Status: Work In Progress.

The Flight of Youth

Chapter One.

My, how much fuss you caused that day! All the preparations, the physical and mental work, the never-ending time leading up to that fateful day! You changed their lives, and it would be their responsibility to shape yours. Your life entering this world was a prime example of the beauty that comes with birth; natural beauty, the beauty of innocence. Your mother flourished with your birth, as you were her most valued and most loved of her family. You, the first and only, the golden one of the family. It was as your mother often described you; you were the precious jewel of the family; the paragon of purity that captivated the world.

Your golden locks reflected on this ideal. You were pure, untouched, precious. Your cerulean eyes were curious and wandering, your skin was flawless and smooth to the touch. You were delicate, fragile, and just like any other valuable thing, you were coveted and loved by those who owned you. Yet, it was hard to tell if you were ever anything more than an object to them. They showered you with all the care, gifts, and love you could expect, yet time had a way of reflecting other things. Your family did love how you shined, though. They loved the way you released your brilliance in a magnificent aura of youth.

It was only a matter of time before you engaged on your flight.
♠ ♠ ♠
To begin, this story is more experimental than anything. I have yet to find my own personal way of writing things, and so I will be switching through some perspectives and own slight changes within this story.

This first chapter happens to be in the perspective of second-person. It is the first piece of work I have ever written in the second-person view. Chances are I will be writing a few other chapters in this perspective as well.

As for the chapter itself, I did not exactly have the muse I had when I first started writing. Admittedly, it is not my best work, but I do not like to think of it as terrible either. I'll let you all be the judge of it. Constructive criticism is much appreciated, and I hope to have the second chapter out relatively soon.

This is a short story, not meant to drag on or anything. I'm sure some people have been wondering what it is about. Simply put, it will be a small narrative of the life of some character I have created. Some chapters will be short, like this. Others may be long. It all depends on how I feel I am going to proceed with the story. I hope you all enjoy.