Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (5)

In History:

''Vampires are NOT real!" A girl growls. ''Yes they bloody well are!'' I growled back. ''Okay girls! Please calm down. We all have our opinions. One at a time.'' Mr.Varner tries to calm us down.

Basically in history we're discussing 'supernatural creatures' and it just so happens to be about immortal blood suckers. Quite ironic after my nightmare, don't you think?

''So you really believe that dead demon people fly around in a bats body biting peoples necks for a drink?'' She laughs.

Deep breathes Elizabeth. Don't lose your temper on her. Keep it cool!

''No. I don't believe that at all! I never mentioned that I believe in neck biting bats!'' I spat back.
''Then what do you believe Elizabeth? Please do go on. I'm very interested to hear your opinion upon this topic.'' Mr.Varner urged. Trying to give me a little confidence. Even Jasper who sat quietly beside me gave me a wink and nudge to go on.

''Right. Okay.. I've always been a supernatural person. I do believe in God & Devil. In good & evil. In ghosts & vampires. There are many legends about vampires, some I think are completely absurd. I do not believe they can shape shift from human into animals. I don't believe they sleep in coffins, are afraid of the sun,garlic and crosses and wear black cloaks and only come out at night. We only believe in that because of the media and movies such as 'Count Dracula'. OK there MIGHT be vampires out there like that..but I..have my own theories.''

Mr.Varner and Jasper both raised their eyebrows, eager to hear what I had to say. Even the girl I growled at seemed interested so I continued. ''I believe that these 'immortal, bloodsucking, predators' do have souls. Well some anyways. There's good and evil in every human, so why can't there be good vampires?

“Yeah OK they might need blood to survive but who’s to say it’s human blood they need? Which leads me to my 2ND point, I don’t think all vampires survive on human blood. I’m pretty sure plenty of good vampires wouldn’t kill innocent humans so live on donated blood or even animal blood, possibly human food though it wouldn’t sustain them that long. Thirdly, I think they are just like us. Even before they were turned they were still human. I think they just live normal lives, go to school/work, live in a normal house, sleep in beds, watch T.V, read, laugh, cry, go out during the day because the sun doesn't’t burn them. Heck they probably go to the Caribbean on holiday to get themselves a bit of a tan! They still use the toilet, shower, drive cars..basically they are just like us. They look and live exactly like us though normally they are more breath taking and look like a Greek God and have the voice of an angel.”

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Jasper looking a little..smug?

“They eat, sleep, talk, study, work and have feelings so why should they hide away? They’ll always be like us..a part of us. Though having said all that there are very few good vampires out there and I mean very few! The rest of the leeches deserve to die. Don’t get me started on them but basically I believe vampires are real and who you think is a human could actually have been a human 1000 of years ago and is now a bloodsucker. For all you know you could have bought something out of a shop from them or even been friends with one. Heck for all we know their might even be one in here with us right now.”

I can hear a few gasps from some of the pupils around the room as they look between each other whispering about what I just said. Some people looking intrigued by what I said, others looking at me like I have 3 heads. *Great even more reason for Tanya and her girlfriends to think I’m a freak* From the corner of my eye I can see Jasper looking at me wide eyed. “Your..incredible” he whispers to me. “I know” I flash him a massive grin.

OK, so your probably thinking ‘why in hells name is that girl talking nicely bout vampires when she detests their existence?’ Well you see everything I said is true. There are vampires with souls out there and only live on animal blood. Yes, I am a vampire slayer hence the title of the story but I don’t kill ALL vampires. I’ve met some good ones; one was even a doctor at a hospital! Am I worried he’s gonna kill a patient? Hmm nope, he’s too good a man, he HAS a soul. Like I said vampires with souls are very rare. Even vampires with souls have and still occasionally kill humans for blood but they tend to kill bad humans e.g murderers. Some vampires however deserve to die, they are soulless. They crave humans, they like playing and torturing their food. It brings the bastard’s great pleasure in ripping their prey to shreds ... while they’re still alive. There are also different types of vampires, many I have never met. God, they are like different species of dogs. Hmm I wonder what you would get if 2 different vampires mated.. a cross-breed? Ha. I wonder if humans can get pregnant with a vampire...

I’m snapped out of my little daydream by Mr. Varner.

“Wow. Really interesting theories Elizabeth! I’m very pleased, you mentioned vampires with souls which really caught my attention. Do you think they can die and if so what happens in the after life for them?”

“Yes well I do believe once bitten you are ‘doomed’ for eternity. Never dying. I do believe that vampires can be slayed by vampire hunters or they can kill each other. Rip a vampire to shreds and burn the pieces. There are many different vampires, all that react differently to certain things so what might kill one vampire won’t necessarily kill another. For humans the after life is either Heaven or Hell, why not for vampires? Everyone assumes they’d go to hell but not all deserve to. Even if it’s not heaven for them like what humans get, I still believe they would go to some happy place. Though I’ve heard that being a vampire is hell in itself. Living forever, watching everyone you love die. Why not change them? But I believe some vampires wouldn’t want to put loved ones through their own personal hell and misery”

“Hmm yes I see what you mean. Do you think immortals have some kind of Royal family?”

“Ha, vampire Queen Elizabeth?” I smirk, “I’m not sure whether they do have their own version of Prince William and Harry. They might just have a high up coven of vampires that take control over everything, a coven that vampires look up to for protection, guidance and support but then again maybe they do have their own King and Queen. Like I said, vampires are like us and we have Kings and Queens so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did too.”

“This is actually incredible. You should write a book!” laughs Mr. V. “It is just fascinating! Miss Van Helsink, you have just changed the whole out look on vampires. We’ll have to discuss werewolves next!” He chuckles. “Hmm..we will definitely continue this conversation next lesson. Just sit quietly class until the bell rings for lunch.” He then disappears into his store mumbling about taking us on a trip to Transylvania to go vampire spotting. I was in such deep thought I never realized Jasper had been calling me until he poked me in the ribs. “Ow, Jasp! Sorry must’ve been day dreaming..again” I smile sheepishly at him. He smiles, “’S’Kay. Was just saying how amazing your theories were and you meant every word. You’ve met one before.” Shit. That wasn't’t a question, it was a statement.

“Uh..” RING RING. Ha ha saved by the bell. Oh how cliche.