Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (35)

*Eli P.O.V*

I woke up with a huge headache. I sat up in bed and took in my surroundings.

Where the hell was I?

I was in a very large room, with black and gold décor and I was lying in a King sized bed with black curtains draped around it.

Omg. Suddenly last nights events came flashing back into my memory.

I’m in Devlin’s castle.

I growled and through the covers off me standing up and looked down at my attire.

“Mother fuc-”

I don’t remember wearing a skimpy blue night dress that tbh you might as well thought it was a belly top because it didn’t even cover my bottom half!

That really ticked me off.

I ripped it off me and quickly changed into my slayer outfit noticing that my weapons where still hidden in the secret pockets I had in my outfit.

I opened the door and poked my head out looking left and right to notice the coast was clear.

I got about 2 steps before someone cleared their throat. “Miss Van Helsink. Follow me please.”

I turned around to see an old butler with this hand out directing me where to go.

I walked ahead with him following closely behind as he directed me into a large dining room. It was one that you could just at any moment expect an orchestra to play and men and women in fancy clothes come waltzing across the dance floor.

“Ah my dear Elizabeth. Breakfast?” Devlin sat at the head of the table with what looked like a cup of blood.

I don’t even want to know where he got that.

“I’m here to collect Ally then leave. Now let me see her!”

“Elizabeth!” He chuckled with a shake of his head “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that” In a blink of an eye he was standing right behind me “We’re getting married tomorrow after all” He smirked.


I turned around and glared at him with hatred burning in my eyes.

“Let me see Ally” I growled through clenched teeth. I couldn’t believe I was going to say this, “I’m your fiancée after all and you should give your fiancée what she wants” I flashed a fake smile at him.

The best thing to do was to act like everything was ok and that I was going to go through with this wedding. I have a whole day to at least gain some of his trust.

I can’t believe he actually fell for that as his face lit up with joy “Oh baby, I knew you’d come around”

“I know, I can’t believe what I saw in that.. brother of yours. He’s nothing compared to you Devlin” I said as I rubbed my hands up and down his chest causing him to shudder in pleasure.

Well at least I have some sort of hold over him.

“Now can I please see Ally?”

“Ofcourse” He kissed me on the lips and directed me to the same room where he knocked me out.

A sudden rush of anger pulsed through me as that memory came back but when I saw the state of Ally it took everything in me to not rip him to shreds in front of her.

He left us alone as I ran over to her and grabbed her face in my hands looking in her eyes to see if she was turned or not.

She wasn’t.

“Oh god, what’s he done to you?” I whispered as I squeezed her to death.

“Apparently I’m here as his ‘Bloodbank’.” Ally shuddered.

Suddenly I realised why she was covered in blood. He was using her to feed.

I could feel my fangs extend and the taste on venom in my mouth as I felt a sudden urge to murder him with my own hands.

Checking that Devlin wasn’t near I explained to Ally that tomorrow we would be escaping at the wedding. I told her that we had to pretend to like Devlin to gain his trust and that she needed to keep strong at all times.

“Can you do that?”

“Of course Elizabeth”

“Good, now let’s go pick out my wedding dress” I sighed.

*Jasper P.O.V*

Where the hell is Devlin’s castle?!

My men and I have been running for hours on end and I couldn’t get a single whiff of Devlin, Ally or my Elizabeth.

I wonder how she is. It pains me to be so far away from her.

If he as much as lays one finger on him I will rip that ugly head of his of from his neck, rip his heart out and feed him to the crows. Not that they would want to eat something as revolting as that.

“Sir!” One of my men snapped me out of my thoughts. “We’ve found the trial. If we leave now we may get to his castle around tomorrow afternoon.”

“Good, let’s go.”

I couldn’t wait to get Eli back home, not just because I missed her but because I had something very special planned for her.

*Eli P.O.V*

After hours of pretending to look for dresses I finally picked a plain white dress that came to my knees. The only reason I bought it was so I could easily run in it when Ally and I were going to escape.

Of course Devlin insisted on me wearing big fancy dresses but I wouldn’t let him so me being stupid decided to let him choose what I would wear under the dress.

Skimpy lingerie was his choice obviously but I’m glad he picked a garter as well because I was going to hide a weapon under my dress because I had a funny feeling I would need it.

Ally was being bridesmaid and there were going to be no guests, just the butler who was going to read out the wedding vow things.

I thought this was perfect because it would be easier to escape and the wedding was held outside in Devlin’s huge gardens.

It was night time already and Devlin had complete trust in Ally and I.

He even let her stay in the room beside mine to ‘help me with my hair’ in the morning.

Devlin walked me to my bedroom door and opened it for me as I walked in.

“Goodnight love” He whispered as he pressed his lips against mine.

As much as I wanted to gag I knew I had to pretend I liked him so I imagined I was kissing Jasper which probably wasn’t the best idea because when I gripped Devlin’s hair and moaned into the kiss he took this as an invitation and shoved his tongue into my throat while throwing me onto the bed and crawling on top.

He moaned my name and his hand began rubbing my thigh.

“Dev-” He cut me off my giving me one of the most sweetest kisses he ever gave me and for a moment I was stunned. He swiftly removed his clothes just leaving him in his boxers as he ripped my dress off leaving me in my underwear.

I tried to break free from his grasp but I knew I had to play along other wise he would get suspicious.

I think imagining Devlin was actually Jasper probably wasn’t the best of ideas because I forgot who really was on top of me.

Devlin straddled my hips as he started kissing my neck looking for my weak spot. I bit my lip trying not to moan but it was no use as a small moan escaped my lips. Devlin smirked as he started biting and sucking on that area while his hand trailed up my stomach and to my bra trying to undo the clasp but this snapped me out of my trance and I realised what was going on.

He looked down at my half naked body with lust as he was about to take it off.


He looked at me suspiciously. “I mean, wait for the wedding night baby. I have a surprise for you” I whispered seductively.

“I can’t wait” Surprisingly he agreed and kissed me goodnight before going to his own room.

What the hell just happened?

I couldn’t believe I let it go that far but when I said I had a surprise for him I meant it.

Tomorrow night, I was going to kill him.