Status: Okaaay. So I changed Jaiiden's friend Baiilee, to Brailyn. Just so you guys know.(:

Best Friends? Screw That. I Hate You.

Chapter 2

There sitting on my LoveSack was Paiiton and Kaiilee, Alex and Huck where on my couches, Kaiice and Brailyn on the love seat, Kara and Shaiine on the floor, Leo and Fisher on the other love seat, and Hayden on one of the chairs. Leaving me to the three other chairs. I picked the one next to Kaiilee's side of the LoveSack. Fisher moved so that his arm could reach me and messed up my hair, I turned to him and gave him one of my meaniest looks and jumped up attacking him. Leo and Hayden screamed:


Just then, Teagan, Joel, and slutty bitch (aka Felicia) walked in. Teagan rushed over and grabbed me by the waist. Bringing me to the door that connected to my huge room. "Kaiilee! Baiilee! Paiiton! Shaiine! Kara! And Kaiice! Come with! Oh, Alex, Leo, Huck, you can come if you want!" I yelled to them and glared at Fisher. Hayden, Joel, Leo, Huck, and Alex laughed, till I gave them a glare too. Stopped them dead, I just had to giggle at their faces, I mean Huck and Fisher are big guys, they could take me down, but they are afraid to piss me off. Because when I'm pissed, not even The Hulk would want to fight me.

Teagan chuckled as he looked back shaking his head. The girls following behind us. Teagan sat me on my King size Temper-pedic bed and then straddling over me, and pinning my arms above my head, smirking.

"Well, well, well, Jaii, looks like your stuck." He said smirking even more.

When my girls giggled, he turned around and winked. Kaiilee grabbed Brailyn, who grabbed Shaiine, who grabbed, Kara, who grabbed Kaiice, who grabbed Paiiton and walked to my huge closet, which we usually hung out in because I set up a TV and a couch in there.

"GIRLS! DON'T LEAVE ME!" I yelled, they continued giggling and walking, closing the closet door behind them.

"Well, Jai, just you and me now." Teagan said smirking and winking.

"Well, Teagan. Looks like I'm stuck here with you." I said smiling a bit.He bent down and was just about to kiss me when Joel walked in.

"BLOODY HELL!" He screamed. I looked at him and smiled.

"Hi, Joellyy!!!" I yelled to him. Teagan just grinned,

"Hey Bud!" He said to Joel.

Joel was shocked frozen and my girls came out of the closet to stare at Joel. Fisher walked in behind Joel and dropped his jaw, following him Huck and Leo, who also stopped to stare, and finally Hayden and Alex walked in and burst into laughter.

"Teagan, either kiss me or move, 'cause your going to die either way." I whisper to him. He let go of my wrist and straddle me still but sat up.

"Well, nothing to see here, just the normal Jaiden and Teagan act!" Alex and Hayden said.

Then they turned around and went walking back into the lounge, my six best girl friends following them, nodding. Huck and Leo grabbed Fisher and carried him back, leaving Joel staring at Teagan still straddling me.

"Bro, what the bloody hell?!" He screamed to Teagan turning around and stomped out, slamming the door behind him.

"Well, isn't he just peachy today?" I said grinning up at Teagan. He chuckled and rolled over, so I was on top.

"Now, I like it this way, WAY better." I said grinning.

I pinned his arms above his head and straddled him. This time, we succeed in kissing, but right when I was allowing him access to my mouth, Alex and Hayden walk in, casual-y and sit on the bed on either side of us. I broke away and looked at them.

"What. The. Bloody. Fucking. HELL?!"

I screamed at Hayden. Then turned to Alex, I was getting ready to scream at him when both Hayden and Alex jumped up and bolted to the door, leaving it open. Damn it!

"Hey, Teag, can you get off." I whispered and smiled at him.

He chuckled, rolling over, this time making me be on top. I giggled and pecked him on the lips, then rolled off him. I was getting up when he pulled me back down and whispered into my ear,

"Jaii, wanna just lay in bed and watch tv?" I smiled and nodded.

"Let me close the door, though." I said getting back up.

"Joel!" I called into my lounge room.

"Yes, Jaii?" He said turning around.

"I'm going to stay in my room with Teag and watch tv. 'Kay?" I said, smiling. He rolled his eyes, and said,

"You two should just go out, my gosh." Turning back to the tv.

I giggled, turning around back into my room and closed the door. Teagan grinned at me as I walked back to my bed.

"Jaii, walk faster! I'm becoming impatient!" Teagan said smirking at me.

"Oh, wait, I have to change, oh and pee, and maybe I will go make popcorn first!" I said turning towards my closet smirking.

Teagan got up and ran towards me, scooping me up and carrying me, bridal style, to the bed. Setting my down and then sitting next to me. He put his arm around me and kissing my cheek.

"Now, this is much better, Jaii." He said into my ear. I looked at him and smiled.


I woke up snuggled up to Teagan. He was sleeping soundlessly and he looked so cute. I smiled and slowly turned myself around, being careful not to wake him. I grabbed my cell from the night stand and looked at the time. It was one in the morning. I had four new texts: One from Bree-ana, One from Beckett, One from Kaiilee, and one from Fisher.

I checked Bree's first:

'Jaii! Can't wait for Wednesday! We are SOOOO hanging out after school!'

I smiled and replied, then Beckett's:

'Ello love! You and I are hanging out Thursday!-Beckett<3'

I giggled and checked

Kaiilee's: 'We left, didn't want to wake you though, text me when you wake up!-Kaii<3' I

replied saying:

'Just woke up, in Teag's arms, not moving :]-Jaii~Babii<3'

Then i checked Fisher's:

'Hey Jaii, when your boyy toyy wakes up, tell him we went to Hayden's.-Fish<3'

I didn't reply to that one, sighing and closed my cell. I turned back over and snuggled back into Teagan.

About a half hour later, I was just falling asleep when my door opened. I mumbled and looked to the door. Joel had a panicked looked on his face.

"Joel?" I whispered to him, his face blanked.

"Jaii, mom and dad are home! Get Teagan out of your bed and into the lounge! now!" He yelled in a whisper.

I looked at Teagan and then back at Joel then back to Teagan.

"Teag, hunny." I whispered into Teagan's ear. I kissed him lightly on the lips, that woke him up.

"Mhhmm." He mumbled, deepening the kiss. I smiled and pulled away.

"Teag, you need to get in my lounge. My parents are home. They can't know you were in here." I whispered to him.

He pouted but got up.

"Teag, go!" I whispered as he turned and walked out.

I snuggled into my blankets and pretended to sleep. I heard my door open, and two
sets of footsteps walk across the floor.

"Jaiden. Wake up sweetie!" My mother whispered into my ear. I pretended to wake up and mumbled,

"Ma?" I opened my eyes to see her and dad smiling at me.

"Hi ma. Hi pa." I said smiling back to them.

"Jaiden, we got you something while we were gone." My dad said.

I looked at him with curious eyes. "REALLY?!" I yelled, sitting up. "Really, love, come on." I was just about to get up when a husky (puppy) came running into the room. "OH!" I screamed as the puppy tried to jump on the bed, I picked him up and he headed straight for me. I giggled as he licked me.

"HE'S MINE?!" I said smiling the puppy.

"Yup, you can even name him." Ma said petting his head.

"Really?! YAY!" I screamed.

The door to my lounge opened and in walked Teagan and Joel.

"Sis, what's going on?" Joel said walking over to the bed.

"Well, ma and pa just gave me Teaggie." I said smiling. Teagan had a confused look on his face till I lifted my puppy up so they could see him.

"Your naming him Teaggie?!" Teagan said grinning.


My Mom and dad laughed and said goodnight leaving us to sleep. Teagan climbed in bed next to me and set me on his lap.

"I like the name of your puppy." He whispered into my neck, kissing it. I giggled and said,

"Well, my puppy need a really amazing name, so I figured why not name it after an amazing person?" Teagan smiled and lifted his head.

"Your such a fucking tease." He said kissing my cheek. Teaggie barked and then snuggled up at the end of the bed, falling asleep.

"Teaggie is so cute!" I said petting him.

"Teag, we should probably go back to bed." I said pointing to the clock. He chuckled and pulled me close to him, I snuggled into him. Falling fast asleep.


In the morning, I woke up to a dog barking, trying to block it out, I snuggled into Teagan more.

"Jaii, hun, get up and take Teaggie out." He mumbled into my hair.

"No, you!" I said into his chest. He grunted, but unwrapped himself and got up. I groaned and wrapped the blankets tighter around me as Teaggie and Teagan left the room.

About ten minutes later, I was just about to fall back into a deep sleep when the door opened and Teaggie and Teagan came back in.

"Jaiden, breakfast is ready downstairs. SO GET UP!" He yelled, I didn't have to look to know he was smirking.

"Fine, but one thing first?" I said, smirking now.
"FUCK OFF!" I yelled.

As I jumped out of bed and ran for the door, that is until a pair of arms wrapped around me, stopping me.

"Damn it!" I mumbled, as Teagan threw me over his shoulder.

"You asked for this one, JaiiJaii." He said as he walked to my 'hidden' staircase.

A few minutes later, we were on the pool-floor. I was beginning to panic because Teag was headed for the pool. I screamed as I was thrown into the indoor heated pool, that we had.

"TEAG!! These are my FAVORITE PJS! YOUR SO GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!" I screamed as soon as I surfaced, swimming to the stairs and climbing out.

I went right on by him, going straight for the slider door and heading to where we kept our swim suits and towels, which luckily, we were smart enough to put it right outside the pool area. I grabbed my tiniest bikini and a small towel, then I headed towards the giant bathroom. I took a quick shower and put the bikini on. I walked right back out to see Teagan, Joel, and Hayden in the arcade that was on the same floor as the pool. I put my towel on a chair we had out and then headed for the elevator, so I could grab my cell and iPod touch from my room.

I quickly ate breakfast, while I waited for my six best friends to show up, so we could put our amazing plan into action. I knew that Joel would be with Hayden, Teagan, Huck, Alex, Fisher, and Leo. Meaning my girls and I each had one guy to torture with our bikinis. I was just finishing up cleaning when they arrived.

"Hey chicas!" I said smirking at them.

"Girls, we ready to get six guys pissed?!" I said grinning as they all screamed


I ran to my room and grabbed my iPod touch and iHome, then ran to the elevator, meeting the girls on the floor above the pool floor. Once we were all piled into the elevator I hit the button and we were on the pool floor in minutes. We all had towels in hand, sunglasses on, bathing suits fitting just right as we walked into the room the boys were in, stopped to get water in the mini fridge then continued to the pool.

I heard Huck and Leo whispering to each other, saw Alex and Hayden's jaws drop, felt Fisher and Teagan's gaze on me, along with a glare from Joel, and I could taste sweet revenge in my mouth. I smirked as we strutted past and to the pool chair to lay our stuff.

"Damn, we have those boys wrapped around our finger!" Both Kaiil and Kaiic said grinning as Shaii closed the slider door behind her.

"Well, Kaiic, Kaii, Brai, Shaii, Paiit, and Kara, what would you bitches like to do first?"

"I say we throw each other in!" Paiit yelled pushing Shaii in.

I run over to Paiit, pushing her in and then Brai pushed me in, Brai got pushed in by Kaiic who got pushed in by Kaiil. We all ran at Kaiil, hugging her and jumping in the pool. I heard the door slide, right as I went under, plan is working.

I came back up to see Teagan, Fisher, Hayden, Alex, Leo, and Huck standing there laughing at us. I smiled,

"Hi boys, what's up?" I said as though all us girls weren't in just about nothing.Teagan smiled and bent down in front of me,

"Hey Jaii, laughing at you girls, why are you in the pool?" He asked leaning down to help me up, or so he thought.

Right when he was about to pull up, I tugged down, laughing as he went head first into the water, still holding my hand. As he came back up, I smirked.

"What the hell Jaii?" He asked pouting when he saw my smirk, then realized why he was in the pool.

"Oh, this is your revenge?" He asked pulling me into a hug.

"Yes, but it just started, my girls and I haven't even began the fun. Good luck buddy." I whispered into his ear.

My lips graze his ear and then swam away and got out. I walked over to the other side of the pool area, grabbed my towel and walked into the arcade room to find Joel watching a movie.

"Hey Joely, what's wrong?" I asked sitting next to him on the giant love sack.

"You and your friends trying to get revenge, Jaii, I'm your twin, I know you too damn well to know that this is just to get back at Teag for throwing you in the pool.-"

He was saying, till I cut him off,

"Joely, I got Teag back, I pulled him in. Now it's about having fun. So get the hell up and make those boys change into their swim suits! We are staying out at the pool today!"

I smiled and got up, grabbing Joel and towing him out to the pool.

"BOYS! SWIM SUITS! NOW!" I yelled playfully to them, pushing them to the door that led to were we kept swim suits.


"Huck! Teag! Here now!" I yelled to them from the shallow end. "I wanna do a stunt!"

I said smiling as Huck grabbed one foot, Teag got the other and Fisher had backbase. I went into a full liberty then spun into a cradle, back up into a full and then thrown off into a dive. I swam straight to Leo and pulled at his swim suit till they came off, I swam back to where Fisher was and hid behind him. That is until I got his too, then to Alex and Huck, after Hayden, next Teag.

Once done, I threw their suits to the deck, and jumped out. Shaii, Baii, and Paiit were all out of the pool and in the arcade waiting for me, Kara, Kaiic and Kaiil were right in front of me. I was just about at the door with the suits when Joel grabbed me from behind, I threw the suits to Kara who gave them to Kaiic and Kaiil, she ran back for me. Tickling Joel to get free was easy and we ran back to the door, this time succeeding.

Joel went in through the other door, locking it behind himself. He came into the arcade laughing.

"Jaii, you are the fucking BEST! I can't believe that!" He said high-fiving me.

"Well, Joely, told you, my side is better! Good thing you listened."

I smiled, laying on the love sack with Shaii and Paiit. I turned to the pool as Teag stuck his tongue out at me,


I thought, and looked scared. "Sis, if you're worry about Teaggie, he is with Jack, who by the way, loves him to death."

Joel said when he saw the scared look, and I relaxed. I turned back to the glass, sticking my tongue out at the boys before turning around and smacking my ass. Then walked away smirking.

I was still smirking when I reached the elevator, that is until a wet pair of arms wrapped around me.


I mumbled, turning around to come face to face with...
♠ ♠ ♠
I love ending chapters like that.
Steal guys swiim suits and hid in the house so you can laugh at them?
Swim suits: click herreee
Love ya,