Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (31)

I had to blink several times and even rub my eyes.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Who was this fair skinned, dark haired beauty looking out from the mirror at me?

It couldn’t be me, could it?

I moved my hand upwards and the porcelain doll mimicked my actions. I reached a hand forward until it hit the cold glass of the mirror and then I realised that this, perfect, stunning, doll like woman was in fact me.

My hair was darker and had grown slightly longer, my skin was a nice pale colour and my red plump lips stood out. The silk night gown I wore hugged every curve of my body and I even think my chest area had gotten bigger.

I looked perfect beside Jasper. Like we were meant to be.

His hand fit perfectly into mine as he stood with an amused expression watching me look mesmerised by my own reflection.

The one thing that really stood out though was the colour of my eyes.

A dark crimson red, yet even though it was an unnatural sight they still held some sort of uniqueness and beauty.

“I’m actually beautiful” I whispered.

“No, you’ve always been beautiful” Jasper replied grinning like a kid on Christmas morning.

“My eyes..” I trailed off not quite sure what to say.

“Don’t worry once you, uh, feed they will turn gold, well depending on you know..”

“If I choose animal or human blood?” I finished for him.


“Well I’ll have animal blood of course. But shall we go feed now?”

“Ok, follow me”

Jasper led me to the window and picked me up bridal style as he jumped out of the window down 3 storeys and landed perfectly on the balls of his feet and ran in the direction of woodland. It was then that I realised we were at his house.

Further into the forest we stopped as up a head were a few deer. Jasper was going to explain to me how to feed but I silenced him by jumping on the deer from behind and sucking it dry in a matter of seconds. He had a look of shock on his face and I can only guess that it was because I knew how to do that.

“What did you expect? I know everything about vampires better than myself and that includes how they attack. It’s important to know that when you’re slaying” I laughed.

The smell of blood to me now was like the smell of a sweet perfume. It didn’t disgust me like it normally would that this delicious, warm liquid was trickling down my throat. I wanted it, in fact I needed it.

I fed until I was fully satisfied. I could last a few days without having the need to have blood.

My eyes had now turned a magnificent hypnotic gold and I must admit they were even prettier than Jasper’s eyes and his eyes always made me forget everything any time I looked into them.

“We should head back, your family will want to see you I am sure and we must discuss the complication during you turning.”

I nodded as we ran at vampire speed back to the mansion. Feeling the wind rip through my hair like this was amazing.

I felt like I was flying.

We walked into a large living room and noticed Jake, Bella, Ally, Smithy and Sarah sitting on a large couch chatting away to Jasper’s parents.

I cleared my throat and everyone’s heads snapped up to look at me.

Jake, Bella and Ally were staring at me with amazement. Smithy and Sarah were actually crying and Rosalie and Arthur were staring at me and their son with adoration and pride.

The next thing I knew I’m being pushed to the ground by my whole family hugging me and asking me if I was ok then asking me to let go off them because I was too strong and was suffocating them half to death.

After reuniting with the family we all sat down and I knew they wanted to know why the process of my changing was so painful, as did I but I had a pretty good idea.

“I suppose you all want to know why the turning process didn’t go to well?”

Nobody spoke, they just merely nodded as they waited for me to continue.

I cleared my throat and began from the beginning. “It started a few months ago...”

Oh god. This will be a long night.