Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (36)

*Jasper P.O.V*

We were about half an hour away from the bad vampire city and it would take at least a few hours to reach the woods in which my brother’s castle is placed. We had to be extremely careful because somebody is bound to recognise me and they could kill my men and I any second which is why we had to take the long way around just so I wouldn’t be exposed to everyone in the city we were going to go along the outskirts.

I just hope I can get there in time before something bad happens to both Eli and Ally.

*Ally P.O.V*

“Ally come here please” I heard Devlin call from inside his ‘office’.

I took a deep, shaky breath as I opened the door and stepped inside.


“I know you are a good friend on Elizabeth’s so I want you to make sure everything is in order for the wedding. After we are married I will leave it up to Eli to decide what to do with you though personally I want to suck you dry or even use you as my little slave. You could even be Nanny to Elizabeth and my kids. If anything bad happens today, it’s your life. Got that? I don’t want you planning something because I have guards all over this castle and one step out of line means me not being very happy. Is that clear?”

“Ye-yes sir.”

“Good. Now scram!”

Without any hesitation I ran out of the room and to Eli’s bedroom. I needed to let her know that we needed to make sure our plan would work because since the whole area is going to be guarded we might not be able to get out, at all.

*Eli P.O.V*

Knock knock

“Come in”

“Eli! We have a problem”

“What is it Ally?”

“Well Devlin called me into his office and said that if we were to plan anything or if anything goes wrong at the wedding then it’s my life on the line and we might not be able to get out at all because he is having the whole area guarded like a hawk.” She said as she sat Indian style on my bed.

I was pissed that he threatened Ally like that and even more pissed that we might have trouble escaping. I almost forgot there was a whole big city of human eating vampires a few miles away but of course I didn’t tell Ally that.

“Don’t worry we will sort something out. Wedding isn’t until tonight which means we have time to plan and we won’t be as noticed when we do escape since it will be dark.”

“That’s true” She agreed.

*10 minutes before the wedding*

“Ok so you ready?”

I checked that I had my knife hiding under my dress held up by the garter I wore round my thigh. Luckily for me it was the kind of knife that could expand out into a sword. It was especially made for me when I was little and I’ll need it in case I have to kill someone to get out of this place.

“Ready” I nodded.

Like I said earlier the wedding was outside, in this big marquee thing which was making it easier to escape.

I walked outside under the sparkling stars to see a red carpet led out leading towards the alter where Devlin stood dare I say looking handsome in a black and grey suit with for some reason a sword tied round his waist and his long dark hair tied back with a black string. Large crystal statues and large candles with flowers were placed all around the place with a small table with food for us to eat afterwards. Of course there won’t be an afterwards because it won’t even get to the stage ‘I do’.

There were no guests just Ally, myself, Devlin and his butler –who I still didn’t know the name of- acting as minister. Music automatically played from somewhere as I began walking down the isle with Ally tailing behind me.

Devlin looked at me with joy and lust in his eyes (no surprise there) as I stood beside him waiting for the minister butler person to introduce the wedding.

He spoke a few words before he asked Devlin the usual ‘do you take thee’ etc. Of course he said yes as he slipped a ring on my finger and then it was my turn.

“Do you Elizabeth take Devlin to be your lawful husband?” [A:N I couldn’t be bothered writing out the full thing lol]

Smiling I turned and looked Devlin straight in the eye.

“No. I do not.” I said with so much confidence before quickly whipping my knife out from under my dress and aiming it at Devlin.

*Jasper P.O.V*

We had finally arrived at Devlin’s castle and we managed to sneak into the grounds.

I was frozen to the ground when I saw the site.

Devlin in a suit and Eli in a wedding dress. I was instantly angry at the fact that he was fighting her.

I took one step forward before I was pushed to the ground by a guard and we ended up fighting against tons of them while I shouted Eli’s name telling her to get out.

*Eli P.O.V*

“You bitch!” Devlin screamed as he slapped me across the face. It made my vision blurry as I felt him hit me again. I regained my composure and sent my knuckles into his nose causing it to crack. We were both in fighting mode as our eyes turned red and our fangs extended.

I pushed Ally out of the way as I knew this could get dangerous and this is a stage called ‘blood lust’ when all the vampires want is blood.

I was fighting against Devlin when I got distracted.

“Eli! Get Ally and get out of here now!”

Jasper? OMG!

I turned my head to see Jasper and his guards fighting against hundreds of Devlin’s guards and Devlin took this opportunity to kick me in the stomach sending me crashing into the crystal statues causing the smashed glass to rip my skin.

Sudden flash backs of prom night flew around my mind and Devlin stood above me with a sword in his hand.

“I knew I couldn’t trust you, you little bitch! I can’t wait to see the look on my brother’s face when he sees you are dead!” He laughed evilly as he lowered his sword towards my heart.

This was like my dream. Only I never knew how it ended but I know for sure it won’t be with me dying.

I looked to my right and noticed my knife as I quickly yet discreetly grabbed it and hid it in my right hand.

I looked back up at Devlin with a smirk on my face as I grabbed his sword in my left hand and brought my leg up kicking him in the face. He let go of the sword and I jumped up slashing my knife right across his throat like I did at prom.

His blood squirted rapidly from his neck all over my face and dress and I was still that angry that I punched my hand through his body, ripping out his heart with sadistic thoughts as I watched his body fall lifeless to the ground.

I threw his heart on to the ground and stabbed his sword into it.

Never in my life had I ever killed anyone as heartless and cruel like that but I didn’t care because I knew at that moment that I was free from Devlin.