Status: Active. <3

High School Assassin

By Day ...

The bell rang signaling the end of class. Thank god, I hated history. Another minute of it and I would of done something really stupid. We were learning about world war two.

As we all filed out the door I heard people talking about how awful it would have been to live in that danger, not being able to walk around safely.

These naïve people, can they not see the danger in this world, do they not watch the news? There is always danger, in every shadow, in every corner. I was almost jealous of their stupidity.

We had lunch now, and I walked to my locker dodging the immense amount of people in the halls. I threw my books into the back of my locker and grabbed lunch. I didn’t sit with anyone at breaks, it was too dangerous. I always sat in the clump of trees in the corner of the fenced oval, leaning against the metal fence. I really find this place a living hell. I mean I could just scale this fence and be out of her very easily, but I know I can’t, and it just makes me so mad that escape is so close.

“Oi Blaze!” I heard someone yell. My head involuntarily snapped up towards the newcomer. Shit.

“What do you want Mase.” I almost groaned as I looked back down at my lunch.

Mase is one of the “poplars’”. Every school has them, there absolute bitches. He was tall and was obviously strong, a jock. His dirty blonde hair flopped in front of his intense green eyes that every girl in the school swooned over. It was almost gag worthy.

Mase’s one favorite thing to do at lunch was to piss me off. I shut my eyes, keeping my emotions off my face. I knew one of these days I was going to snap, and then he will be in trouble.

“Don’t sound so annoyed Blaze! You could hurt someone’s feelings.” He whined, as I suppressed a growl. “I mean what type of name is Blaze anyway? It certainly doesn’t fit a girl like you …” he trailed off suggestively staring down my top.

“Is there a meaning to you being here Mase?” I asked annoyed, tapping his nose and pointing to my face. This man is such a pig. His eyes narrowed.

“Why are you here Blaze?” he asked.

“To learn.”

“I mean, no one here gives a rat’s ass about you. You could just drop dead tomorrow, and no one would care.”

“That’s no way to speak to a girl, where’s your chauvinistic side?” I asked sarcastically.

“Where are your parents? Your family? You purposefully push everyone out of your life. Why are you like that?” he paused a smirk appeared on his face. “are you dangerous? defective? Or just plain idiotic?” he asked in a condescending tone. I ignored him. I mean why bother answer his question? He’s just going to make up a story and spread it round the school anyway, just like he’s done before.

I shrugged.

His eyes darkened at that, and he brought back his hand. This shitwad was going to hit a girl? He obviously thought no girl could win against him, so he ruled over them. This pig head mad me so mad. Just as his fist was about to land on my face, I brought my hand up and caught is fist. I hadn’t even looked up from my lunch.

“If you ever try to hit me again,” I seethed. “I will personally take it upon myself to deal out your karma!” his expression was shocked as I finally lifted my face.

The bell rang then, making him jump. I let go of his fist as I jumped up gracefully walking back to that hell known as school.

After lunch I have Sport. I liked sport, to a degree. I am very athletic; I have to be in my line of work. But I had to stay inconspicuous so I had to jog and keep back and pretend.

This week we are training for the cross country races. So we just run around for a couple of hours.

“Listen up students!” the sport teacher yelled, “were going to be training for the races this week! So I want to see you all running! We are going to be running around the oval, and then out those gates and around the school then back. Whoever reaches back here first gets extra credit in any subject!”

There was a lot of commotion when she said “extra credit”. I could easily win this, but I don’t really need the extra credit, I’m acing all my subjects. I’ll just hang in the middle or so.
The teacher then blew her whistle and everyone ran. Running was quite therapeutic for me, the rhythmic beats of my feet on the ground and my steady breathing relaxing my body. I loved running, but it was hard to not full out sprint right now.

I could see the popular girls out the corner of my eyes at the bag, jogging in a line and gossiping, all trying not to get to sweaty so they could still flirt with the boys. God I hated them, they think they’re better than everyone else. They are all bitches. I’m sorry I’m rambling, but what else is there to talk about while running?

As we all made it back to the starting point, Mase was standing there with a huge smile on his face, obviously he won.

“And what subject do you want your extra credit for Mase?” the teacher asked.

“Chem. Class” he replied, with that arrogant smile plastered across his face.

We got dismissed than and we all trudged back to our lockers. Because we have sport last thing, we can go home in our sports uniforms.

I couldn’t handle school for much longer so I just sprinted home. I live in an apartment building, just off the main road.

“Good Afternoon, Miss Blaze.” The person at the desk greeted.

“Afternoon” I said as I walked up the stairs to the third floor. I was getting so bored of high school, I need a change.

I walked into my room and as I dropped my school bag, my mobile started ringing. I almost didn’t want to answer it, but I can never just let that phone ring.

I picked it up and slid it open, holding it to my ear.

“You are needed.” The familiar voice said.
♠ ♠ ♠
This idea just came to my head the other day.
I was thinking about writing it, when i found this really good assassin story on here.
It inspired and motivated me to write this story!
so thank you PACE_girl

im not sure if i will continue this story ...
comment and let me know if you think i should continue!

thank you.