Status: The story line is changing, but hopefully for the good x

The Never Coming True Dream

"Hello there"

I was sitting on a bench, in a huge park. People walking past, not caring I was here, not caring I wanted to just be noticed. I felt the stinging in my eyes as my mind started working over time, telling me no one cared, telling me I didn't matter to anyone. I wanted to just stand up from this bench and run to Taylor, yet I didn't know where he lived or how far it would be from this huge and sunny park. It was like the bench was holding me down, closing it's invisable arms around me to keep me here, wanting to just be noticed by someone. The voice inside wanted me to scream, but my mind wasn't letting me. This tight preasure of not being noticed was sending sparks down my spine,

"Hello there" a guys voice was heard through the killing silence,

I turned my wide eyes onto the guy those wonderful words slipped out of, and gaped. It was Taylor. I opened my mouth, then closed it again...not being able to find that right words to put in the right places, if I opened my mouth and spoke right now, it would probably come out with "You, what, I, no, Tay..., but, can't, how"...I was shocked to actually see him in person,

"Your Evangline, I never thought you'd get to the great wide place of America. How did you do it??" he chuckled, sitting next to me.

Not a word escaped my mouth. I felt the bench unwrap itself from me, as I took the chance. I turned to face him, and jumped...he caught me with welcome arms and I was soon wrapped around with his warmth, his smell. I closed my eyes as I leant my head against his chest, hearing his beating heartbeat, so amazing I couldn't think straight. I found myself sitting on his lap, his strong arms wrapped around me tightly, wanting me to stay in this place forever. I wanted to stay here forever.

"I can't believe it's you..." I finally whispered out my dry lips,

he chuckled, making a vibration against my ear. It tickled, making me giggle slightly too,

"What??" he asked, moving his head this way and that to look at my face,

"It tickled when you chuckled" I answered, my voice wavy but ok.

In the end, we walked into town. He held my hand all the way, his words repeating through my head "I don't want you to get lost, hold my hand so I can keep you safe". I was always going to be safe around him.
We stopped off at a fish and chip shop, the chips tasting amazing as we walked down another road. Our feet turned and swivled all the way through town, he kept asking me if I wanted anything, but I couldn't let him spend his money on me, so I kept saying no while blushing slightly.
Soon we turned up at this huge house, it was painted a light peach colour, with so many windows meaning so many rooms. His fingers linked in with mine as we stepped into his house. Somehow I knew where everything was, we walked through the living room and towards the kitchen.

"Would you like something to drink??" he asked, his fingers leaving mine as he opened the fridge door,

" thank you..." I replied, so shyly I thought he wouldn't have been able to hear me,

"Oh come on, you haven't eatten anything, or drank anything...let me make you orange squash??" he asked, holding my hand between his two strong hands, his eyes pleeding I reply with the answer he wanted,

"Erm...ok" I sighed and looked towards the floor,

he held onto me, my arms automatically wrapping themself around his waist. I didn't want his warmth to move away from me ever.I wanted to stay by his side for always.
He kissed the side of my head lightly then held me out at arms length,

"I'm just worrying about you, ok??" he whispered, his eyes showing so much concern I felt whole,

I smiled to him, his eyes lighting up as his lips made the perfect smile they always made. In the end, he gave me the orange juice and we sat in his front room, watching a movie which I didn't know the name of. He was huddling me close to him, I closed my eyes as I rested my head on the pillow on his lap, taking his scent, the pure excitment that he was really here, that this was really happened. Then all of a sudden I heard my name being called,

"Evangeline! Evangeline!" it called,

I sat up and looked around, Taylor looked at me confused then his perfect face started to go fuzzy around the edges. Panic rushed through me, as I held my hands up to try and touch his face, but it just vanished through my fingers...what was happening??.

"Evangeline! Get up now before I have to come in there and pull you out of bed!" my dad called,

I sturred and sat up, before falling back down with the light-headed-ness. That was just a dream??! But it felt so real...I wanted it to be real. I felt the smallest of tears form on my lashes, then felt how it slipped down my pale cheek. I didn't want to be going to School now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's a tad short...and not much added on the end
Thought I'd finish this chapter to then have one of her in School