Status: The story line is changing, but hopefully for the good x

The Never Coming True Dream

"I promise"

Mikki called me an hour later and I had arranged for him to come around. I hadn't seen him in ages and I just couldn't wait. He was my bestest friend ever, I could always count on him no matter what.
I think Danny could tell I was so happy, I was practically jumping off the walls. I was running around the whole house, making sure I had straightened my hair, I had a belt on to keep my skinny jeans up more, made sure everyone looked smart, especially Danny. Now that was a very funny moment...I may share later.
When the door bell rang I rushed to the door, I couldn't stop my feet from moving quick enough and ran straight into it, Danny's laughter filling the whole house,

"Calm down Eva!" he screeched, still laughing,

he walked over the door and opened it for me. Mikki was standing there with a huge smile on his face. I smiled back and jumped to my feet, jumping on him and hugging onto him tightly, I missed this guy so much.
His arms wrapped round my waist as he picked me up slightly, for me to be able to hug him more and for a little longer. I can't believe it had been so long since I had seen him.

"I've missed you Mikki!" I sqweeled, his hold tightened before letting me go,

"I've missed you to Eva-ii!!" he smiled and I giggled at the nickname he had given me so long ago,

Danny coughed and I turned to look at him. I ran and hugged him, my hand wondering up and down his back as he moved closer to me. I pulled away and stood infront of him, I knew he'd have a problem with a certain area that he wouldn't want Mikki to see,

"Mikki, this is Danny" I smiled, holding Danny's hand but standing infront of him still,

Mikki waved and soon we all walked into Danny's. Danny rushed upstairs while I laughed, his hands holding himself, trying to hide his buldge from Mikki.
Me and Mikki both laughed as he disappeared into his room and I hugged onto him again. I can't believe after this long, I was able to hug him again, able to just talk to him without worrying about how was around, worrying about phone bills or where I saved our convo's on Msn.

"I can't believe it's been forever since I last saw you!" I sqweeled, I couldn't let go of him yet,

"I know, I know. It's been forever and ever. But we can hang out more now, because I've got my own place and it's quite near here too" he said, the smile in his voice made me jump back and smile wide,

"YOU LIVE NEAR HERE??!" I screeched, he nodded,

I jumped on him again and he started swinging me around. I could see my best friend more, I could hang out with him, or I could see if he could sleep around here some night. Oh this was the best day of my life!
Danny came down a few minutes later, his face showed a bit of concern as his eyes looked vacant. Me and Mikki had gone and sat in the frontroom, I introduced Mikki to Danny's mum, and she loved him. It was just great to see him again, but when Danny came in with that look, I was worried,

"Baby..." he spoke, his voice flat and emotionless,

"Whats the matter??" I asked, Mikki looked worried as did I,

"A guy called Taylor...he messaged need to go read it" he sat down on the far sofa and moved his gaze to the floor.

I shared a look with Mikki before getting up and walking to my room. My computer was on and the screen looked bright, I took my seat and stared at the message. Taylor's way of words spooked me slightly, What if Danny thinks I'm cheated??...
I let my eyes scan before I read it again to process the digital words,

"Hey babycakes, how are you?? I haven't heard from you in ages.
I was wondering, I've got enough money to come and see you, so I'm going to get the best timed plane for you and we can get together ;P
You got to message me back though baby, because otherwise I'll get lost and you wouldn't want that would you??
Love you baby!! Write back to me soon"

I coughed and a tear ran down my cheek. What was he thinking?? Taylor wouldn't come here...I pressed reply and started to write whatever words came to my head. I didn't know what I was going to say to Danny...

"Hey Taylor, when did you decide this?? It's kind of a big step don't you think?? would be great to see you, I'll pick you up at the airport, I'll bring Danny with me too. He's the guy I'm living with."

That's all I could think of. I sat there for about half an hour, just waiting for a reply. When the door opened behind me I sighed out,

"Danny??" I asked, wishing it wasn't...

"Nope, Mikki" my whole body de-flated and Mikki came over, wrapping his arms around me.

I turned around in his arms, stood up and just cried into his chest. He held me when my sobs got worse and I didn't know when I would finally stop. When I ran out of tears, I looked up to Mikki with red, buffy eyes and opened my mouth,

"Taylor said he's coming here...I want to meet him, just to see him for once. Yet I can't because of Danny. Mikki what can I do?? Taylor was there for me when everything happened, yet I love Danny...I'm seriously in love with him..." I buried my head into Mikki's chest, his arms making me feel safe as he held onto me tightly.

I had followed her friend, Mikki, upstairs and to her room. He knew I was behind him but didn't say a word. I was standing in her door way, her eyes looked so red and puffy from the ammount she was crying. Who was Taylor?? By the looks of that message, he and her had a thing going on...I hadn't told her that I clicked on his page, showing me he lived in America!
As Mikki held onto her, I felt my heart beat faster...I didn't know what was going on, yet I wanted to be the one holding onto her and making her feel save...
I thought of walking away when I heard her speaking,

"Taylor said he's coming here...I want to meet him, just to see him for once. Yet I can't because of Danny." that kinda stung..."Mikki what can I do?? Taylor was there for me when everything happened" when what happened?? "yet I love Danny...I'm seriously in love with him" my cheeks grew red, I should have gone and not listened...but her saying that made my heart quicken even more.

I walked downstairs a floor and walked into my room. I layed across my bed and sighed out, what can I do?? I haven't seen Marie in about a week, I knew she's going to go off on one about it, but I just don't want her...I want Eva...
The floorboards at the door to my room creaked and I looked up. Eva stood there with her eyes crystal like, the ammount of tears that had left her puffy red eyes, had left trails lightly down her cheeks,

"Danny please don't hate me..." she whispered, her body moved into the room slightly and I saw Mikki had pushed her in lightly,

"I don't..." I whispered back, this felt awkward for some reason,

her body looked fragile just standing there, I sat up on my bed and tapped it, asking without words for her to come and sit, yet not one move did she take. Mikki looked at me worried, and I made a worried face at him, Eva wasn't herself...
I stood up and walked over to her. Her eyes were focused on the floor and as I got in the line of view, she turned her head slightly to my wall and stared at that instead. I saw Mikki close my door, thanking him in my head for the privacy we needed.
My arms wrapped around her and I pressed her body against me, trying to make her feel safe without pushing it,

"I'm sorry I looked at your computer..." were the only words that left my lips,

she shook her head, yet not a word left her lips. I didn't know what to say so just stood there and held onto her. Soon enough her arms loosely wrapped around me, I held her tightly and then moved her towards my bed, just to sit down.
She sat there and stared at the floor, she hadn't said a word...all I could see in my head was her saying the words 'I love Taylor.... Suddenly she jumped at me, her head bashed into my chest and I was found laying down with her ontop of me, her head hiding in my chest, the sides of my shirt being gripped tightly in her small hands. After a while I felt my top sticking to my top, making my arms wrap around her small frame as she cried some more.
I kissed the top of her head about 10 mintues later, not sure if she had fallen asleep, as her sobs had stopped a few minutes ago. Her face looked peaceful and as I moved her to lay next to me, I saw her eyes closed, her breathing gentle. She had fallen asleep.
I got up from the bed, picked her up like a man does to his newly bride, opened my bed quilt slowly and layed her back down. Her body looked so small as I layed my quilt over her, hoping she wouldn't wake when I left.
Mikki was downstairs, listening to the Tv quietly. He turned when he heard me enter,

"Is she ok??" he asked, I nodded and slumped down next to him,

"She fell asleep after crying...yet didn't say a word" I tried to give him a half smile, but just gave up on the idea and hide my face in my hands,

"That girl has gone through a hell of alot...but she really does love you. That guy Taylor, he lives in America. She's had a thing with him and when she moved here -with you- she hadn't spoken to him. He was there when alot of her past went on, I was there too, but being the bestfriend isn't always the easiest thing...she needed someone to be able to make her feel needed, to feel loved and he did that" he said, taking a breath and looking at me,

"What happened??" it had been forming in my head for a while...

"Well, I can't tell you everything if you don't know anything...because that's her place to say. Her parents aren't the nicest them she was never the daughter they wanted. She tried her hardest but when they didn't approve she changed. Her look, the way she acted and the way she treated people...was all because of her parents. I know that's kind of mainly it...but there's little things in when she lost her mum's sister, Eva was broken...she looked up to Aunt and wished she could live with her instead of her parents...but her dad found out, and her mum is still living with a murderer..."

the last big made me gasp...her dad killed her aunt because she wanted to stay there instead!...I didn't know what to say, my eyes were huge yet my lips stayed closed. Mikki closed his eyes and nodded, not able to say anything either.
After sitting downstairs and processing the news, I couldn't take it in any longer. I got up and walked to my room, slowly opening my door to see Eva sitting up, rubbing her eyes like she did when she just woke up,

"Hey beautiful" I whispered, her eyes didn't meet mine but her cheek glowed red,

I walked over to her, and just hugged her. I didn't know what came over me, I know I should have acted like normal but knowing what had happened...I couldn't control it.
She hugged me too a little puzzled until Mikki was standing in the doorway,

"Eva...I should be heading off" he stated, her eyes looked hurt and vunriable,

"Mikki can't you stay?? Just tonight..." she pleaded, I let go of her and she walked straight past me, like I wasn't even here,

"Well I'm sure you and Danny need to talk about thing and-" he started, she cut him off, "Please! I need you here Mikki" she jumped on him and my heart panged,

I looked to the floor, sitting slowly on the bed as I listened to them at my door. Mikki looked over at me and then at her,

"Eva, you need to talk...and Danny's mum doesn't even know me-" she cut him off again, "Mikki I need you, I can talk tomorrow but I just need my best friend for the night" her bottom lip quivered,

I stood up and walked over to them, "I'll go and tell mum then" I spoke before walking off, trying to hold in the tears that wanted to escape.

"I'll go and tell mum then" Danny said as he walked past us and down the hall,I would have called 'Thank you' but I was hurting him by wanting Mikki and not him...Mikki knew what had happened so long ago, what happened when my dad muderered my aunt just for saying I wanted to live there.
Mikki hugged me and then stepped into Danny's room with me. He closed the door and sighed, I knew he was going to give me the lecture of I needed to listen to him, so I didn't even fight to listen,

"Eva-ii...hunni you need to talk to him. Hate me if you have to, but I told him...he was almost crying downstairs after he tucked up in bed. I told him how Taylor made you feel needed, told him about what happened..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but there was no way I hated him,

"I shouldn't have left my computer on" I whispered, annoying at myself for being so stupid...this would have never happened if I turned my computer off,

" need to talk to him. You need to tell Danny how you feel because he's getting hurt, really hurt. Taylor can wait for a few weeks, after you've sorted everything with Danny, then you can think about meeting Taylor..." he said, all I could do was nod my agreement,

"I know Mikki...I'll talk to him tonight, but I need you here tonight hunni. You can stay in my room, you can have my bed and I'll have the floor. Danny will understand I hope..." I whispered the bit about Danny, Mikki just sighed,

"Ok, if his mum says yes, then I'll stay. Just talk to him, hug him...kiss him...just be you around him. It may be confusing on his part, but I'll just tell him that you need time to think, and not to pressure you ok??" he spoke, and I jumped on him,

"I promise" I whispered to him.
That night Danny was iffy with me. I had heard Mikki telling him what he told me he was going to say, and Danny had promised him he was going to act like everything was why was he so ridgit when I tried to hug him??...
We were sat in the front room, I was on Danny's lap, hugging into him as Mikki laughed at the film we had on. Danny was laughing too, and I just smiled through the funny bits.
I wanted to make Danny feel ok about everything, so looked at him and kissed his lips gently. Mikki turned a blank eye when Danny kissed me back, I was grateful for having Mikki safe me and Danny...I just didn't know what I was going to say tomorrow...
I held onto Danny's hand through the rest of the film, I actually laughed at one bit, the guys smiling and then concentrating on it again.
When we all went to bed, Mikki said night to Danny then walked upstairs. I stood at Danny's door and just gazed into his eyes whileholding his hand,

"Well...night Eva" he whispered, his lips trying to make a smile,

I looked to the floor, then back at him, ignoring the hurt from the way he spoke. I moved my arms around his neck, pushed myself against him and pressed my lips to his. My finger lost themselves in his hair as his arms pulled me against him more, I loved him...I really did.
I nibbled his bottom lip before kissing it, then dropping back to my full feet. I smiled and whispered into his ear "I love you Danny" before walking away and up the stairs to my room. I heard Danny whisper "I love you too Eva...with all my heart" as I did, then the slight thud of his door closing.
My room felt cold when I walked in, seeing Mikki laying on the floor in my bed for the night,

"Nu-uh! Your go in my bed tonight mister!" I told him, hands on hips trying not to smile at my childish-ness,

"Nope, your in your bed, I've got the floor" he said, a grin on his face soon turning into him poking his tongue out,

I showed my shocked face then jumped on him. Soon being pulled off him and laying next to him, I know it may have looked very wrong from someone elses point of view, but I loved Mikki with all my heart, he was my bestfriend and has always been there for me. He was my bestfriend husband who didn't like girls. Yeah, he's a guy guy instead of a guy girl...our way of showing people we're not together.
I huddled into his side before smiling,

"Thank you Mikki, if you hadn't been here, I think I would have lost Danny completely..." I sighed, then felt him huddling me to him,

"No need to thank me hunni, you've got a good one there missy" he chuckled, making me join him soon after,

"Love you Mikki-Moo" I whispered, sleep wanting to take me away,

"Love you too Eva-ii" he whispered back, my mind soon sending me to a dark yet not scary sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taken a while
Think my huge writer's block is coming back for this story and alot of my others =S...
Almost put another story in this one O.O...
But I didn't, don't worry =)
Please comment and tell me what you think
The main change is a few chapters away yet, but I hope this is still good =)