Status: On Hold.

You Don't Believe Me...Then Fine I'll Prove It!


Therefore, today is another day where the habs play and another game they will probably lose, sadly. Well, maybe I should not say that, they are my team and I stick by ‘em through thick and thin! So, no another game and they will kick ass! I love the habs with a passion but more importantly, I love Carey Price. No, not just, because he is amazing looking and gorgeous; which he is. However, that is not the only reason I like him. He is just so talented, the way he moves and the way he stops that puck, sometimes it can get intense. I hate it though; people do not give him enough credit. They say he sucks; well I got news for them he does not.

Price is the like one of the best goaltenders I know, the talent he posses it just fantastic. I love seeing him play. He is talented, he has so much potential, and he plays big in the net and challenges shooters. That’s just on ice , and off ice , the way he is with his fans , and family and even when he is hanging out with his friends and that he doesn't listen or pay attention to what the media says about him anymore. He is such a great person on and off the ice as you can see.

Besides him being so great, there is just so much Price bashing its incredible. It is too much bashing in my opinion. I honestly cannot take it anymore. I try to try to not bother or care about what they say about him. However, it is just hard because even though he says he does not care anymore, it still must suck. Sure, Carey isn’t perfect and I never said he was, but he’s not the horrible loser of a goalie some of the Habs fans make him out to be. I love Carey Price and that’s no going to change. Just as I stick by the Habs through thick and thin, same applies to me with Price. I will never give up on him even if he is doing really bad, I still won’t give up on him. People need to realize he’s a human being just like me and you. Honestly, just because he’s a sports star doesn’t mean he has to be perfect. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.

Oh another thing, rumors, rumors, rumors. Is it freaking possible that people come up with the most ridiculous rumors about Carey it’s not even funny. Like, for example him getting a fifteen year old girl pregnant. Let me break this down for you; first off it’s completely false, he didn’t get anyone pregnant. Secondly, any girl at fifteen who really liked Carey Price wasn’t about to say no to him. I mean really who would?

Anyway, I strongly think people need to lay off of him that’s for sure. I mean come on, half the time the people who comment know fuck all about hockey. So, really they should learn how to shut the fuck up. Excuse my langue.

Ugh, another stupid comment about Price, it’s so sickening. Seriously, this person know shit all. Look at this ;“ Red Light got lucky playing a team that has only scored 1 goal in the last 3 games, and that 1 goal came against Price when we really needed a safe. Boston only got 2 or 3 scoring chances thanks to the defense, Price only had to face long shots and shots right at him, Boston did not look very sharp tonight and Price's defensemen did a great job so he could see the puck. All this game was, was 1 game against a team that has not been scoring any goals lately, until red light plays against a team that knows how to shoot the puck the jury will still be out for Price, Price was steady but did not have to make very many tough saves, he may have stopped 40 shots but I'd say there was only about 5 good saves, the rest was routine, of course most of you will think they are more than routine because red light usually lets in 2-3 weak goals every game and tonight he did not, but of course when the pressure was on in the last minute red light could not make the big save, at least the Bruins looked very bad themselves most of the game and Price finally won a game, the big question is can he do it again?» (source…The Gazette comments!). Honestly, this comment is just bullshit, complete and utter bullshit. This is exactly what I meant about these comments coming from people who know nothing about hockey. This person, doesn’t know the first thing about hockey. This is what pisses me off the most really! But, honestly this Price bashing is ridiculous! These people seriously need to get lives!

Finally, I think I’ve had my dose of Price comments for today. Now, it’s time to head to like one of the best places ever. This awesome Habs fan chat site I came across. It’s one of the best sites you could ever find. It was Habs fans all in there chatting and it was also somewhat of a dating site. Well, some people called it that. Why? Because there was the option to have a private chat, you know get to know somebody a little better. I liked this idea though, because on here you’d meet someone and you’d already have something in common. I’ve done the private chat a couple times, never really clicked with anyone. They were all too busy trying to show off their knowledge about hockey, when heck I knew more then a couple of them. Anyway, I usually came on here to talk to a couple of people. We discuss: the pervious games, rumors, lines, coaches. Basically all that is hockey and all that is the Habs.

IluvyouCP#31 has signed in chat.

Diehardfan: Hey Mia

IluvyouCP#31 : Hey

Diehardfan: So what did you think of tonight’s game?

IluvyouCP#31 : It was just horrible, and pathetic really.

Diehardfan: I couldn’t agree more.

IluvyouCP#31 : seriously, they didn’t do shit thought really. Don’t you agree?

Diehardfan: Yup, I agree 100% with you. Damn, where is everyone? There is usually a swarm of people after a game. What’s wrong with them we need to have a major discussion.

IluvyouCP#31 : Ah, lol you’re right though there usually is a swarm of people. Maybe, they’re just too pissed off to talk about it.

Diehardfan: Nah, I doubt that. If there were a whole bunch of people who came on after our 7-2 loss, they can come on after a 3-1 loss, don’t you think?

IluvyouCP#31 : Well maybe, you do make a valid point there.

HalakRocks!#41 Has joined chat
Princessknowsshit! Has joined chat

Diehardfan: it’s about time some people join in.

Princessknowsshit!: Hi baby!!! Oh George, couldn’t stand being with out me huh? You missed me?

Oh no, not this again, it was her! She always game and started talking to George as if he was hers. Although, they had been a couple for a little while and I was really happy for him he was a really nice guy sweet and all. I didn’t mind Jenny either, she knew her hockey I’ll tell you that much. But, at the same time whenever George was in the room she made sure everyone knew that he was hers. I mean, sometimes it was nice to be able to talk to George without having her every two seconds “oh baby I love you.” or “Oh, I can’t wait ‘till we finally get to meet.” and shit like that.

IluvyouCP#31 : Umm, you know there are other people in this chat. You could’ve at least said you know hello.

Princessknowsshit!: Oh come on Mia, I was just saying hi to my boyfriend first. I mean, I’m not evil and I have manners, I did plan on saying hi to everyone. It’s just well I think George is just a little more important to me. Sorry.

IluvyouCP#31 :Oh, sorry, I’m just really pissed off about the game, so you know need to take it out somewhere.

Princessknowsshit!: Yea, I know what you mean, just next time don’t take it out on me ok.

IluvyouCP#31 : Ok, sorry, thanks for letting me know.

Diehardfan: Oh and yes I did miss you like freaking hell! Seriously, I kept calling you and you didn’t answer. Where were you?

Habs!Rule: Oh is this possible, oh come on! Seriously, just private chat if you’re not going to be actually chatting about the game. I have enough lovely dobby stuff from my boyfriend at home. We are sometimes in chats together and we’re not all like this. So please, can you talk about the game here and maybe talk about the phone calls somewhere else?

IluvyouCP#31 : Lmao, you’re too funny.

Oh, this was just hilarious, but we’re now like about twenty minutes in and we haven’t well barely even spoke about the game. All of a sudden from telling them to go to private chat, to them talking about all this love stuff. I mean, I’ve got nothing against love but seriously, it’s a Habs fan chat site not some love site. I decided to lay low and not say a word, I really couldn’t be bothered to converse with the rest of them. By, this time there were about twenty five people in this chat and no one even tried to bring up the game and I wasn’t planning on doing it either.

It’sofficalyme#31 has now joined chat.

Oh, I wonder who that was, this person has never ever entered the chat before. Hmm, maybe someone who’ll finally talk about the game, and I can tell this person likes Price seeing as there’s a #31 attached as part of his or her screen name.

IluvyouCP#31 : Hey, welcome to the chat. I’m Mia.

It’sofficalyme#31: Hi Mia, well I can tell you love me.

What was that about? He could tell I love him, oh come on that’s just bull! Who the hell does he think he is? I mean, I just met the guy and he says I love him. Well, someone has issues.

IluvyouCP#31 : Excuse me.

Princessknowsshit: Baby, when can we finally meet each other?

It’sofficalyme#31: Umm who are you talking to?

Princessknowsshit: Oh my boyfriend…

It’sofficalyme#31: hmm, interesting. So Mia, how about we you know private chat.

IluvyouCP#31 : Ok might as well, better then being here, but umm you know I love you?

It’sofficalyme#31: I’ll explain once we’re alone.

It’sofficalyme#31 has left chat
IluvyouCP#31 has left chat

This was awfully strange to say the least, I mean who did he think he was really. I mean, I hope it was a guy and not a girl. But, I guess I was about to find out. I can’t believe that I actually agreed to a private chat.

It’sofficalyme#31 : Well, hello there Mia.

IluvyouCP#31 : Hey. Umm, I want to know what you meant by that you knew I loved you.

It’sofficalyme#31 : Oh, about that, that was really stupid so can you pretended I didn’t say that?

IluvyouCP#31 : Umm, I guess so, I mean but there must be a reason why and I’d like to know that reason.

It’sofficalyme#31 : Alright Mia, but promise me you won’t think I’m a fake because I’m not.

IluvyouCP#31 : Ok ,whatever you say.

It’sofficalyme#31 : Well, it’s Carey Price you’re speaking to.

IluvyouCP#31 : No way.

It’sofficalyme#31 : Yes, way it really is me. I’m not lying to you, I hate posers trust me on this one, I really am Carey Price. So, that’s why I said that seeing your name and your page and everything. I really am Carey Price. You believe me right?

IluvyouCP#31 : Well, I’m not sure I do because I mean, anyone could say that they hate posers and stuff. I mean, posing as Carey Price that’s a pretty big deal you know. I mean, I would love to believe it’s you but I’m not exactly sure I should or that I can.

It’sofficalyme#31 : Oh Mia, I hope you do believe me, I really am Carey Price, I swear, I’m not kidding. Seriously, it’s no lie I’m not a poser. Look, why else do you think I wanted to have a private chat with you. I mean, first off no one in that chat was going to believe me and plus you seem like a true hockey fan. So, Mia do you believe me now?

IluvyouCP#31 : No Carey, if you even are Price I don’t believe you. Those are simply excuses I’m not a moron really. So please don’t BS me. So as of right now I can’t believe that you’re Carey Price.

It’sofficalyme#31 : Alright, I won’t argue with you Mia. I’ll just prove to you that I really am Carey Price. Once, you’ve gotten all the evidence, then tell me if you really believe I am or not.

IluvyouCP#31 : You know what fine, you’ve got yourself a deal. Prove to me you are Carey Price and I’ll believe you.

It’sofficalyme#31 : Good, well it was nice talking to you Mia. Now I must go see and find ways to prove that it really is me. So, bye Mia for now ;)

IluvyouCP#31: Alright, bye “Carey”

It’sofficalyme#31 has now left chat.