Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (40) (Mature Content)

The next day I woke up to an empty bed.

I stretched and brushed my fingers through my hair as I made my way out of the bedroom.

Even though Jasper and I had a whole floor to ourselves with a kitchen and living room, basically a house to ourselves, we still had meals with the rest of the family in the main floor.

Being too lazy to walk down at least 30 odd steps, I grabbed the banister and flung myself over it landing perfectly on the balls of my feet.

That’s one thing I liked about being a vampire, we had perfect balance where as when I was a human, I kind of had no co-ordination at all.

I walked past the kitchen on my way to the dining room shouting a good morning to the cooks. For some odd reason I was in a cheery mood, like something nice was going to happen today.

I skipped into the dining room to find the whole family there all looking at me smiling.

You know the kind of smile where it’s like they know something about you but you don’t know what it is and they keep it a secret and you get all suspicious and they act weird?

That’s exactly what it was like.

But I paid no attention and ruffled Ben’s hair as I sat between him and Jasper at the table.

“Morning love” Jasper greeted as he kissed my cheek

“Good morning sweetie” I smiled and started to eat my breakfast.

“So lil man, enjoy last night?” I asked Ben. I thought he was unusually quiet.

“Yeah, I had a lot of fun. Thanks.” He sighed.

“What’s wrong buddy?”

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and whispered “Do you love Jasper more than me?” Probably hoping I wouldn’t hear, but I did.

I stopped mid-chew and stared at him with my eyebrows raised and let out a little laugh.

“What makes you think that?” I asked “Of course I love you silly, you’re cute and funny but you’re just too young for me pet. But I’ll tell you a little secret” I paused and whispered in his ear “Don’t tell Jasper, but you’re my number one boy”.

Ben blushed with a small smile on his face and I heard Jasper give out a small chuckle.

“Ha ha, well Elizabeth, Rosalie, Jad, Ben and I are leaving now and we won’t be back until tomorrow night” Arthur said standing up.

I raised my eyebrows, “Where are you going?”

“Well we decided to go out of town and we thought you and Jasper might like some time alone together. Oh and the maids will be leaving now too so basically the whole house is yours” Rosalie smiled.

Sure it was nice they were giving Jasper and I time alone but they didn’t need to leave town and have the workers finish early. Something was definitely up.

“Oh um ok. Well thanks that means a lot.”

“No sweat babe” Jad said as he gave me a quick hug followed by Mr and Mrs Devlin.

I knelt down to be eye level with Ben and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“You behave and I’ll see you soon, kay?”

“Ok even though I don’t want to leave” Ben mumbled.

I put my finger under his chin and made him look at me. “I promise that when you get back, I’ll take you out.”

Ben’s eyes lit up, “Like on a date?!”

I giggled, “Sure thing handsome”

“Aw thanks babe” And before I could get up he gave me a sneaky kiss on the lips before running off laughing.

Did he just kiss me?!

Oh god.

“Um.. uh bye?” I said even though nobody was there.

I heard a chuckle behind me and turned round to face Jasper.

“So what did you do to make them leave? I kind of feel bad making them leave their own house to give us some private time.”

“Don’t worry Eli. They wanted to go out of town anyway. And later on about 7 o’clock I want you to be ready and waiting in your room in a nice outfit.”

“What? Why?”

“Ah uh no questions” Jasper smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine.

*5 o’clock*

I decided I would start getting ready for what ever Jasper wanted me to get ready for.

I hoped into the shower for about an hour, washing my hair with shampoo and conditioner and then shaving. After I was finished I quickly dried off and put on matching black and red laced bra and underwear and dried and curled my hair.

I put on some dark grey and black eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. I put on some blusher and went to clean my teeth before I put on some red lipstick to match the red dress I was going to wear.

I sprayed myself with some perfume, put on the promise ring Jasper got me and my slayer necklace because it would go with my dress and for the simple reason that even though I was still a vampire, I still wore it all the time.

I looked at the clock in my room to see that it was 6:45 so I slipped on the long red dress that flowed down to the ground. It showed off all my curves and had a long slit on the right side from the floor all the way up to just the top of my thigh, revealing my leg and the black high heels I wore.

Checking in the mirror how I looked, I opened my bedroom door about to look for Jasper when I noticed the floor was covered in rose petals and I could hear soft music playing from the small dining room we had on our top floor. I followed the rose petals which lead to the large balcony that was connected to the dining room.

My breath caught in my throat at the beautiful sight in front of me. There was a small round table covered in a white table cloth with candles lit and a rose in a vase. There were two plates of food and surrounding the balcony were small tea light candles glowing under the stars. It was so romantic and a smile starting making its way onto my face when I realised Jasper had done this for me.

“Do you like it?” I heard his husky voice ask as I turned around to see him looking so handsome in a black tux with his shaggy hair going all over the place but on him it looked perfect.

I smiled as he enclosed the space between us. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”

We sat down at the table and started to eat. No words could describe how good the meal was and I was proud to find that it was all cooked by Jasper himself. After we finished the meal he pulled me up and put my arms around his neck as he put his hands on my waist and slowly swayed me from side to side as we danced to a slow song.

This moment was perfect. I stared into Jasper’s eyes as he stared into mine. We could both see the longing and love for one another in each others eyes.

Jasper removed his hands from my waist and took both my hands in his as he looked up at me through his long dark eyelashes.

“Elizabeth, when I first saw you when you were 15 I was stunned. You were the most beautiful living thing to ever to walk on earth. I longed for you; it was literally love at first sight. It scared me to see you fight against vampires twice as strong as you. I knew I couldn’t lose you; I couldn’t let this perfect angel leave me. When I bit you I inserted my venom in you so you always had a part of me in you and I took your necklace so I always had a part of you with me. I didn’t want you to turn into a vampire at that age so I bit you so that you wouldn’t change until you were 18 due to me being that age when I too was turned. And so I waited for you until a few months before your 18th. I had to be there for you when you turned and I couldn’t wait any longer. I longed for you to want me, just like I wanted you. When I saw you that first day of school, I was the happiest creature in the entire universe but not as happy as I am now. I was always lonely but with you, I feel complete. When we’re together I feel perfect. You brought me back to life. Being away from you makes me fall apart. You’re my rock, you keep me strong. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Forever, with you by my side. You are the stars in my night sky. You brighten up my life. You’re my soul mate. What I’m trying to say is-”

He paused as he knelt down on one knee taking out a small black velvet box.

Oh my God.

By now the tears were dripping down my face.

“Elizabeth Van Helsink, will you marry me? Promise you’ll stay with me.”

I fell to my knees to be level with Jasper, “Oh! You don’t even have to ask me. You know you’re all that I live for.”

“Is that a yes?”

I let out a small laugh “Of course I’ll marry you!” I smiled as he slipped on a small silver ring that had a large diamond and two smaller ones on either side of it and engraved on the under side of the band was ‘Forever and Always’.

“I love you so much Elizabeth”

“I love you too”

Jasper gently cupped my face in his hands as he lightly kissed my lips. I kissed back and knew that I wanted nothing more than him. I was ready to give myself to him.

“Take me” I whispered against his lips.

Jasper looked at me with a shocked expression, “Wh-what?”

“I want you Jasper. I’m ready.”

“Are you sure you want this baby?”

“Of course I do. I love you more than anything in this world, I trust you and I want you. Right now.”

I kissed him passionately as he kissed me eagerly back. He picked me up bridal style not breaking the kiss and he kicked upon the door to his bedroom and kicked it closed behind him.

We both kicked off our shoes and Jasper roughly threw his jacket off.

I had to admit that I was terrified. Not that I was doing it with Jasper but just that I was inexperienced just like him and I didn’t want both of our first times to go wrong.

With slightly shaky hands I slowly unbuttoned Jaspers shirt slipping it off his arms to reveal his toned body. I delicately ran my fingers over the abs on his stomach and felt him shudder in delight.

He kissed my face and made his way down my jaw, neck and then shoulder where he slipped off the strap of my dress. Very slowly he slipped down the other strap and let the dress fall off me.

I reached for his trousers and took no time in taking them off him. He picked me up and gently set me on his bed crawling on top of me.

His hands traced my body and anywhere he touched it left my skin feeling tingly.

I was getting extremely nervous as he unclasped my bra removing it to reveal my chest. He kissed my lips before making his way down all the way to the hem of my pants as he slipped them off.

I lay completely naked in front of the love of my life but yet I started to feel comfortable.

“You’re beautiful” He whispered.

My hands traced every muscle in his body and I let them trail down towards the hem of his boxers. With one quick tug they were removed.

“Ready?” Jasper asked looking into my eyes.

Staring back at him I gave a slight nod and closed my eyes, gasping as he entered me.

At first it was sore but soon all I felt was pleasure and it was then that I realised just how perfect we were together, how our bodies moved together, like we fit like pieces of a puzzle.

The night was perfect, Jasper was perfect and the most special part was that we had just given each other to one another.

Right now my life was perfect.

I loved Jasper with everything in me and some how, this perfect, amazing man loved me back just as much.

I was going to be Mrs. Jasper Devlin.

I fell asleep that night cuddled up to my love, to the one person who completed me.

Life right now couldn’t have gotten any better than this.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was sort of a mature chapter. There's nothing too bad in it because I don't want to get in trouble for writing a sex scene because I'm not sure if you are allowed to or not. But hopefully you enjoyed the chapter anyway.