Status: The story line is changing, but hopefully for the good x

The Never Coming True Dream


~*~ Danny ~*~

I didn't wait for Marie this morning, I just walked straight to school even if it was a really long way. I know when I get to school, she'll be there all in a pissy mood...I can't stand the girl anymore!
I still didn't get to text Evangline back...and I wish I could...I just can't find the words to make the text.
I finally got to school, my journey taking less time then I thought it would. When i got sight of the gates, Maire was there, and she was fuming.
I walked straight up to her and watched as her eyes burned through mine,

"Where were you??!" she screamed,

I just shrugged, I didn't have an answer for her. I knew if I said "Oh I walked here, I felt like the fresh air would give my head a think of things" instead of answering I just grabbed her hand and walked quickly into school, she didn't say a word, silence is beauty.


I got up from under the tree in school. I never thought I'd sleep outside but yet I did after all.
I was in the same clothes as yesterday, so I got looks and tuts. They didn't know a thing, and they wouldn't know a thing either.
I walked towards the building, my head low as I wished I could just vanish. My eyes soon found his wonderful body and my heart stopped beating for a second...before racing on again. My eyes looked at his hand, Marie was dragging behind him, she didn't look to happy about it either, being pulled passed and away from her friends, straight for the school building.
I let my head drop towards the floor as my eyes filled with tears, I didn't know that would hurt so much yet when I imagined my hand in his, the picture broke and I just wished I could be a girl some guy would actually care for.
I should have just left him to run after her...I shouldn't have held him back.
My tears soon falling against the concrete floor of the parking lot. My heart kept thumbing against my ribcage, why had I fallen??


Maire was moaning from behind, I had dragged her straight past her friends, couldn't even think of standing there and putting on that fake happy smile, the smile I have to use to show I care about whatever leaves her poison lips.
My eyes kept darting around the school grounds, looking for her. I know it was stupid, dragging my girlfriend around to find a girl I wanted to be with so badly...ok, I'm so glad I didn't say that out load, alot of people would have heard me, one being Maire who would be the wrong person completely.
We finally got to the front steps to school, and I stopped, turned around with Marie walking into me. Her new high heels not giving her the balance she needed and as I watched her lean back, I just had to grab her arm and pull her to safety,

"Danny! You could have killed me!" she screeched,

I just shrugged and kept on looking. Her face would have been a picture if I had a camera, but as she looked at me horrified I just kept looking. I needed to find her, I needed to tell her that I really did care about her...
I think I'm in love with Evangline.


I scuffed my shoes across the floor, walking towards school with my head down low. I knew he was waiting at the steps, and I knew Marie had already gone in. He must be waiting for his friend or someone he knows.
I let my mind un-wind, I knew I needed to get out of these clothes no matter what. If I was going to be late for class then I would, my teacher would understand, they'd understand I left all my work at home, they'd even ask if I wanted to stay at theirs for a few days, they usually did when I ran away.
I got to the bottom of the steps and heard someone running, I looked up just in time to see Danny miss a step, twist on his ankle and bang straight into me...ouch!

"I'm so sorry! Eva I'm so sorry!" he sqweeled, his hands moving so fast to try and pull himself up,

my heart broke when he called me Eva...he'd even shorten my name...yet he couldnt' even text me back last night. I know it's sounds horrible but that would confuse anyone. He finally got off me, and literally picked me up and ran with me, craddled in his arms, to the back of school. Just like yesterday.
When he let me go I lent against the wall, no offence to him, but not eatting then getting jumped on, then picked up and ran with just doesn't help the stomach. His hands were soon cupping my face and I just gazed into his eyes, my back against the wall, the chill of it shooting up my spine,

"I'm so sorry" he whispered,

I blinked back tears that tried falling. Looking into his eyes made me feel like I belonged on this horrible planet, the planet of aggressive parents, over sensitive mothers, tarty school girls with majorly confusing boyfriends.


I didn't know what to say, I couldn't find the words to make me tell her I cared so much. Slept lastnight save and sound with a picture in my head...yet I bet she'd call me the freak if she heard that...

"I'm sorry...I really really am" I whispered,

I couldn't stand it any longer. I pulled her against me and hugged onto her tightly, I buried my face in her hair and closed my eyes, so happy to have her next to me, to have her scent drifting around me...I was happy in a weird and strange way.
I jumped slightly when I soon felt her arms wrap around me, I didn't know she'd hug be back, I thought she'd just push me away and leave me there. My head just swam with her scent movoing around me, I didn't want to let her go...ever.


His body made mine feel warm, laying across grass for the night really made you cold. His hair brushed against my face as I lent in and buried my face, to hide the fact I was blushing so much I most likely looked stupid.
My arms wrapped around him tighter and soon he was standing infront of me, his eyes piecing through me, I wished he really did like me...I'm sure it would just be a thing, I'm not the girl that guys like.
I don't know why or how, but I moved my lips against his neck. I dragged them against his skin and the shiver that came from his body was nice against mine, it felt magically in some way. I didn't know when to stop but soon I was kissing it gently, his arms were holding me so close to him we could have become one stuck together.
He let out a moan and thats when I stopped...I moved my face away from him and looked towards the floor,

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, he heard me though,

"You don't have to be sorry...I'm sorry, I should have kept that to myself" I looked up to see his cheeks bright red,

I looked to the floor again, that was way too embaressing...I wouldn't have done that...that's showing weakness...whats happening to me??.


I held her close, her arms trying to fight me back but I didn't let her leave. I moved my face to hers slowly, giving her time to move her face so I didn't touch her lips but she pushed her face against mine at the last second. Like a switch had gone between us, pulling us together.
Our lips moved against each others lightly, but then they both started pressing against each other like if we didn't kiss, we'd fall away from each other. My arms wrapped around her waist as she moved her hands to my neck, wrapping her arms around and leaning into the kiss more.
I couldn't get enough of her and I just wanted to be with her, to hold her hand and walk around school saying she was mine...but there was Marie in the way.
Her lips left mine first, her eyes looked spooked when I let her go. She grabbed a bag from the floor and sighed,

"Whats the bag for??" I asked, curious and being a tad nosey,

"Oh...erm...I ran away from home again" she replied, her voice sounding so acturate.

my eyes went wide and I started looking her over, checking she was ok. I don't know what shot through my head but I wanted to know she was safe and then I'd be ok about it.

"I'm fine, honest" she whispered, dropping the bag and taking hold of my hands,

"Your staying at mine" I blurted, I may need to sort this out with my mum,

"I couldn't do that" she argued, her eyes wide with shock of the sudden out burst.

I took her hand in one of mine, and swooped to the floor to grab her bag. I looked into her eyes and smiled, I actually didn't care anymore what anyone said, I loved her...


His lips were against mine softly and gently before they left and we started running. Well him running and me trailing behind, trying to find some footing at all.
We ran and ran, soon just laughing at the fact we were running away from school, running away from Marie, running away from anything that could break and pull us apart. I didn't want to lose him...ever.
We finally got to a house and I gulped at how big it was, his fingers linked with mine and his lips kissed my cheek,

"No one should be home" he whispered,

we stepped up the front steps, our feet stepping at the same time on the same step. It felt weird but it also felt right somehow.
The door creaked when he opened it fully, for us both to dash into the warmth. It was huge and I mean...huge!

"Erm...make yourself at home??" he stuttered, his face was suddenly really red,

I smiled then hugged him, his face near mind as I lent my forehead against his. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him against me, his body heat made me feel the most happiest I could ever be,

"I..." he stummered,

I kissed his lips, I could guess what he was trying to say...but I don't think I was ready or it, he still had Marie, I couldn't take him away from her, that would mean fighting in public with her for an amazing guy like Danny.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok...this chapter is confusing >.<
And I am sorry about that, it's just I'm kinda going through something today and my head is hurting with it all...
The plot is going to change!
Something has happened and this story just needs to change...
But I hope you still like it, it's going to take a while anyways
Please comment!