Status: The story line is changing, but hopefully for the good x

The Never Coming True Dream

Why do people stare?!

The bell rang for the end of the day, I sighed so deeply everyone looked at me and glared. I just roled my eyes and walked out of the classroom, all of them having to stay behind as not doing the work, when I didn't do any but the teacher gave it to me and let me go.
The walk home was cold, I scuffed my shoes across the floor as I slowly walked to the bus stop. I knew I had to wait for about another half an hour so I didn't need to rush. A guy ran past me and pushed me out the way,

"Sorry!" he called over his shoulder, the bus he was running too was just pulling away before the driver spotted him and stopped,

I hate it when people bash into me, even though some rarely say sorry, I still hate makes me feel like I'm not obvious that I'm standing or walking. I sighed again as I got to the bus stop to see all the chairs full, standing up it was then. I didn't have to wait long for my bus, and I found most of the people that were at the bus stop where getting on too, with me quickly jumping on before they could push me over like usual. I paid for my ticket and sat on the closest chair I could get, right behind the driver, just where I always liked sitting. I had a reason to look down the bus then, to see all the faces of staring strangers...why do people stare??! Don't they know it's kinda rude staring at people!...I looked down into a baby pram, the little girl babbling and smiling at me, I smiled back making her look at her mum,

"She's very cute" I whisper to the mum,

"Thanks" she gave me a puzzled answer, making me look away.

Why do people judge you by how you look?? How you act??'s just not fair. They wouldn't like being judged and I certainly don't, I get enough of it at home, I don't need it everywhere I go. I leant across and pressed the button, my stop being the next one. I wanted to get out of this metal cage, it had got very clostrafobic when I looked around and saw everyone looking at me straight in the eyes. I can't take this anymore...
Finally the bus stopped and I raced off it, saying "Thank you" to the driver before running down the road and crossing over it, cars beeping everywhere as I ran infront of so many yet that didn't matter, I could hear in my head the voices inside the people's heads..."She's a freak" "Look at her run" "She talked to me...ewww" "Why did she freak out??" "What a freak!".
I grab my keys from my rucksack and bash them into the lock, not caring if it broke, I just wanted to be in the safety of 4 walls...I needed to sit in my room and forget about it all. My mum was in the hall at the time and as I burst the door open, she jumped so high she nearly bumped into me,

"Evangline!" she screeched,

my dad soon coming around the corner, taking my mum away and letting me past, but I knew it wouldn't happen...getting away from him without the leture,

"Evangline! You do not start bursting in through the door, you know your mum isn't 100% healthy, you could give h er a heart attack if you keep doing that" he scoled me, I wanted to screech at him back, tell him how everyone was staring at me, and yet I calmed right down and nodded,

"Fine dad" and with that I wooshed upstairs and into my room.

My mum and dad didn't know why I had changed so long ago. I never told them I was going to change and they only found out when I had got that 'bestfriend' to dye my hair from blonde to brown. I got scolded for that alright, had to stay in my room for a whole week. But I did get a few books finished so it wasn't that bad for me.
I started changing even more when I bought my choker necklace, it was kind of weak but a velvet ribbon with a small silver cross dangling down. I loved it and when Mikki said I should buy it, I did straight away. Ever since dying my hair and buying that necklace I wasn't the same girl my parents wanted so badly, I was the girl they didn't want as a daughter. People say your parents wouldn't ever judge you, try being me and having my parents for the day, I get judged by everything. If I'm in the kitchen trying to make dinner for everyone, they go and order pizza and make me eat the food I cooked by myself...4 dinner helpings for one person was never going to happen.
I had left the rest and taken just a small bowl full of the Spaghetti Bolognaise I had so carefully made. They judged me when they saw I had started locking myself in my room, and just crying my eyes out whenever the staring of people got so much I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to be noticed...but not noticed as more of a freak then I was before. I would walk out of my room and hear my parents mutter away about me, calling me a drama queen, calling me over dramtic. Theyhaven't tried being in my shoes, and they're my parents, they should care and be more understanding, more considerate. But yet no...why would my parents want to be like that?? They just love looking after my 9 year old brother, and forgetting about me.
I sat infront of my computer and as it loaded I plugged my ipod into it's charger stand, my metal music blaring through my room as I sung along to all the words.
I logged into Msn to find Taylor online..."Now act calm, don't think of your dream...just imagine your talking to him like usual"...

"Hey Taylor" I typed,

"Hey Eva" he replied almost instantly,

"How are you??...been up to anything" I replied back,

I waited for a bit and then I saw he went offline. I felt my chest ache as I waited and waited for him to just pop back online, to just pop back and say 'Oh sorry about that, my laptop went weird' but after a few hours I gave up hope. I huddled up to my legs and then rested my head onto of my knees, the tears knowing instantly which way to fall down my cheeks and onto my crushing thigh. He wasn't going to come back online...he just went without saying a word...when am I going to talk to him again?? Why did he have to go??.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there you go
A little bit into her life...and how her parents don't really care for her
Comment please??