Status: The story line is changing, but hopefully for the good x

The Never Coming True Dream

"What you going to do about that?!"

The morning was slow. Everyone staring as I walked through the halls, with my black hood up and hiding my face. I hated it when everyone stared, yet I couldn't make them stop so I just tried ignoring them all the time.
My lesson first was boring, I sat at the back of the class and drew random things in the back of my book. My teacher not even bothering to ask me to stop and do the class work. All my teacher knew I wouldn't listen, I'd just blank them out and not do any of the work, I did it all at home, so there was no point for me to actually come in every morning at 9 o'clock, my parents just didn't want me staying around the house all day, and with what they keep saying around the house, neither do I.
I only had one friend, and he was called Mikki. Yes so his name is spelt weird but it's pronounced 'Mickey'. He was always there for me, but yet didn't go to the same school. We met through friends and ever since a so called 'bestfriend' left me standing, just to follow their secret crush all the way home, I had Mikki. He really cared for me, and I really cared for him too. He was like my big brother, even though he was younger then me. I didn't get to see him much at all, he was busy with his school work, I was busy with mine. We still texted each other through school though, even when the teachers told everyone to put their phones at the front of the class one day, I just sat there at the back, texting Mikki. I didn't get told off for it, just the fact everyone in the class moaned at me about it.
I loved to sing. That was something no one knew but Mikki, and he promised not to say anything about it, which I apreciated. To everyone who never tried to get to know me, I was the freak. I painted my eyes black, painted my nails black with neon coloured stripes, always wore hoodies and skinny dark jeans, with my special and lucky pair of converses. I may go into why they're lucky one day.
I was really a big kid, I loved all the little things, but only Mikki knew. We had spent a day out once, went into this really fun shop, grabbed those plastic and badly made guns, then started running around the whole shop pretending to shoot each other. I laughed so much that day, I had a stitch and a headache all through the evening, but I loved it, and I was never going to forget it.
I opened my locker and grabbed my books before closing it again with a slightly forced slam. I turned to find the school's tart standing infront of me,

"You know what your problem is?? You get away with everything, and yet the teachers don't care what you do in lessons. You can sit there and draw in the back of your books, yet never get told off for it" she raised her voice, so the attention was all on her,

I sighed and stepped back, just to walk around her. She made the bad move and stepped up to me, grabbing my books and throwing them down to the floor. I looked at them scattered across the floor, and then up at her grinning face,

"What you going to do about that??!" she said, shouting it out in my face,

"Well, I'm going to bend down and pick them off the floor. That's what everyone else would do wouldn't they??" I replied, her face turning shocked with the sound of everyone 'oooing' and 'ahhhing',

it was like she suddenly had steam whisling out of her ears, she was mad and to be honest I didn't care today. It was going bad already, the fact my dream has been in my head all day. She didn't say anything else after that, and stormed away with everyone laughing at her, coming at me to pick my books up, smack me on the back and congratulating me for standing up to her. But I knew that wasn't going to be the last of it, and I didn't want it to be either for some reason, if it came to it, I'd get in the biggest fight with her, and she'd be the one to get into trouble, no matter how much she blamed me for starting it.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's the first chapter of her school life
She's the different one out of the whole school, but she really doesn't care what people think of her
Please let me know what you think of it =)