Finding Logan


Dana stood outside of the front door, not sure what she should do. Were you supposed to knock? She wasn’t sure, so instead she just budged the door open a sliver. Everyone was bustling around, so Dana just waked in, unannounced.

She kept her shoes on, tugging on the bottom of her black denim skirt she had changed into once she got home. Although she did not want to be at the party, she was determined to make the best of it. Even if there were two pairs of couples making out less than three feet from her. Dana would never understand how someone could get so turned on with everyone watching them.

Dana suddenly felt self conscious as she walked around the living room, finding familiar faces, but none that she would talk to. Her skirt looked even more ridiculous when she saw all the other girl’s booty shorts they had on.

As Dana frantically looked for Heather, she felt a cool pair of hands darkening her vision. “Guess who?” someone whispered hotly onto her ear. She cringed at the sound. Dana whipped around only to be faced by a guy she didn’t know.

“Ew, go away.”

“Come on baby.” Dana sprinted away as the obviously drunken guy tried to cop a feel. Pulling her skirt even further down, Dana finally found Heather with Matt around her arm in the kitchen.


“Some guy just hit on me.” Dana wiped her arm off, trying to rid the smell of alcohol.

“Do you want me to kick him out?” Matt asked. Dana smiled. Although he was a jock, Matt was one of the nicest boys she knew. She was so happy for her best friend.

“Nah, it’s alright.” Matt nodded his head once, briefly, before pulling Heather even closer to his side. Dana sighed, wishing that she could find someone that made her so happy. “Nice party Matt.”

Matt smiled softly, knowing that Dana didn’t like parties much or at all really. “If you really want to get away, your swing is still up.”

Dana laughed, making a pointed look at Heather. “I’ll be right back.”

“Can you come get me when most of the weirdos go?” Dana asked, earning a laugh from Heather.

“Sure thing. I’ll talk to you later.” The two best friends hugged. Dana left the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from a huge cooler. Dana walked outside, making sure no one saw her. The boy she had previously encountered stared at her, and she hurried out the door, hoping he was too drunk to notice if he saw her.

Dana smiled as she saw her favorite swing. Matt and Heather always laughed because Dana enjoyed that swing way too much for her seventeen years of life. Dana didn’t care though. She loved that swing.

Dana had just gotten situated. Her shoes were off, and her toes squished between the small amounts of sand that had been piled up in the back of Matt Rossen’s yard. Just as she was ready to start pumping her legs, the back door opened.

Without even looking up to see the drunken idiot, Dana said, “I’m not having sex with you.”

“Considering we’re in a back yard at night, that probably is a good choice. We’ll have to wait until we get a bedroom.” Dana’s brown eyes snapped up at the sound of Logan’s deep voice. “Why am I having sex with you again?” His smirk was so large, and Dana was so embarrassed that it took her a full two minutes to find her voice.

“W-What are you doing here?”

Logan stood a few feet away from her on the swings, switching his weight to his opposite foot. “I just arrived at the party and saw my best lab partner walking outside, wanted to make sure she was OK.”

“I’m fine,” Dana responded curtly, still not believing the words she was hearing.

“So, do I have to kick some guy’s butt?” Dana gave Logan an odd look until he clarified. “You know, for wanting to have sex with you.”

Dana laughed. “Just some drunk guy.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to beat him up? I mean, I’m still in a football mood, bruises and all.”

Dana’s eyes widened. “Oh, I forgot to ask. How’d the game go?”

“We won.”

Dana smiled with Logan. “That’s great.”

“Thanks. Can I sit down?” Dana glanced down at the empty spot on the two person swing.

Although she loved the swing, Dana hated the fact that another person could steal her spot. However, she found herself nodding her head. Logan placed his body on the swing next to her.

There legs were pressed against one another’s. In fact, all parts of their bodies were practically touching in some way. Dana’s heart raced. “So, um,” Dana rambled, “Did you score any points tonight?”

Logan smiled, brightening up the dark night. Dana liked that he seemed to carry a glow around with him. Logan nodded furiously. “Scored two touchdowns.”

“Really? That’s awesome!”

“Thanks… You should come to the next game.” Dana simply looked at her bare feet playing in the sand with a blush on her cheeks.

“I… I think I’m going to get going.” Dana stood up, slipping her black sandals back onto her feet.

“Already?” Logan asked, standing up.

Dana nodded. She felt suddenly cold by the lack of warmth from Logan not sitting directly next to her. She involuntarily shivered. “Are you cold?”

“It’s fine. I’ll be going anyway.” She pulled down on the bottom of her skirt, walking forward.
“Can I give you a ride or anything?”

Dana looked up at Logan curiously. His eyes seemed to be pleading with her. What for, Dana wasn’t sure. She took a glance at the house. “No detours?” Logan shook his head, his dark hair falling into his equally dark eyes. “Alright.”

Logan’s smile illuminated the area again. She shivered, rubbing her arms against the cold. “Here,” Logan spoke softly. He handed her his letterman’s jacket.

“Let me say goodbye to Heather really quick.” Dana sprinted into the house, leaving a confused Logan standing there with his jacket in hand.

“Heather! Hey, I’m leaving,” Dana stated when she reached her friend.

Heather smiled softly. “Do you need a ride home?”

“Um, no. Uh, Logan is taking me home.”

“Logan Pixton?” Heather asked incredulously. Dana sheepishly smiled. Heather gave her best friend a huge hug. “I expect details tomorrow morning, pronto.”

“Will do,” Dana confirmed.

Dana left the house to find Logan still standing there. His letterman’s jacket was still placed loosely around his arm. “Sorry, I just had to tell Heather I was living really quick.”

“That’s fine,” Logan stated. “Do you um, want, um, this?” Dana had never heard a boy stutter more in his life.

“Sure.” Dana grabbed the coat from Logan’s arms. She placed it upon her shoulders, laughing at how large the coat looked on her. “I look like I’m being eaten the coat.”

Logan laughed, his brown eyes staring down at her. “It looks great on you. Come on.” His deep chucked mixed with Dana’s light laughter.

The two walked in a quiet understanding to Logan’s car. It was a small Ford Focus. Logan opened the door for Dana, surprising herself to no end. The door was shut behind her.

“Thanks for giving me a ride home. I don’t have a car,” Dana admitted.

Logan smirked. “Now we’re even. You saved my butt this morning, and I’ll give you a ride home.”

“I could have just walked home you know.”

“We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” Dana rolled her eyes, but she liked that he wouldn’t want her walking home. Maybe jocks could have a heart.

Dana gave the directions to Logan toward her house. The rest of the car was filled with pointless chatter about the football game. They reached her house soon enough, and Dana was thankful. “Thank you Logan.”

He nodded his head once. “No problem.” He went to unbuckle his seatbelt, when Dana stopped him.

“It’s fine. I can get to the house myself. Good night. Have a good weekend,” she added as she gently shut the door behind her before Logan had a chance to respond.

She walked up to her front door, opening it quickly. She ran upstairs to her room, to find Logan’s car still sitting in her driveways. From far away, Logan’s eyebrows were clearly knitted in confusion. Dana sank against her window. She hated falling for boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Probably not as exciting as you thought. But believe me, this chapter means a lot to the rest of the story. As you can tell, Logan doesn't open up much. Hint, hint for later.

Thoughts? =].