Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (43)

*1 year later; Christmas Day*

“Omg do I look ok?” I asked Bella nervously as I paced back and forth across the floor.

“You look more than ok. Now stop worrying and put your shoes on. We have to go!”

“Fine, fine” I mumbled and I quickly slipped on my sandals taking a quick glance in the mirror on the way out.

I couldn’t believe it.

Today on Christmas morning, was my wedding day.


Everyone attending the wedding (which was apparently a lot of people I didn’t know considering I was marrying a prince) had all decided that instead of opening presents in the morning they would all open their own at the reception.

And like I wanted, I was wearing a blood red dress that flowed down to the ground while my brides maids Bella and Ally were wearing gold dresses that stopped just on their knees.

Before I got a chance to walk out the door Ally’s voice stopped me in my tracks.

“Wait!” She screeched


“You need to put this on!” She held up what looked like a thin piece of black lace. Was that..

“A garter?” I asked

Bella and Ally both giggled before they quickly forced the garter up my thigh then pushed me out the door.

The cool air calmed my burning cheeks as I tried to get over the embarrassment that my two best friends would know exactly what Jasper would see tonight..

They pulled me into the carriage that was being pulled by 2 white horses and we made our way to the church.

“I am going to die!” I squeaked. “Look at all the people!”

“What did you expect? You are marrying the future King after all Miss Future Queen” Bella smirked with Jake beside her.

Jake started to laugh. “Shouldn’t you be up there with Jasper?!” I hissed.

He rolled his eyes before kissing me on the head and making his way up.

“Ready?” Smithy asked as he held his arm out for me.

“I suppose I have to be”

“Elizabeth, don’t worry! I’m the one should be keeping you here and not walking you down the aisle because I really don’t want to give my daughter up. But Jasper loves you, and you need to calm down and get through this for him!” Smithy laughed, squeezing my hand in reassurance. “And no I’m not going to cry because then you would cry and I don’t want your make up ruined.” He added.

“Oh thanks Dad” I rolled my eyes and Bella and Ally made their way up the aisle as the music started to play.

Taking a deep breath both Smithy and I made are way through the double doors all eyes on us.

Because I was marrying a Prince a lot of people from very rich families were there. And I mean a lot.

I could feel myself shaking as I took deep breaths through my nose to calm down. I looked away from everyone up to the pulpit and held in a gasp.

Jasper, only a few foot away from me, was looking like .. no looking better than a greek god. His dark black suit contrasted with his pale skin while he wore a blood red rose to match my dress and flowers, his dishevelled reddish brown hair danced in all directions and his breathtaking smile stretched across his face as he looked at me with such intensity and love, I could feel butterflies explode in my stomach as I felt a large smile make its way across my own face.

It took everything in me not to run down the aisle to Jasper and leave Smithy behind me.

After a very agonisingly slow pace we finally reached the front of the church where Jasper delicately took me from Smithy, holding both my hands turning me to face him.

“You look so beautiful” He whispered and I giggled, feeling my cheeks grow hot.

The minister began to speak and I couldn’t pay attention to what he was saying because not once did Jasper and I break eye contact. He still had a large smiled spread across his face as he said the words “I do”. He gently took my hand and on my ring finger he placed a silver band with a small sapphire stone in the middle.

Next it was my turn, and not once looking away from Jasper I too replied “I do.” Taking his silver ring I placed it on his finger.

Because we were vampires and I was now a Princess Jasper had to leave his ‘mark’ to show that I was his wife and that I was Princess of the vampires. Then I too at the same time had to leave my mark to show that he was mine etc.

I was nervous not because of the whole bite each other thing but because apparently when two vampires bite each other it is a very intimate thing to do and I didn’t really want to do it in front of hundreds of people but I knew I had to and what if Jasper’s blood tasted good I’d be afraid that I couldn’t stop because even a year later I’m still finding it a bit tough not to attack a human but I’ve managed.

Jasper loosened his tie and button to give me access to his neck where I had to bite him.

“Jasper and Elizabeth will now leave their mark on one another” The minister informed the congregation.

Jasper brushed my hair away from my neck and lowered his head until I felt his cool lips kissing my neck, “You’ll be ok” He reassured.

And I felt his teeth prick my skin. I expected it to be sore but instead it felt pleasant as I heard him drink from me. I felt warm and at peace so I lowered my head and gently sunk my teeth into him. His sweet warm blood trickled down my throat and a minute later we both pulled away. The marks were not visible to humans and weren’t really that visible to vampires but they were there and once there they couldn’t be removed.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Prince and Princess. You may now kiss the bride.”

Jasper looked down on me, a small smile graced his lips before he pulled me into him kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. In that moment I forgot about everyone in the room, only concentrating on the warmth of Jaspers body against mine and the way his lips massaged mine.

We were interrupted by an uncomfortable sounding cough which I could guess came from Smithy. I pulled back blushing like crazy as Jasper laughed wrapping an arm around my waist and walking me outside towards the limo that would take us to the reception.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay they are finally married :D
Possibly some mature content in the next chapter.