Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (34)


“Ugh” I had only just fallen asleep about 5 minutes ago before my phone woke me up.

I looked at the caller I.D to notice Ally was calling me at.. 2.30 in the morning?

I turned to my left to see Jasper deep in sleep as I quietly answered my phone, “Hello?”

I waited, expecting Ally’s voice to reply but instead I got quite a shock.

An evil chuckle responded through the phone, “Hello Princess”

My breath caught in my throat as I quickly left Jasper’s room and went into my own to get some privacy.

I really didn’t want Jasper knowing his evil twin was phoning the love of his life.

“What have you done with Ally?”

“Oh what ever do you mean?” He replied mockingly

I was starting to get really angry.

“Don’t talk bullshit. What have you done with her? I swear if you lay one fin-”

“Chill babe, I just sort of kidnapped her and if you want her, then come and get her.” I could just imagine the smirk plastered on that ugly face of his.

“As soon as I see you, I’m going to rip that ugly head of yours off your neck. Got that?”

I was literally ready to explode. If my dream was true, I needed to get to Ally before he turned her.

“Oh I got that alright. See you shortly love”


Running a hand through my hair, I ran over to my suitcase and just so happened to find my slaying outfit at the very bottom. I got dressed, grabbed my weapons, and stopped in the middle of the room.

How was I to sneak out?

Then it hit me, as weird as this is going to sound.. I actually forgot I was a vampire.

In other words even if I jumped from my bedroom window about 3 storeys up it wouldn’t matter. It’s not exactly going to hurt me.

Not wasting any time I jumped from my window and landed perfectly on the balls of my feet and managed to sneak past security and get through the rather large gate that the Devlin’s had surrounding their property.

Now where to go?

I thought back to all my dreams or nightmares rather and tried to remember the street I was on when I first dreamt of Devlin.

I decided to walk through the forest until I got a whiff of a sent, another vampire scent though it was quite faded. I followed the scent to find a piece of long blond hair hanging from a tree and paper beside it.

Sniffing the hair to pick up a scent I realised it was Ally’s and the blood in my body boiled with anger.


Just follow my scent and I will see you soon my love.

Your soon to be husband, Devlin.

I ripped the note to pieces as I followed Devlin’s scent at vampire speed.

Any other time I would have enjoyed the adrenaline pumping through my veins but right now, I was to pissed to care.

Even at vampire speed it still took ages to finally reach the dreaded destination. I was in some other kind of forest only this one was full of rotting corpses and dead leaves and trees. Compared to home this just had death screaming at me.

Wait..did I just say Jasper’s house was my home?

God I’m so whipped.

And now I’m getting off topic.

Anyway the place seemed.. deserted? I mean there was no security what so ever at the castle gate. I got in with out any trouble and as I was walking up to the front doors they swung open to reveal well no body?

I’m getting a little suspicious right now.

Trying to do exactly what I did in my dream I walked aimlessly around the castle looking for the same place I found Ally.

Somewhere near the bottom of the castle I came across a familiar wooden door.

I opened it up to be greeted with Ally rocking herself back and forth, her hair a mess and blood dripping from her neck.

Oh God, do not let her change.

I did not want my friend to have to have her life wasted by some evil sadistic vampire. No way would I ever want her to be turned by someone like him.

“Ally” I whispered as I ran towards her only to be kicked in the back by a strong force and sent crashing into the wall on the opposite side of the room.

Trying to re-catch my breath I looked up with blurry eyes to see a dark figure approach me and send me flying into another wall.

Soon both I and Devlin where fighting one on one.

All I had to do was kill him and everything would be back to normal.

But I got that distracted I didn’t notice the powerful hit Devlin was throwing at me until I fell into unconsciousness.

*Jasper P.O.V*

I woke up and put my arms out beside me to reach over to cuddle against Eli when I found an empty bed. Scrunching my eyebrows in confusion I got up and walked into her room across the hall from mine to find it empty.

I started getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like something bad was happening to Eli. We had a strong connection in that kind of way, that we just knew how each other was feeling.

I searched the whole castle to find she wasn’t there and when I went back up to her room I noticed her window was open.

I jumped down from her window and caught a slight whiff of her scent which I followed into the forest surrounding my property.

I walked further into the forest only to be greeted with the faint smell of another scent.

Bending down I saw a ripped up bit of paper and a strand of .. Ally’s hair?!

I read the note and immediately began to feel my fangs extend as the anger pulsed through my body.


“SECURITY!” I screamed as I ran at vampire speed back to the castle to get everyone into an emergency meeting.

“What is it Sir?” One of the top body guards asked.

“My brother” I spat “Has decided to get his hands on my Eli.”

Shock and anger flashed in their eyes.

“We are going to rescue Eli, find him and then I will finish the job and kill him. Now go!”

Never when I was younger did I ever think that I was going to murder my twin brother who him and I used to be inseparable.

Well you know what the saying his.

Times change.

And boy don’t I know it.