Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (32)

“It all started a few months ago. Once a week I would have a dream about the night I was bitten but after a while I would be getting weird dreams about this guy saying he was coming for me and that he will ‘claim me’.” My eyes glazed over and I stared into the distance as memories flooded through my mind “The dreams never made sense, I thought I was just getting paranoid about turning to a vampire but then people I knew started appearing in them. There was one dream in particular of me walking in the middle of nowhere during a storm. I was in my slayer outfit and I knew I was looking for the vampire that killed my mother and I found him draining the life of a blonde haired girl. The next day we were in assembly and I saw him outside he was saying something but I couldn’t make out what it was then that girl appeared beside him. The same day the girl came to my art class. The girl being sucked dry had to sit beside me and I freaked. The same girl became my best friend.” I took a quick glance at Ally to notice how extremely pale she had become but I knew I had to continue on with the story.

“Anyways basically I knew I was being watched and I knew that this vampire who ever he was wanted me and was talking to me through my dreams. The last dream was when he said he would see me at Prom and he did and he told me something completely unexpected.”

“What was it?” Arthur asked.

“That he was your son.”

Shock and horror flashed over Mr. And Mrs Devlin’s faces.

“He said his name was Devlin so he must just go by his surname but the night of prom he um bit me. I think maybe that’s why I kept getting weird flashes of my past, present and future when I was turning. I heard his voice, he kept saying I was his and no one else’s, I also think maybe that’s why the turning was so painful. I mean a bad and good vampire’s venom in me.. He says I have to marry him and bare a son to take over his throne or else, or else he’ll kill everyone I love. I thought I could escape him but I can’t. He’s gonna stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.”

I could feel a tear spill over the edge of my eye and travel down my cheek.

The taste of salt filled in from the corner of my mouth and soon I could taste more tears.

No! Stop this. I have to stay strong.

“I can’t believe him” Rosalie whispered.

Arthur suddenly became very serious “Elizabeth you are to stay here from now on. It is not safe for you to be away from us. Smithy and the rest of your family can not protect you from a vampire like Devlin. Especially since you are a new born we need to teach you how to control yourself and use your abilities properly. You may even have a special talent but it may talk a while to discover that. So with the permission of your guardians we would like to take you into our home as our own daughter and care and train you to the be the best. And I will do everything in my power to keep that creature away from you. You are one of us now, you’re family.” Arthur patted my hand.

“Th-thankyou” I sniffed

“Yes Arthur I give you the permission to take my daughter in on the condition that you do every single thing your power to keep her safe. If I get my daughter back with one small scratch or hair out of place I will be extremely angry. Jasper I want you to look after Elizabeth at all times. Is that clear?” Smithy growled.

“You don’t even need to ask Sir. I love Eli, I’d die for her and I will protect her with my life.” Jasper looked me in the eye and I knew just by the one look that he meant every single word he said.

He would die for me and I knew 100 % that I would die for him. I would do anything for him.

And if that means going face to face with Devlin to stop all this and keep Jasper safe then I will do it.

It’s time to face Devlin.
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