Status: The story line is changing, but hopefully for the good x

The Never Coming True Dream

"So now your after my boyfriend!"

I looked at the two girls. Their eyes wide open at how scared they were, but that wasn't going to stop me. Rhia and Sophia. Blonde tight hair on Rhia, dark brown hair on Sophia.
I stepped closer to them, stretching an arm out to grab Rhia's long blonde locks. The feel of it as I wrapped my fingers around it made me cringe, too much hair dye for her. Sophia saw her 'chance' and started to run to the door, I stared at the Maire's boyfriend how just sat there across the floor, so confused I grunted at him for not moving.
Rhia's hair gave way and ripped out from her head as I tugged it to make her move towards Sophia,

"God sake girl, sort your hair out" I tutted at her, letting it go and dashing at Sophia,

I grabbed the brown hair and yanked it back, Sophia's eyes buldging wide as I shuffled her back towards Rhia.
Pushing Sophia next to Rhia I glared at them both. Before jumping them both.
Rhia hit her head and blacked out quickly, before kicking and scream from under me, Sophia not knowing what to do, added in the kicking and screaming.
I heard the door open and was soon being pulled off the two girls. One of my teachers had come looking for me and unfortunatly found me before I could do any real damage to the plastic twins,

"Evangline, that is enough!" she shouted, I looked at her with dark eyes, her gaze moving towards the girls, "You two, go now. I don't want to even hear why this happened so just go. I'll talk to both of your parents later"

they both gaped at the teacher, got themselves up and dashed from the room. Mrs Brime let go of me and I turned to face her square on,

"Look Evangline, I know you don't get angry unless someone has done something really bad to you, but you can't suddenly jump two girls...I saw the Rhia's hair is missing. What happened??" she asked, her voice calm,

"I was talking to him" I pointed at the guy still laying across the floor with wide eyes, "And he nearly fell off his chair, I grabbed him to then have us both fall on the floor. Those girls came in, Sophia pushing his face at mine, Rhia ready and waiting for that oh so perfect picture of me kissing him...I had it, I don't like being forced into anything, and the fact he's Maire's boyfriend...makes me think they did it on purpose, like everything else they do" I finished and breathed out,

"Right...well just come to class now ok?? Do you know what class he is in??" she asked, looking at Marie's boyfriend across the floor,

"In our class, but I think he's going to faint right about..." we both looked as his eyes closed and his head tilted to the side, "Now??"
I was sitting in the nurses office as the guy was being looked at. Mrs Brime saying I should stick with him, then to bring him back to her class.
I didn't mind sitting in the office, but it had that smell of a hospital and I just didn't like it. The nurse soon came out to me and said he was fine and just getting sorted out. I thanked her and waited another 5 minutes till the guy came out from behind the curtain, a bump forming on the top of his head as he rubbed it gently, wincing when he hit a sensitive spot,

"Sorry about today...I got you in trouble..." he whispered, his eyes not meeting mine,

"You didn't. Mrs Brime knows how I'm like. She knows I can't stand Marie, and knows about what Marie does so no worries. Now we got to get to her class before it finishes" I replied, getting up quickly and walking towards the door,

I turned around to see he hadn't moved. I sighed and looked at him,

"What?? Come on..." I said, moving my hand like those posh men do when the show you to a table in a posh resturant,

he sighed then followed.
I didn't know what his problem was but I wasn't going to suddenly ask him about it either. We walked in silence up the empty corridors to our Art lesson, it was good to have silence, I could concentrate on the rest of the day then,

"I'm sorry again..." he whispered,

I turned to him and mumbled something, he looked at me puzzled and then stopped walking. I stopped a few steps infront of him and turned around, confused at why he was being all weird with me. Yet I knew he's probably realised I'm a bad person to be with and wants to get rid of me,

"I never told you my name..." he looked to the floor, god was this guy confusing at times,

"Erm...ok, well mine's Evangline. You probably guessed that from before but yeah..." I replied, not knowing what to say,

"I'm...Danny" he replied, his words not linking with his eyes glased over.

"Cool" I turn around and start to walk again.

He follows while looking to the floor. Silence ringing through the corridors again, the sound not being the way I needed it to be...the sound was a really awkward-ness...I didn't know how to change it though...
We finally got to the class and as we moved through, Danny's hand came to my wrist and pulled me out again,

"I can't go in there..." he whispered,

"Why not??" I whispered back, my voice showing that I was annoyied,

"Because I can't stand sitting in there and pretending like nothing is happening" he whispered, confusing me completely,

"Happening with what??" I ask, closing the door behind me so no one hears what we're talking about.

He grabbed my wrist and pulls me away, pulls me away from our class, all the way out of school and around the back where no one usually goes. There wasn't any camera's around here, no teacher ever came around here, I was shocked inside to know that he knew where it was.
He moved towards me and I soon found myself with my back against a wall. I stared into his crystal eyes and just became completely confused,

"Why are we here??" I asked, his arms by my waist made me shakey,

he didn't say a word. His eyes were glued to mine, they didn't once move. Even when I tried to get away from him, to put some space between us he just kept staring, and not letting me go. I stood there and just glared,

"What do you want??!" I screamed,

his eyes went wide and then he pressed his body against mine. His face was inches from mine and I had no idea why this was happening. Why me??!.
His eyes kept moving, from mine to my lips...oh please no...
his face came closer to mine, our lips almost touching before I heard someone clear their throat, we both turned our heads and gasped,

"So now your after my boyfriend!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Got bored so thought I'd add some bits to it =P
But don't worry, she's still going to be talking to Taylor
Please let me know what you think!!
Thanks Caity and Gem for commenting =)