so much baby.”

Getting up I helped him up also and asked something that had been bugging me for a while, “Why was I in so much pain?” I winced just thinking about it.

“Honestly, I don’t know but we’ll talk about that later. Right now, I want you to see yourself.”

Furrowing an eyebrow I ask “What? I know what I look like already”

He just smiled and put a hand over my eyes as he led me to a full length mirror.

“Ready” He breathed against my neck as he placed his hands on my waist.

“Yeah” I whispered all of a sudden nervous.

I opened my eyes and.. “Oh my god.”