Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (33)

My family only stayed for about an hour after me explaining everything. They were asking me questions but I hardly listened. I just replied with a simple yes or no. I was too busy thinking of ways that I could meet Devlin and kill him. To end all of this.

Currently I was in my new bedroom, the one opposite Jasper’s. We had a whole floor to ourselves their house was that big. I’d say they have over hundreds of rooms they don’t use and I found out that they had servants too. Since they were the Royal family of the good vamps they had a lot of protection and that tripled with me staying over.

I couldn’t stay on my own, too many thoughts were buzzing around in my head keeping me awake. I got up and walked over to Jasper’s room knocking lightly.

“Come in”

I opened the door slowly until I realised what I was wearing. A very short and low cut silk black night dress with red lace.

Oops. I felt myself blush like mad as Jasper got up from his bed and walked over to me, a slight smile on his lips.

“You look beautiful” He breathed before crashing his lips against mine.

It only ended up in a very hot make out session. Jasper knew I wasn’t ready to go any further just yet and I knew that we both wanted our first time together to be special. [AN: Please read memo about this]

“Can I stay here tonight?” I asked as I cuddled up to him.

“Of course, you don’t even need to ask”

He kissed my forehead and pulled the covers over us and I fell into a deep sleep with Jasper’s arms wrapped protectively around me.

Normally if we ever did this I would never have bad dreams, but tonight I did have one.

I was in my slayer outfit walking down empty streets in the middle of the night through a storm. Everything was so familiar like déjà vu. I then realised this was the same dream I had about Ally before I had even met her. I knew I was looking for Devlin and I was expecting to find him sucking her dry and when I turned the corner I saw him bent over her drinking from her like he did the first time. Only this time when he flung her lifeless body to the side did the dream change. I was now at a very dark looking castle. I went in and everything seemed so dead and black. Devlin’s castle. I walked aimlessly until I found a dungeon and when I pushed open the wooden doors I gasped. Ally was sitting in the corner with crimson eyes and deathly pale skin. He had turned her. The scenes kept changing until the last one was of Devlin and I in a dual. We were both covered in blood and he knocked me to the ground, I had become so weak. I lay there looking up at him as he raised his sword and started lowering it down towards my heart...

I woke up gasping uncontrollably and I was shaking too much.

I suddenly had a very bad feeling that this dream wasn’t just some animation my imagination fixed up.

This was going to happen.

I was only half aware of Jasper hugging me close. “Eli what’s wrong” I could hear the worry and pain in his voice.

I knew he hated me like this, it always hurt him so that’s why I only told him part of the dream, at least I wasn’t lying.

“I think Ally is in danger”

*Ally P.O.V*
I can’t believe Eli went through all that with that Devlin guy.

God he is such a bastard.

I told Smithy just to drop me off at the park a few streets down from my house because I could just take a few short cuts. He said he didn’t want me walking on my own at like 2 in the morning but I said I would be completely fine.

He reluctantly let me go and I thanked him as I made my way through the park.

Ever have the feeling of someone watching you? Yeah I had that and it didn’t help the fact that there were so many bushes in this park it looked like things were hiding in them.

I heard a twig snap behind me and I quickly spun round to find nothing there.

Oh great I thought sarcastically I’m losing my mind or when I turn around there’s going to be some insane killer standing behind me like you see in horror movies. The poor defenceless girl hears something behind her and when she turns around there’s nothing there but when she turns back..BOO!

I chuckled to myself and as I turned around I had to swallow my scream.

A man that looked awfully like Jasper only with very long hair and red eyes stood there with a sadistic smirk on his face.

Omg this must be Devlin!

“Hello Ally”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooh what will happen Ally? Keep reading to find out ;)