Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (4)

''Sorry I never got your name''

''Oh yea, erm.. I'm Elizabeth'' I smile at him.

''What a lovely name. Woul you mind if I called you Eli for short?'' He flashes a huge smile showing perfect white teeth.

'''s nice'' I stutter. He's teeth looked like well mini fangs but maybe I was just imagining it..

Biology passes really slowly, and I can feel Jasper with his eyes on me the whole time. I've peeked a look or 2 at him a few times but of course he's caught me. God, it's like I fascinate him! Seriously..what's so special about me? Please if you know that answer, get back to me. I'm not the prettiest girl around and to be honest I'm not that sociable either but to him it's like no other person exists. Everything I feels like it's so important to him. Maybe he is such a shy kinda person like I am and he just wants someone to talk to? The bell rings and I make my way to English. Out of nowhere Mr.Handsome appears at my side.

''Hi! I think we're in the same English class!'' Oh and guess what? He was right and again he sat beside me. I don't know what the teacher said that whole lesson..I felt uneasy the whole lesson because again Jasper would never take his eyes off of me. ''Okay class! For next week I want you and a partner to write me an essay and present it to the class on anything you like.'' ''Partners?'' Jasper whispers. Showing that perfect crooked smile that I love. ''Yea,sure. I'd like that.'' I smile and he smiled the biggest smile he could manage. He looked like a wee kid walking through the gates of Disney Land. Ugh nice..I'm his own personal Theme Park. ''We should do it on vampires'' he laughs.

Ugh. Those blood sucking leeches. I hate them and I HATE the one that killed my family. I swear I WILL kill that vampire..I'll stab a stake right through it's heart with my own bare hands and I'll die in the process if I have to!

While I was thinking this, I swore I saw Jasper wince. I think he saw the anger on my face.
''Uh, Jazz you 'Kay?'' ''Huh? Oh yea fine Eli! Let's get break!'' He picked up my bag and literally grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to the canteen. I got a red apple, Jasper took nothing and we both sat down with Jake and Bella. ''Hey love birds. This is a new kid, Jasper.'' ''Hey'' they both said without even looking our direction. How rude .Too busy looking at each other. God I'm surprised they're not sick of the sight of each other.

''That all you having?'' Jasper gestures at the apple. ''Um yeah. Guess I'm not that hungry. And what's your excuse?'' ''Same as yours'' He laughs. Truth is I don't get as hungry as normal humans. I could go a day or 2 without food 'cos of this vampire venom crap running through my veins. I eat everyday though..just out of habit I suppose. If I go without food it sometimes feels uncomfortable plus you don't want people getting suspicious though they'll probably just think I'm on some crazy diet.

I stare at Jasper's beautiful face. There's something about him. He seems different but in a good way. He's pale skinned,bronze sorta colored hair, soft lips over a set of brilliant, perfect white teeth and most of his beautiful, yet piercing honey/gold eyes under dark think eyelashes. He is quite literally breath taking. He's like a God. I just want to reach out and touch his perfect body...Stop that! you only just met the guy!

''Hey smelly! Don't look at me like that. I feel exposed!'' He laughs ''Sorry. You just seem familiar..have we met before?'' ''Uh.n-o-o..just today..'' He seemed a little uneasy when I asked him that but I suppose I believe him.
After a short, awkward silence the bell rang and I made my way to my next class. ''See ya at lunch Jasper!"
I start to walk away and all of sudden Jasper grabs my hand and spins me around,grabbing me into a bear hug. 1.Wow how did he get to me so fast 2. I can't breathe!
''Where do you think your going?'' He growls teasingly. ''Em..Mu-Music and...then..Hi-hi-history. Why?'' I gasp ''Oh me too! let's go!'' And he very gently set me down and took my hand without asking. You'd think that would shout at this stranger for holding my hand around school but for some odd reason..I like it. It feels right to walk around hand in hand with him.
'' surprises there then''We both laughed. Funny how he is in all of my classes. It's like he done that on purpose though I don't see how. So it could just be a coincidence,right?...