Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (7)

I woke up with a start; I was sweating and gasping for air. What is with those dreams?


It was pitch black but there was a figure standing in front of me, a guy around 18? I tried walking towards him but when he would come within my reach he would just ... disappear. I couldn’t see his face because his back was turned but I could hear a whisper around me “I’m coming for you my princess. We will be together soon” What the hell? Who is this? Then the next thing all I could see was hypnotic gold eyes ...

End dream

Where have I seen those eyes before ... they seem so familiar, like those other eyes in my dream the night before? I wonder if they belong to the same person. Oh well time for school.

I looked at the clock and realised I had only 15 minutes to get ready. I quickly washed my face and applied eyeliner and black eye shadow to my eyes with some lip gloss. I then put on a nice tight fitting black dress with red skulls over it that just landed on my knees and put on my black converse since it was nice and sunny outside. I brushed my long hair and put in a bow clip. I was thankful that my hair was naturally straight; I got that from my mother apparently and rushed down the stairs. “Finally, you’re ready!” “Shut it and lets go Jake”.

School at lunch

“Hey Jasper baby” Ugh why must that voice always annoy me?! Jake, Bella, Jasper and I are sitting down trying to eat our lunch but she just has to come and ruin the nice silence.

“Oh um hi uh, what’s your name again?” Haha, you should see the look of Tanya’s face. She looks like a fish gasping for air just because Jasper forgot her name! “It’s Tanya but anyway I’m inviting you to my house party on Friday night, it’s my birthday and it would make my birthday so much better if you could come! I think you and my boyfriend will get along so well!” “Unless he finds out you slept with Jasper like you sleep with every guy you see” I mumble under my breath. Tanya gives me a death glare which I reply sarcastically, “Oh I’m shaking in my boots” “Shut it Elizabeth” she spat “So what you say Jasper?” She winks and twirls her hair at him. “Fine I’ll go” Tanya squeals and jumps up and down but stops immediately when he says “But only if these guys can goes especially Eli” “What are you doing Jazz?!” I hiss and he just smiles innocently at me.

“But but ... oh fine then but I better not see you on the night Eli and please for all our sakes wear some normal clothes! I don’t want everyone knowing I invited an emo to my party!” and with that she walks off, shaking her ass in the process in the hope it will turn Jasper on but all he says is “Ugh, she makes me sick” “Haha well good because I really hate you right now Mr um wait, what is your second name?” “I am offended by two things there Eli. 1, you hate me and 2, you don’t know my full name!”He mocks hurt and puts his hand on his chest “Dry your eyes douche bag and tell me your second name and why the hell you just invited me to Miss. Satan’s party!” I hiss. Jasper sighs, “Fine my surname is Devlin and I want you to go because you are my only friend and I want to spend quality time getting to know you plus you can keep my away from Miss ‘I want in your pants’ girl.” “Oh and by quality time, he means having a really hot make out session with you while grinding to music” Adds Jake.

“Jake! Shut up and stop ruining the moment like you always do!” I blush like crazy and Jasper rubs his finger over my cheeks. “I love it when you blush” he murmurs making me blush a deeper shade of red. Suddenly, very slowly he leans closer and closer until I feel his breath on my face. His eyes linger on my lips then back up to my eyes. I can see loads of emotions swirling around in his beautiful eyes but the ones that stand out are curiosity and is that, lust?

Just as our lips were about to touch, still with our eyes open the bell rings and I jump immediately. “Uh, um yeah I ... um I guess I will see you guys later...” I walk away immediately to the girl’s bathroom and splash water on my face. What the heck happened back there? Was I about to get my first kiss?

A little voice inside my mind said Yes girl I think you were honey.

I rub my face dry and make my way to gym trying to avoid Jasper but then I groan inwardly when I realise he just so happens to be in all my classes.

*Great this won’t be awkward or anything*

* * *

OK, so gym didn’t go to well. Jasper tried to make eye contact but I just could not look at him yet. It also didn’t help that we were playing volleyball because my mind was else where and I didn’t hear a girl shout “Watch out Eli” until I felt a volleyball smack me up the face sending me flying to the ground.

“Ow what the hell?!” “Here let me help. Are you ok?” Shit, it’s Jasper. Play it cool Eli, pretend nothing happened at lunch. “Um, yeah I’m fine. Just wasn’t paying attention I guess but um thanks.” I then turn and run to the girls changing rooms because the teacher said we had done enough for today.

* * *

At the end of school I went to my locker and when I closed the door I screamed in shock. “Geez Jasper don’t scare me like that!” I start walking away but he grabs my hand “Sorry” he chuckles “Where do you think you are going Miss?” He growls playfully. *God I love it when he does that, such a turn on ... wait a minute WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!* “Um I am walking home Jasper” I said it as if I were stating the obvious, which I guess I was. “No you’re not love” he smirked. *Damn, I love it when he calls me that and smirks* “Uh excuse me?” I’m confused. “I’m giving you a lift home” And before I could protest he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and drove me home in a very expensive looking car.

“Well thanks for the ride dude” “Any time gorgeous, anytime” he gives me a crooked smile that makes me melt inside. He grabs my chin in between his fingers and just as his lips are literally a cm from mine he says “See you in the morning at half 8. I’m bringing you to school” And with no comeback I quickly slide out of the car and stumble my way to the door, dropping my keys in an attempt to unlock the door because I’m well in shock. Once I make it in I run to my room and take a long hot shower.