Status: The story line is changing, but hopefully for the good x

The Never Coming True Dream

Why why why me?!

He had taken the seat next to me, with everyone staring and whispering about it. I bet they all knew he was Marie's boyfriend...I mean, why did I have to get stuck with him?? Why couldn't he have just gone to one of HER friends instead of me??.
I sighed out as I pushed my Ipod ear buds in, trying to block out all of the whispering, trying to ignore the fact that guy was still sat next to me, staring at me like I had dirt on my face,

"Your not suppose to listen to music..." he whispered before I pressed play,

I looked at him and sighed. Why why why me??!

"Look, this is me. I'm the freak of school, I get away with anything. I look different to everyone because I don't care what people say. Teachers know I won't do anything in class apart from draw, I do it all at home. You can't come in here and make me change alright??" I took a deep breath and then continued, "You can hear all the whispering, that's because they're all talking about why your sitting next to me, why the most popular yet tarty girl's boyfriend is sitting next to the school freak..."

I turned away from his hurt face. I know that was harsh but he should just deal with the fact I'm not suppose to be talking to him. All through the lesson everyone was whispering and pointing at me. The teacher just gave up trying to comunicate with them as none would listen.
The guy sat next to me tried to do his work, but after my out burst he just kept shaking and staring at me at times. I held my head low and drew a girl, a girl crying with dark clothes on...then as I started to draw a guy behind her, about to hurt her my arm got nudged.
I growled slightly as I looked to the guy, his eyes going wide,

"What??" I stated,

"I'm sorry..." he whispered, "I'm sorry for asking you at the gates, I'm sorry I got everyone whispering about you, I'm sorry my girlfriend isn't the nicest of people. I wasn't trying to change you, I just thought you weren't allowed to listen to music. I'm sorry for nudging you just now too...your music is so loud you couldn't hear me..."

I sighed and banged my head against the desk. My teacher turning around and glaring at me. I rose my head and looked at the guy again.
The bell went but I didn't move, everyone walked out of the room, including the teacher. Just leave me and him in there,

"Erm...shouldn't we be going now??" he asked,

"Yeah we should, but I want to know why your hanging around me...has Marie told you too?? To make me look like the bad guy?? Tell me!" I screeched,

he jumped, almost falling off his chair. I grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him back up right, but that went wrong and he came tumbling on me and then us both falling off my chair.
I wacked my head against the floor and I swear I could see stars everywhere. The guy looked up from laying on me, his eyes wide with horror and shock,

"Oh my god!! I'm so sorry!!" he blubbed,

I couldn't get up and he wouldn't get off me. I opened my mouth to say something but then soon saw someone hoovering over the bundle of me and the guy. A hand fell to the back of his head and it pushed his face to mine,

"Kiss for the camera freak, Marie is going to love this, or well...NOT! Ha!" one of the girls screamed with laughter,

the guys face was getting really uncomfortable, out of the corner of my eye I could see one of Maire's minions with a camera, waiting for the shot that would break everything.
I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, a growl errupting from my throat and out to the empty room, the guys head fell to the side and both girls walked away from us. My feet soon finding the floor as I started walking towards them, my eyes blazing at them for trying to make me kiss that guy. They had no idea what they had got themselves into.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...Marie's buddies are in trouble
BIG trouble by the looks of it
Evangline isn't the nicest of girls when she's peeved
Comment please??