Status: The story line is changing, but hopefully for the good x

The Never Coming True Dream

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"

"Do you really want to meet??" I typed to the guy I have so deeply but stupidly fallen in love with,

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I??" he replied almost straight away,

Ever since I started talking to him, I liked him...but now and then he'd say he wasn't going to be back online, he said he was going to sort his life out, and it hurt so much when he kept coming and going,

"Eva?? Want to go on webcam??" he typed, I knew where it would go but I just couldn't fight the little voice saying 'no'

I accepted his request and as it loaded, there he was...laying across his bed. He looked so perfect and yet I knew I'd never be able to touch the perfect-ness of his body, of his face...his lips.
In the end we were talking about him coming down to me, the flight costs and where he could stay. I had said I'm sure I could sneak him in my room, but I really didn't think that would work. He enjoyed the thought though.
When he had to go and I was left staring at the now to bright screen, I let my mind wonder into my own little world. Would he keep his promise?? Was he actually going to save over a thousand euro's just to come and see stupid, pathetic and needy little me??...
I couldn't take the bright light anymore so went offline and to bed, without dinner. My mum called up the stairs but I didn't answer, she gave up soon enough and I could hear she had left it in the microwave.
My head was swimming with thoughts and wants...I wanted to know if he really meant it, it Taylor really meant on us meeting. As my eyes closed, moving around for a while to get comfy my mind escaped and the one dream I wanted to come true happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's a really short first chapter
Please tell me what you think =)