Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (39)

“Are you ready Lilybeth?” Ben’s little voice rang from downstairs.

“Yeah, yeah coming” I mumbled as I made my way down the many stairs.

As you are aware I have my ‘date’ with Ben at the funfair since it’s in town though since we live in the middle of nowhere it will take us at least half an hour or more to get there by car and then we are going to a restaurant for dinner later tonight.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and a small giggle escaped my lips as I saw Ben with his hair slicked back, wearing a brand new red shirt to match my red dress, a pair of dressy jeans and a rose in his hands.

“For you” He stated as he placed the small rose in between the curls in my hair.

I actually blushed at this gesture and mumbled a small thank you before he took my hand and lead me out the front door with Jad and Jasper snickering behind us.

Giving the brothers a quick glare each I hopped into the back of the limo with Ben and we made our way to the fair.

* * *

“Oh my word. That rollercoaster was awesome! Didn’t ya think so Lilybeth?” Ben said as we had gotten off our 12th rollercoaster.

“Sure little man, how bout we get something to eat huh?”

“Yeah but first lets go over to the ‘throw hoops’ booth!”

We made our way over and Ben decided to show of his skills to everyone that he could get all ten hoops onto the little pegs.

Of course being a vampire has many advantages, one being that we are extremely accurate at everything so Ben could throw the hoops with his eyes closed.

Rolling up his sleeves and squinting his eyes in concentration Ben began throwing all ten hoops to which all of them landed perfectly on the pegs.

“Woah. Well done there little fella. So what big prize would you like?” The guy running the booth asked.

“I would like the big teddy bear please!” He said as he smiled up at me.

I furrowed my brow as I tried to think of why he would want a teddy when he had the choice of toys that many boys would love to get. I mean sure he was still young and maybe liked to have something cuddly but he already had his favourite teddy.

A very worn looking blue bunny that he had gotten passed down to him from Jad who had it passed on to him from Jasper.

Kinda cute if you ask me.

“There you are son” The guy said as he handed Ben the tidy that was twice the size of him.

I had to stifle a laugh as I saw him struggling to keep a hold of it.

“Lilybeth” Ben looked up at me with a cute smile on his face “Can we go on the Ferris Wheel?” He whispered as if he was embarrassed to ask.

“Of course we can and after we will go to the restaurant?”

“Sounds good to me!” He grabbed my hand and skipped –well attempted to with out tripping over the bear –over to the Ferris Wheel and luckily there wasn’t a long line.

We got into the little carriage and the wheel began to move and stopped when we got to the top to give us a few minutes to see the view.

Ben cleared his throat and nervously scratched his head. “Um Elizabeth?”

I turned to him in shock, hearing him call me by my actually name.

“Yeah?” I asked hesitantly.

“Uh well I uh I just wanted to say that you look um very pretty and thanks for coming tonight and you’re really nice and my best friend and I want you to have this teddy bear” He rushed out in a small voice, pink highlighting his cheeks as he held the bear out to me.

I took it gently in my hands and set it to one side as I gave him a massive hug. “Aww Ben thank you so much. That means a lot. I have to admit that this has been so much fun and if you must know, you’re my best friend too” I smiled as he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and turned his head so I couldn’t see him blushing crimson red.

At this point we had reached ground level so we got out of the Ferris Wheel and I took his small hand as we made our way back to the limo to take us to the restaurant.

* * *

“Here we are Miss Elizabeth and Master Ben” The driver said as he opened our doors for us.

We had been driven to a very posh looking restaurant which had a person dressed in a suit and top hat at the front door to open and close it for people.

We walked inside and waited at the small sign that said ‘Please wait to be seated’.

Immediately an old cheery looking man came over “Ah! Master Ben what a pleasure to have you here. Who is your very pretty date?”

“This is Elizabeth Van Helsink, Frank.”

Franks eyes lit up as he looked at me and bowed at me “Thee Elizabeth Van Helsink? As in Jasper’s beautiful lady that I have heard so much about?”

“Um yes that’s me” I giggled.

“Well it is a pleasure to finally meet you Miss. Please follow me.”

Frank took us to a private room and handed us menus. A few moments later he came back with our food after we had ordered.

“So Mr. OhSoPopular how does Frank know you?” I asked after taking a sip of my drink.

“Eli Babe. It’s ‘cos I’m me. How could you not know this god?” He smirked as he gestured to himself.

Rolling my eyes I tried not to laugh “Seriously though?”

“Ok ok, mum and dad own this restaurant.” He said shaking his hand back and forth as if dismissing what he said was nothing.

I nearly choked on my food, “They own this?”

Ben laughed at my expression, “Yeah they have more than one” He smirked.

A small squeak escaped my lips as I tried to think of something to say but came up with nothing so I resorted to finishing my meal.

* * *

I carefully tucked Ben into his bed and kissed his forehead and walked out of his room, glancing back in again before closing the door quietly behind me.

The poor wee fella fell asleep on my lap on the way home from our ‘date’.

I thought it would be such a cringe worthy day but he proved me wrong because it had been the most fun I had had in ages.

“You’d make a good mother” I jumped at the voice and turned around to see Jasper leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, a small smile working its way on that gorgeous face of his.

I blushed, “Yeah well I like kids I guess” I shrugged.

“That’s one thing I’m glad for though.” I said.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that even though I’m a vampire now I can still have kids. I mean I know you can adopt and stuff but in a way it’s not the same. You know? I just want to have my own kids, have the experience of being the first to hold them in your arms when they’re only a few minutes old. Apparently it’s such a wonderful experience even though you have to go through nine months of watching what you eat, not doing much and having some morning sickness not too mention the whole episode of actually giving birth, it’s all worth it in the end. And I say that that is probably right.”

And as weird as this may sound, I know Jasper and I have only been together for a few months but I love him and I know he’s the one and as weird as this sounds I want to have his children.

Of course I didn’t tell him that. That would probably just scare him off not to mention every other 18 year old boy when they hear their girlfriends talking about having babies.

“You’ll make such a wonderful mother you know that?” Jasper kissed my forehead as he walked me to my room.

Giving me a goodnight kiss we went into our separate rooms and I quickly got changed and snuggled into bed.

Just as I was drifting off to sleep I hear my door open and close and the bed sink as someone else got in behind me and wrapped their arms around me.

“I love you” Jasper murmured as he hummed a song to me to help me sleep.

Soon enough I fell asleep wrapped safely in his arms, dreaming of everything that had happened in my life recently.

I really didn’t know how lucky I was to have him in my life.

*Jasper P.O.V*

Just hearing Elizabeth talk about having children made me feel all tingly and warm inside.

She didn’t know how much I wanted her to be having my children, to share that amazing experience with me.

We may have only been together for a while but she is quite literally my everything.

She is my soul mate, my world and I love her with all my heart and more.

I still have to give her that surprise I was going to give her when we saved her from Devlin.

I knew she was the one.

I just had to pick the right moment to give her the surprise, to tell her how much she means to me.

To ask her that one simple 4 word question that could lead me to spend the rest of my life with her.

‘Will you marry me?