Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (6)

Jasper took my bag again and we walked to the canteen in silence. I didn't’t even bother to line up to eat, I wasn't’t hungry. I just sat down at a table with Jake and Bella and started counting the months until my birthday. 4 months, seems ages away but it’s not. Trust me. 16 weeks can fly by so fast it hits you like a slap in the face or a vampire kicking you in the stomach. Oh that is sore; A ton of bricks hitting you, sending you flying and crashing into a wall at approx. 215 mph...One word...BLOODY FUCKING OUCH!

I know it’s not like a Van Helsink but truthfully...I’m terrified.

“Eli? Earth to Van Helsink!”

“Pour water over her” I heard somebody mutter.

“Oi, don’t even think about it” I growl as I was interrupted from my little daydream.

“Finally the hedgehog has woken from hibernation” They all laugh. Doesn't’t help that I’m worrying about becoming a vampire in what? 4 bloody months!

“Fuck you” I mumble and storm out of the canteen with tears of fury and sadness falling down my face without permission. “Hey! Eli, wait up! I’m sorry” Jasper jumped in front of me blocking my way with his huge, muscular build.

“What’s wrong?” “Nothing” I sigh looking at my feet. With his cool, index finger he lifted up my chin. I nearly had a heart attack at how close he was. With his beautiful eyes boring into mine I was hypnotized and when he spoke the sweet scent of his breath paralyzed me and for some reason, I loved it.

“You’ve been crying” he stated with a frown. I opened my mouth to speak to tell him I didn't’t like to see a frown upon his beautiful face, but nothing came out so I snapped it shut. *What the hell is wrong with you Van guy has ever made you like this*

By then the two love birds caught up with us. “Eli what’s wrong now?” Jake sighed. “What month is it?” I whispered to them hoping Jasper wouldn't’t hear. “Um it’s May – Only 4 months till your birthday...” Bella trailed off in a whisper. “Exactly!” Uh-oh I feel tears again.

“What? I’m confused. What’s wrong with May? OOH! YOU’RE ON YOUR PERIOD!” Jake shouted. God, that boy can be so stupid at times. “No moron!” Bella and I said together. Just then the bell rang for class. “Forget it. See you guys later” I walked to class not waiting on a reply.

The end of school arrived and of course Jasper had been in all of my classes. He tried asking me what was wrong but he soon dropped it when he realized I wasn't’t gonna tell him. I just wanted to get home so I didn't’t bother waiting on J or B or going to my locker. I pushed my way through the crowd and made it outside into the pouring rain. “Oh wonderful” I mumble as I pull up my hood and make my way home with my iPod blasting in my ears. I got home, got changed and jumped straight into bed and fell into a deep sleep with Jasper on my mind.

There’s something about him, he seems so familiar like I’ve met him before...but where?