Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (37)

Despite the fact that I had killed the person I despised the most and made the past few months of my life a living hell, I still wasn’t happy that I had killed him in the cruellest way possible when really I should have been ecstatic.

And the only reason I can think that is because I was still filled with anger over everything that happened not to mention I was still in ‘blood lust’ mode, the reason being why I was trying so hard to stay away from Ally who was currently watching me fight the rest of the bodyguards a safe distance away with the butler/minister – who I discovered by the way, was actually a human that just some how happened to live, well for longer than normal humans do. Which is why I didn’t mind her being with him because they seemed to be getting on fine and I knew he wouldn’t try and drink her blood while I had my back turned.

Well I would like to think he wouldn’t.

Any way, after shredding Devlin into tiny pieces I was now currently helping Jasper and our men polish off Devlin’s guards – which might I add was a piece of cake considering they weren’t that strong even though there were more of them than us and I was still at the early stages of being a vampire so since I was a newborn I was still extremely strong, about ten times stronger than Joey (our top bodyguard) and Jasper put together. And that is saying something because you should see the size of Joey. Talk about built? And he was a very experienced fighter.

Fighting them was that easy that I even managed to keep up a conversation with our men and got to know them a little better and they got really pissed any time one of the dirty minded guards we were fighting made some comment like ‘Babe instead of fighting me why don’t you show me how feisty you are in the bedroom’ and one guy even had the nerve to smack me on the ass so I turned round and hit him extremely hard where the sun don’t shine, told him he got owned by a girl and then let Jasper rip his head off for touching me though Jasper seemed to go all karate ass on them if they took even a single look at me.

He was protective that way but I didn’t mind. It made me feel extra safe :)

While fighting I was completely unaware however that one bad guard managed to grab hold of Ally while pushing Butler out of the way and holding her in a tight grip against his body so tight that I heard her yell out a small ‘oww’ which is what caught my attention.

Spinning around I noticed she wasn’t actually that terrified probably because she’s used to being around vampires by now but she still looked at me with pleading eyes to get the mo’fo’ off of her and so I did exactly that.

“Get the fuck off her now!” I growled as I slowly stalked towards them eyeing him like he was the prey and I was the predator. He was also the only guard left standing as Jasper and the rest of our men stood behind me watching what my next move would be. They knew they didn’t need to help me and I was actually thankful that Jasper had faith in me that I could manage this idiot all by myself.

“Oh and why would I want to do that?” He smirked.

The cocky little shit.

With a pleasant smile on my face I spoke slowly yet with a menacing tone “Because if you do not gave me back my friend unscratched right now I will enjoy watching you die a slow and extremely painful death.” I couldn’t help but notice that everyone shuddered at my tone of voice and I smirked mentally knowing that I could use this to my advantage.

And without waiting for a response for him I ripped Ally out of his arms and through her blindly in the direction of Jasper and pounced on the vampire in front of me.

We landed with a thud as I straddled his waist and the smirk reappeared on his face as he looked up at me lustfully, “I like girls on top” He whispered.

I decided to mess with his little mind as I replied, “Yeah so do I” I smirked. The look on his face was rather amusing.

He was obviously confused at what I just said trying to work out whether I meant it or not when I said I was a ‘lesbian’. Not even giving him time to blink I had already smashed his skull into the hard cement pavement and heard the satisfying crunch as it made contact with the hard surface knocking him out cold – for good.

And I also couldn’t help but notice 3 things. 1) The gagging noise Ally was making and how she was shaking – obviously the shock of everything was catching up on her now.

2) The way one of our guards stood with her as he said soothing words in to her ears not to mention the way he looked at her, like he had just found his soul mate.

3) Mr. Butler was looking at me with admiration as he came running over thanking me for finally setting him free from living a life of hell.

“Oh miss you don’t know how long I have been waiting to get out of here! Devlin was a horrible, heartless man. I knew what he was planning to do with you which is why I managed to prolong this whole wedding thing. He was going to kidnap you at prom but I told him it was best to wait a while and pretend he had ‘forgotten’ about you and he actually agreed which I’m thankful for because it meant you could turn vampire with your family and friends around you and not have to worry about him. I’m just sorry I couldn’t stop him at all. I mean over hundreds of years I’ve tried getting out even killing him but I couldn’t because I had made a promise – we made a sealed bond – that I would serve him for eternity but now that the bond is broken I’m a free man. I don’t even know if I will still live long or not but thank you anyway!”

I looked him dead in the eye and couldn’t find one trace of him lying at all. He was truthfully sincere. It looked like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he was finally happy as if he never was in that dreaded castle.

I was suddenly in a happier mood. Not only was I free but I had made some one else free and happy.

He was finally free and so was I.

Now Jasper and I could finally live in peace.