Status: Completed =]

A Love Like Ours Should Be Forbidden

A love like ours should be forbidden (9)

*Eli’s P.O.V*

It’s Saturday, 1pm and I’m currently sitting in my pj’s watching Batman cartoons on TV. Yeah I’m a big child, sue me but come on you gotta admit, Batman is HOT! well the one in the new movie.. um The Dark Knight or something. Though having said that the Joker ain’t bad either.

“Lily, Smithy and I are going out to do some shopping. Jake is at Bella’s and is out of town so will you be ok by yourself until we come back?” Sarah asks.

“Yeah I’ll be fine. I’ll just be watching my fave superhero all day but if I do go out I’ll leave a note”

“Ok, bye sweetie” “Later”

Sarah is Smithy’s wife. They’re like parents to me but I’ve never really called them Mum or Dad. It just wouldn’t feel right, it would make me think I was betraying my real parents even though I can’t really remember them.

After about half an hour of watching Batman kick ass I decided to do some training in our gym. I quickly got changed into short shorts and a wife beater and put on Escape The Fate and worked out for a while. I then decided that since I haven’t been slaying in a while I would practice. I practiced shooting at dummies and fighting with swords until I was completely wrecked. I took a quick shower, put on some normal jeans and a white shirt and done my make-up.

*RING* Hmm wonder who’s at the door..

Well why don’t you go and answer it so you can find out?

Don’t be a smartass inner voice thing and anyways since when the hell did I ever have you?

I’ve always been here, you just never used me

Ugh go away. I don’t think it’s very sane to be talking to myself..

Who says you were ever sane in the first place?

Why you little - *RING* “Coming!”

I raced downstairs and opened the door while tying my shoe. “Sorry but if your trying to sell anything I don’t want it”

That’s when I heard a chuckle and a voice that sends these weird feelings in the pit of my stomach.

God I gotta get that checked out.

It’s butterflies or nerves you idiot

Shutup. “Nah I’m not selling anything but I did come to see how you were.. you know after last night?”

“Oh that. Um I actually forgot about that but yeah I’m fine. I’m surprised I don’t have a head ache from all the alcohol though”

“Haha, well you wanna go to the park with me?” Jasper asks while flashing his killer smile

“Sure, gimme a sec” I quickly scribbled a note to let the family no where I was incase they were home before me.

Out with Jasper. Don’t worry bout food ‘cos I dunno when I’ll be back. Oh and Jake stay the hell out of my room!

E.. X

“Lets go!”

It was about 7 pm and Jasper and I had spent at least 6 hours getting to know each other and we had loads in common and also a brilliant time! I could tell him anything but one question he asked me made me freeze.

** “Tell me about your family” “Uh well um Smithy and Sarah who were very good friends of my parents adopted me when my parents died and don’t bother saying sorry ‘cos it’s not your fault and I never really knew them unfortunately”

“How did they –’’ “Die?” He nodded “Um.. my mother, died um..”

Shit think of something!

Child birth?

Yes! Thankyou, your not stupid after all

Oh shut it.

“She died giving birth to me and not long after my father was in a car accident”

“That’s terrible”

“Yeah but life’s a bitch. I learnt that the hard way and I guess because I never really knew them it isn’t as hard for me. What about you?”

“Well I have both my parents. My dad is I suppose a very respected man in his business and my mother decided not to work but from time to time she would design gardens for a bit of cash plus she really likes doing that and sometimes she paints in her spare time”

“Uh cool, she would get along well with Sarah. She likes gardening too”

“Hmm and I have an older sister, Tammy, who is married now and two younger brothers. Jad is 15 and Ben is 7. I think Ben would like you”

“Ha, Nice, eh well I’m the only Van Helsink left though Jake is like a brother to me I guess”

“Hmm well I better take you home”

When we got to the front door he took my hand, kissed it and said “Goodnight princess” then got in his car without waiting on a reply. “Night” I whispered.**

So now I’m currently in bed thinking over everything at happened today. I felt bad for lying about my parents’ death but come on can you blame me? I mean it’s not like I could tell him vampires were the reason my parents don’t exist and I’m planning on killing the vampire that caused their death. He’d think I’m on drugs!

Ah hem

What inner voice?

If he did think that he wouldn’t be wrong

What? Oh come on I smoked weed like 2 years ago big deal

Meh still. You took drugs. Bad girl!

Yeah well what can I say? I’m a bad girl that likes bad guys

*Mental eyeroll*

And I fell into a deep sleep, fighting with my inner voice and having a very weird dream or more like nightmare.

The wind was blowing so hard and the rain was pouring down, it was like a really stormy night. It was pitch black with only a few street lights on and all that could be heard was the sound of my biker boots coming into contact with the pavement. I was in my slaying outfit .. tight leather trousers and a black corset top and a long black leather jacket that reached the floor with two daggers in my hands. I was out trying to find the vampire that killed my mum and I stopped midstride when I saw it with its back to me drinking from a poor now dead human girl. I knew it was him by his long black hair and his outfit and as if it sensed my presence the vampire tossed the body to the side and slowly turned around while I was getting ready to throw a dagger at it but what made me stop wasn’t the fact that this leech was covered in blood with bright red eyes burning into mine while smiling a sadistic blood dripping was WHO the vampire was.

♠ ♠ ♠
OOOH was it really Jasper who killed her mum?