Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (8)

The next morning I woke up quite early so I took a shower, done my hair and makeup and put on ripped jeans and a black and white stripped jumper with some black and white vans. I grabbed a pop tart from the toaster and made my way to the front door not bothering to wait on Jake because Bella would be meeting him. I stepped outside and locked the door and cut across the lawn heading for school when I felt someone throw me over their shoulder.

“Ahh! Put me down whoever you are!” I started to kick and punch them when I heard his voice.

“Woah, geez Eli, it’s just me. Did you forget I’m taking you to school today?” By now we were in his car. “Oh uh, sorry I forgot” I smiled sheepishly at him. Jasper just rolled his eyes and chuckled. I swear I thought I heard him mumble “You humans..” What did he mean by that? Is he saying he isn’t a human? I mean, I have noticed how fast and strong and breath takingly beautiful he is and how he just pops up everywhere all the time, though that could be because he is on my mind ... all the time. Oh well I probably just imagined it. Yeah, I’ll stick with that.

“So on Friday I will pick you up about an hour before the party so we can get something to eat because if I’m correct there will probably only be alcohol at this party” I nod my head, “Mmkay and yeah it’ll be all alcohol” “ you drink Eli?” “Meh, I guess but I’m not the kind that would get myself drunk and sleep with some random guy. I mean like not that I would sleep with some random guy anyways because I’m still a virgin and I ... Omg, um pretend I never said that!”

What the hell Eli? You just admitted to some really hot guy you’re a virgin. Way to go *eyeroll*

“Eli, don’t be embarrassed. I’m actually surprised. I’m not saying you’re a girl like Tanya who sleeps around I just would have thought that with maybe one of your boyfriends...well you know. But if it helps, I’m a virgin too and I’m not ashamed, I’m just waiting on the right girl y’know? I wanna wait till I have found my soul mate”

Aww that’s pretty sweet, but hold up? He is a virgin? No way, someone as gorgeous as him can’t be!

“Aww Jasper, that’s so sweet. You’re the only guy apart from Jake that I know who doesn’t want a girl for sex and um, I’ve uh never had a boyfriend” I whisper that last part.

“I hate guys who do that to girls and why not? You’re beautiful, intelligent and you’re you and not some fake. Any guy would be lucky to have you” By now I am blushing so much I turn my head and look out the window hoping Jasper doesn’t notice. “I could say the same to you. I mean I’m sure you have had girlfriends?” I ask “Nope actually I haven’t so I guess we have more in common than we think” He chuckles.

“Yeah, I guess”

*Jasper P.O.V*This is at the very start*

I walk into the classroom and give the teacher my name. I don’t pay attention to anything he says as I focus my attention on something so much more important.

A girl sitting by herself, her long black hair sitting perfectly around her pretty face looks up at me and I smile. Her cheeks turn red as she puts her head down on the table. This has to be her; this has to be the girl from 2 years ago.

I sit beside her and after the school slut trying to flaunt her stuff at me I tell her she isn’t my type which causes the girl beside me to laugh. What a beautiful sound comes from her mouth. ''Sorry I never got your name'' ''Oh yea, erm.. I'm Elizabeth'' she says and smiles one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen.
Yes. I have finally found her. My soul mate, my true love, my Elizabeth.

*Eli P.O.V* Skipping to Friday*

I take a look at myself in the mirror making sure I haven't forgotten to put something on.
*Ding Dong* Ok, you look fine now go answer the door. I make my way downstairs to see Jasper looking HOT talking to Smithy. “Aw there’s my baby girl. You take good care of her alright Jasper?” “Yes sir, I’ll have her home safe and sound” “Smithy,cut it out” “Just looking out for you honey and you look stunning pet” I blush “Thanks”

Once we are in the car Jasper turns around and looks at me with a smile “Eli, you are gorgeous” I blush even more *good thing its dark in here* “Thanks and you’re not to bad yourself”

After about 10 minutes of silence we arrive at a restaurant, a very expensive looking one at that. “Uh we’re eating in here? Geez Jasper this place looks expensive” “Don’t worry, I’m the one paying and you’re worth it” He takes my hand and leads me into the restaurant. My hand is tingling like mad and my heart is racing at well way faster than it should.

“Table for 2 please” Jasper asks an oldish woman. “Awk you 2 are so cute together. You make a lovely couple” She smiles and leads us to our table, in a private area away from everyone else. “Enjoy your dinner” She says and winks at me while she walks away. Oh god, this is embarrassing. I’m probably a good 4 shades red at the minute!

During the dinner we talk about our likes and dislikes, what we want to do when we are older and turns out we have a lot in common. “So what about your mother?” Shit, what do I say? Oh she just got killed by a vampire when I was a baby? Nope, not that. Think Eli! “Oh well um she died giving birth to me and my Dad passed away a few years later in a car accident so Smithy, my Dad’s best friend adopted me” “Oh I’m so sorry” “No it’s fine I um didn’t really know them but I had a necklace that belonged to my mother but um it was...stolen” BY A BLOODY VAMPIRE! “That must have been hard on you. Well I would say I know how you feel but I don’t as I have both my parents” “It’s alright really”

*At the party*

After Jasper and I have had a few drinks (still sober by the way!) we are now currently grinding against each other to some song, I really have no idea what it is but I know that I am having extremely good fun ;) until I hear a voice I wish I never did. “Ahhh Jasper so glad you came! Come dance!” Tanya drags him off leaving me by myself. Great now what? Oh a table with shot glasses. Hmm I might as well take one or two...

After 10 shots of raw vodka I’m grinding against some big dude unwillingly. He is some jock who just came up and started grinding behind me “Come on up stairs sugar” “Um no thanks” I try to get away put he throws me over his shoulder and brings me to a bedroom locking the door behind him. “Ah it was nice meeting you but I like have to go” I laugh nervously “Oh you aren’t going anywhere until I’ve had my fun” and with that he pushes me onto a bed and straddles my waist. With one hand holding my arms above my head his other hand roams over my body and pushes my dress up to my stomach. As I struggle against him I scream for help but then it becomes muffled by his lips crashing onto mine. In the process he rips of my dress leaving me in my bra and underwear. He eyes me with lust in his eyes, “Just relax and have some fun” he smirks. The jock guy starts kissing my neck while unbuckling his trousers and making them fall to the floor. Everything starts to go fuzzy because of all the alcohol and it hurts my head to scream. His hand then makes his way into my underwear and tears are escaping out of my eyes when I scream for help again and try and kick him with my legs.

God Jasper where are you?! Somebody please?

*Jasper P.O.V*

Tanya drags me away to the other side of the room and starts grinding against me as I look frantically around the room trying to find Eli. “Come with me” Tanya tries to say seductively as she brings me upstairs into a very pink room *shudders*. “I want you” she whispers in my ear while kissing at my neck. “Tanya no, your drunk and I don’t like you in that way” “I don’t care” She says and she pushes me onto her bed. Just then I thought I heard a scream but Tanya puts on some music so I wasn’t sure whether I imagined it or not. She makes her way over to me while taking off her top “Aw come on Jasper, don’t look so nervous. I don’t bite” Ah, but I do Tanya “Tan-’’ I’m cut off by her lips crashing onto mine. I push her off and then I hear another scream. It’s Eli! I run out of the bedroom hearing Tanya whine behind me but then she stops to chat up some other guy. I run to where I heard the noise and find the door locked. With one kick the door flies open and I see a distressed Eli being pinned down half naked by some other guy. Suddenly I feel so angry. How dare he hurt MY Elizabeth? I run over to him and pull him off her then start to punch him and scream at him “DON’T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN OR ELSE!” With that he runs out of the room and I turn back to see Eli with her knees up to her chest crying. I put on her dress, comfort her and pick her up and she snuggles into my chest. At vampire speed I end up in her bedroom and place her in her bed and whisper to her.

*Eli P.O.V*

Great I’m going to get raped. The guy then gets on top of me and pulls down my underwear and just as he is about to rape me the door gets kicked open by a VERY pissed off looking Jasper. So quickly that I would have missed it if I blinked the jock is thrown of me and punched several times and Jasper screams “DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN OR ELSE!” I pull my knees up to my chest to cover my body and more hot tears pour out of my eyes. The guy runs out and when Jasper turns around his face softens. He grabs my dress and pulls me into his chest and rocks back and forth. “Shh Eli it’s OK now. I’m sorry I wasn’t with you but he won’t hurt you again.” Some how he manages to put my dress on me and I turn my head into his chest and sniff his scent that makes me feel all better. God he smells good. The next thing I remember is being placed on something soft, a bed I think and Jasper's voice “Sleep now my love. It won’t be long now” and I drift into a deep sleep
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Wow Jasper is a hero ^.^