Status: On Hold.

You Don't Believe Me...Then Fine I'll Prove It!


Well that was really something interesting that happened yesterday to me, I mean it's not everyday you talk to a guy who claims to be Carey Price. I mean, I so totally know it wasn't him yesterday, I mean come on, and anyone can pretend to be Carey Price. So, I mean obviously I wasn't going to believe that. Honestly, I think anyone would be stupid to believe some guy who enters a chat claiming to be Carey Price; is actually him. I mean Dream on!


I decided that it might be fun to sign onto the chat and see if "Carey" was online, low and behold he was and on top of that he was the only one online.

It’sofficalyme#31: Well hello there Mia. How are you today?

IluvyouCP#31: Hey. I'm not bad and you?

It’sofficalyme#31: I was doing ok, but now I'm doing great!

IluvyouCP#31: Oh, I see. Why this greatness all of a sudden?

It’sofficalyme#31: Umm you came online and I had some time to think about how to prove I am Carey Price.

IluvyouCP#31: Oh wow. You're not Carey, so I don't get why you're going to even try to prove anything. I won't believe it.

It’sofficalyme#31: Mia, I am Carey Price oh and you'll believe me. Eventually.

IluvyouCP#31: Yea ok, I'll believe you're Carey Price, you know when. Either when hell freezes over or you come to my door step and say you're Carey Price. Oh wait, neither of those will happen. So guess what?! Nope, I'll never believe you.

It’sofficalyme#31: Oh, trust me you won't have to wait until hell freezes over, because one day I will be at your door step saying it's Carey Price.

IluvyouCP#31: HA HA! You may not be Carey Price, but you sure are a funny guy. Rofl :P

It’sofficalyme#31: Oh Mia, just wait and see, I really am Carey Price and like I said before I'll prove it.

IluvyouCP#31: Yea, yea sure.

It’sofficalyme#31: Oh you'll see. lol :P

IluvyouCP#31: Anyway shouldn't you be at practice or something?

It’sofficalyme#31: Umm, no, we got the day off today for some odd reason, might go and practice myself a little.

IluvyouCP#31: You're lying there's no way you got a day off after that game. Oh really now?? Can I come and watch? Jk

It’sofficalyme#31: We do I'm serious! Why would I lie to you for Mia?

Who was he trying to kid, has the day off HA! That's a good one. I had to check the internet just to make sure though and turns out whoever he was, was right. They did have the day off. Now seeing as it was on the internet, he could've just you know checked it up or something like that. I honestly doubt that he'd go and practice on his day off anyway, so I know he's lying for sure.

IluvyouCP#31: Hmm, I don't know, maybe you're some psycho stalker who'll use me to get stuff and find me and kill me.

It’sofficalyme#31: OH please! Umm, that would be just stupid, didn't I tell you that I hate posers.

IluvyouCP#31: So what just because you tell me you hate them doesn’t mean I can believe you just yet.

It’sofficalyme#31: Just yet huh? Oh, you just totally gave me a little hope and you know what that's all I need to get my plan into action.

IluvyouCP#31: No, I didn't mean to give you hope at all that so was not my intention, I mean no! NO HOPE!

It’sofficalyme#31: Well Mia, sorry you've already given it to me and there's no way I'm going to give up! =]

IluvyouCP#31: Oh Trust me "Carey" you will give up.

It’sofficalyme#31: Umm Mia, you clearly don't know me well enough then to honestly think I give up. The last thing I do is give up.

IluvyouCP#31: whatever you say.

It’sofficalyme#31: Anyway, how about we talk like normal people before this gets into a heated argument.

IluvyouCP#31: Fine, Fine. So what do you want to talk about then?

It’sofficalyme#31: Hmm, I don't know. What do you want to talk about?

IluvyouCP#31: Well, anything really. I really don't mind, I'm pretty open to just about any topic.

It’sofficalyme#31: Ok, how about we talk about our days so far?

IluvyouCP#31: Umm sure, if you go first that is. lol :P

It’sofficalyme#31: Ok, well my day started off horribly lame. You know, since I had the day off I couldn't really do much and I decided to come on the chat and now my day is going to get interesting.

IluvyouCP#31: Oh wow.

It’sofficalyme#31: Yup. So how was your day Mia?

IluvyouCP#31: Well, let me think, I spelt in nice and late today, seeing as it's like 4ish now. lol :P I ate a little thing and talked to my friend on the phone and came on here. (hoping to avoid you)

It’sofficalyme#31: Oh interesting! Well what time did you sleep into? Ouch!

IluvyouCP#31: Oh I slept in to about 1:30-1:45ish. Ohh poor baby got his whittle ego shattered again.

It’sofficalyme#31: Lucky, I wish I had the chance to do that. Even today with the day off, I still ended up waking up early. No, my ego did not get shattered and I don't even have a big ego.

IluvyouCP#31: Oh come on, I'm sure you're just some loser and acting this way, like you're actually hockey player saying things like you can't even sleep in on a day off. Please! I don't believe it for a second. You're NOT Carey. So please stop trying to make me believe it's actually you, because it's not! W/E

It’sofficalyme#31: Mia, please can you just believe me this once, I'm not acting like I have a busy schedule. I do. I couldn't sleep in, I'm lucky that I can even be on chat right now.

IluvyouCP#31: Yea sure, Carey, sure, you really expect me to believe you. That’s just pathetic. It won’t happen. You’re on chat right now because you’re a loser who has no life and you, just saw me as an easy target.

It’sofficalyme#31: Oh seriously, I’m not kidding around with you, come on Mia, I have better things I could be doing. But, I took the time to come on and talk to you because I want you to realize that I really am Carey and not some lame poser.

IluvyouCP#31: Sure, sure, why don’t you just leave me alone or something and just stop talking to me. You’re a poser and that’s that. So just stop!

It’sofficalyme#31: No, I’m NOT a poser! Ok! That’s the only reason, I keep pushing and pushing that I’m not, I want you to believe me. Like I said, I’ll do whatever it takes!

IluvyouCP#31: fine by me Carey, do whatever you want, it’s not going to work. I’m not a stupid fool.

It’sofficalyme#31: That’s great then Mia, I wouldn’t want a fool anyway.

IluvyouCP#31: Umm you wouldn’t want a fool? Want?

It’sofficalyme#31: Yes want, I wouldn’t want a fool, to you know be my girlfriend.

IluvyouCP#31: Ok that’s it, you’re a fake! And mark my words “Carey.” I’LL NEVER BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!

It’sofficalyme#31: Ouch, look Mia, I’m going. I am actually going to go practice on my day off. You don’t believe it, you could actually go to the bell centre and see for yourself. Obviously, you wouldn’t be allowed in. But hey, why not give it a shot. You might actually see, that I’m not lying.

IluvyouCP#31: Fine, you know what, I will go check it out! Watch, I won’t see anyone there.

It’sofficalyme#31: That’s what you think, I suggest you go anywhere from 2:00-5:30pm then I’m out of there.

IluvyouCP#31:Fine, “Carey.”

It’sofficalyme#31: Alright, bye Mia.

IluvyouCP#31: Bye.

It’sofficalyme#31 has now exited chat.

Oh that was umm, odd to say the very least! I mean, could it really be Carey Price and he really does want to prove it to me? Nah that would make no sense at all. I mean a super star like Carey Price on some chat site created for fans. I doubt that very much. Sure, he loves his fans, but I doubt he’d be doing this with any of them, especially me. It just doesn’t seem to make any sense at all.

Ha, he honestly expects me to go and see him practice well, it’s NOT happening because I know it isn’t true! He won’t be there, so no! I won’t go! Frankly, he’s being real dumb because I won’t believe this so called Carey Price, with anything he does and that’s final.